

Prisoners and gendarms on the road to Siberia (Geoffroy, 1845)


siwkay nu bahbah

nu mapalaway a kamu, mibahbah sa, mipaliyas tu tademaw saca aadupan saca dietu...

tinaku a kamu

bahbahan 被趕走了 / bahbahan nu pikadabuan ci Kaying.

bahbahen 趕走(命令) / bahbahen nu ama ci Kacaw!

mabahbah 被趕 / mabahbah nu acawa ci Tubah kiyu milakalak i Pusung.

mibahbah 驅趕 / mibahbah tu palabuway.

pibahbahi 趕走 / pibahbahi tu nani' i paluday!

u sulit nu Hulam atu Amilika

驅逐(惡靈)​,祭師行為時的用語。 mibahbah tu da'cusay a di'tu, u kamu nu kawaw nu mapalaway.

驅逐出境 是將一個人或一群人從一個地方或國家出境,自古就有。mibahbah tu de'cusay a tademaw namakay kakitizaan asaca kantal, naizawtu nay sumamaday.

to drive out , referring usually to evil spirits.

Deportation is the expulsion of a person or group of people from a place or country. The term expulsion is often used as a synonym for deportation, through expulsion is more often used in the context of international law, while deportation is more used in national (municipal) law.

namakayniay a nasulitan nasakamuan atu natinengan

