Yohakimu wa Fiore

Yohakimu wa Fiore (picha ya karne ya 15).

Yohakimu wa Fiore, O.Cist., au wa Flora (kwa Kiitalia Gioacchino da Fiore) alikuwa mmonaki wa Italia kusini (Celico, leo mkoani Calabria, 1135 hivi – San Martino di Canale, Calabria, 30 Machi 1202) aliyeanzisha abasia ya San Giovanni in Fiore na shirika lilitokana na lile la Citeaux.

Ni maarufu kwa mafundisho yake ambayo baadaye yalikuja kulaaniwa na Kanisa Katoliki kama ya kizushi.

Hata hivyo mwenyewe hakuwa na nia hiyo, bali alimwekea Papa maamuzi yoyote juu yake. [1]

Kwa sababu hiyo shirika lake, likizingatia uadilifu wake wa kishujaa, liliwahi kumtangaza mwenye heri, na sasa jimbo lake la Cosenza-Bisignano linaendelea na kesi ya kumtambua hata mtakatifu.

Maandishi yake

Dialogi de prescientia Dei
  • Liber Concordiae Novi ac Veteris Testamenti (Harmony of the Old and New Testaments/Book of Concordance), iliyokamilika mwaka 1200.[2]
  • Expositio in Apocalipsim (Exposition of the Book of Revelation), iliyokamilika miaka 1196-9. [3]
  • Psalterium Decem Cordarum (Psaltery of Ten Strings).[4]
  • Tractatus super quatuor Evangelia (Treatise on the four Gospels).[5]

Maandishi mengine ni kama vile:

  • Genealogia (Genealogy), iliyoandikwa mwaka 1176.[6]
  • De prophetia ignota, iliyoandikwa mwaka 1184.[7]
  • Adversus Judeos (also known as Exhortatorium Iudeorum), iliyokamilika mwaka 1180s.[8]
  • De articulis fidei, iliyoandikwa miaka ya 1180.[9]
  • Professio fidei, iliyoandikwa miaka ya 1180.[10]
  • Tractatus in expositionem vite et regule beati Benedicti, hotuba za miaka ya 1180.[11]
  • Praephatio super Apocalipsim. iliyoandikwa miaka ya 1188-1192.[12]
  • Intelligentia super calathis. iliyoandikwa miaka ya 1190-1.[13]
  • De ultimis tribulationibus, hotuba fupi.[14]
  • Enchiridion super Apocalypsim. iliyoandikwa miaka ya 1194-6, toleo la awali la Liber introductorius iliyo dibaji ya Expositio in Apocalipsim.[15]
  • De septem sigillis.[16]


  1. [1] Barua ya Kiitalia kutoka Vatikano katika jubilei yake
  2. The 1519 Venice edition was reprinted in Frankfurt-am-Main in 1964. Books 1-4 are available in Daniel, E. R. (1983). "Liber De Concordia Novi Ac Veteris Testament". Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. 73 (8). Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society.. Book V remains only available in the 1519 (and 1964) edition.
  3. The Liber introductoris in Apocalypsim, sometimes cited as a separate work, forms an introduction to this. The 1527 Venice edition was reprinted in Frankfurt-am-Main in 1964.
  4. The 1527 Venice edition was reprinted in Frankfurt-am-Main, 1965. A more modern Latin text is in Joachim von Fiore, Psalterium decem cordarum, ed. Kurt-Victor Selge. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Quellen zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 20; Ioachimi Abbatis Florensis Opera Omnia, 1.) Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2009.
  5. The Latin text is in Tractatus super quatuor Evangelia di Gioacchino da Fiore, ed. by E. Buonaiuti (Rome, 1930).
  6. Potestà, G. L. (2000). "'Die genealogia. Ein frühes Werk Joachims von Fiore und die Anfänge seines Geschichtsbildes'". Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters. 56: 55–101. ISSN 0012-1223.
  7. Matthias Kaup, ed, De prophetia ignota: eine frühe Schrift Joachims von Fiore, (Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 1998).
  8. The Latin text is in Adversus Iudeos di Gioacchino da Fiore, ed. A. Frugoni (Rome, 1957).
  9. The Latin text is in De articulis fidei di Gioacchino da Fiore. Scritti minori, ed. by E. Buonaiuti (Rome, 1936).
  10. Professio fidei, in P de Leo, ed, Gioacchino da Fiore. Aspetti inediti della vita e delle opere, Soneria Mannelli 1988, pp. 173-175.
  11. The Latin text is in C Baraut, 'Un tratado inédito de Joaquín de Flore: De vita sancti Benedicti et de officio divino secundum eius doctrinam ', Analecta sacra Tarraconensia, 24 (1951), pp 33-122.
  12. Praephatio super Apocalipsim, in K-V Selge, ed, 'Eine Einführung Joachims von Fiore in die Johannesapokalypse', Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters, 46 (1990), pp 85-131.
  13. Intelligentia super calathis ad abbatem Gafridum, in P de Leo, ed, Gioacchino da Fiore. Aspetti inediti della vita e delle opere, Soveria Mannelli 1988, pp 125-148.
  14. The Latin text is printed in K-V Selge, ed, 'Ein Traktat Joachims von Fiore über die Drangsale der Endzeit: De ultimis tribulationibus ', Florensia 7 (1993), pp 7-35. The English translation is in E. Randolph Daniel, 'Abbot Joachim of Fiore: The De ultimis tribulationibus', in A Williams, ed, Prophecy and Millenarianism: Essays in Honour of Marjorie Reeves, (Harlow: Longmans, 1980), 167-189.
  15. The Latin text is in Edward Kilian Burger, ed, Joachim of Fiore, Enchiridion super Apocalypsim, Studies and Texts, 78, (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1986).
  16. M Reeves and B Hirsch-Reich, eds, 'The Seven Seals in the Writings of Joachim of Fiore', Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale 21 (1954), pp 239-247.


  • Thomas Gil, "Zeitkonstruktion als Kampf- und Protestmittel: Reflexionen über Joachim's von Fiore Trinitätstheologische Geschichtskonstruktion und deren Wirkungsgeschichte." In Constructions of Time in the Late Middle Ages, ed. Carol Poster and Richard Utz (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1997), pp. 35–49.
  • Henri de Lubac, La Postérité spirituelle de Joachim de Flore, Lethielleux, 1979 and 1981 (Kifaransa)
  • Marjorie Reeves, Joachim of Fiore & the prophetic future : a medieval study in historical thinking, Stroud : Sutton Pub., 1999.
  • Matthias Riedl, Joachim von Fiore. Denker der vollendeten Menschheit, Koenigshausen & Neumann, 2004. (Kijerumani)
  • E. Randolph Daniel, Abbot Joachim of Fiore and Joachimism, Variorum Collected Studies Series, Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2011.
  • P. Lopetrone, L'effigie dell'abate Gioacchino da Fiore", in Vivarium, Rivista di Scienze Teologiche dell'Istituto Teologico S. Pio X di Catanzaro, Anno XX, n. 3, Edizioni Pubblisfera 2013, pp. 361–386.

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