Ili Kere-Kere

Nome Ventura Ximenes... Data de nacimento :01 de Fevereiru 2002 Data de Explicar do Historia 4 de Julli 2023

                              N[File:Ile Kére Kére02.jpg|thumb|Ili Kere-kere]]

Ili Kere-Kere mak foho ka fatuk kuak ida ne'ebé nia ejistensia úniku teb-tebes iha Rai Doben Timor-Leste, ne’ebe mak nakotu ho pintura ka imajem sira ne'ebé deskoňesidu teb-tebes, ne’ebe mak to agora ema lahatene nia orijem husi ne'ebé no nia mosu tinan hira ona. Tuir Peskijador balun hateten katak foho refere nia ejistensia mosu tinan atus ba atus ona, ho rajaun ida katak imajem refere mai husi Beiala sira ne’ebe mak dalabarak ekspresa sai sira nia ideia ka sentimentu ruma liu husi hakerek iha fatuk ka foho lolon ne’e. Maibe Populasun ne'ebé mak hela besik area refere mos lahatene historia lolos husi foho ne’e resik, sira so bele hateten katak imajem sira ne’ebe mak iha fatuk lolon ne'e heransa husi avo sira. Foho refere iha parte Leste Husi Timor, munisipiu Lautein, postu administrativu Tutuala. Ili kere-kere agora dadaun sai hanesan Fatin Turismo ida ne’ebe mak atria teb-tebes vizitantes sira liu-liu husi Turista estanjeiru sira ne'ebe mak mai vizita Rai Doben Timor Leste. Iha ne'eba Vizitante sira livre atu vizita fatin Turismu hirak ne'e, no karik laran kman bele hakar liu hodi hare Illa Jaco no fatin turismu sira seluk ne'ebe mak eziste iha Rai Doben ne'e inklui Foho Ili Kere-kere.


Komunidade Tutuala hanaran foho ne'e Ili Kere-kere, ne'ebé foti husi lian materna ida iha area ne’eba mak Fataluku. Iha Lian Fataluku, Ili katak Foho no Kere-kere katak Makerek, nune'e Ili Kere-kere katak Foho Makerek.


  • Peter Bellwood: Prehistory of the Indo-Malaysian Archipelago Archived 2018-06-04 iha Wayback Machine.. 2., Revidierte Ausgabe: ANU Press, Canberra 2007, ISBN 9781921313127.
  • Ian Glover: Archaeology in Eastern Timor, 1966–67. Department of Prehistory, Research School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University, Canberra 1986, ISBN 0-86784-943-6 (Terra Australis 11).
  • Sue O’Connor: Nine New Painted Rock Art Sites from East Timor in the context of the Western Pacific Region. In: Asian Perspectives. 42, No. 1, 2003, Template:ISSN, p. 96–128.
  • Katragadda Paddayya, Peter Bellwood: South and Southeast Asia. In: Barry Cunliffe, Wendy Davies, Colin Renfrew (Hrsg.): Archaeology. The Widening Debate. Oxford University Press for the British Academy, Oxford u. a. 2002, ISBN 0-19-726255-4, S. 295–334.
  • Matthew Spriggs, Sue O’Connor: Vestiges of Early Pre-agricultural Economy in the Landscape of East Timor. Recent Research. In: Anna Karlström, Anna Källén (Hrsg.): Fishbones and glittering emblems. Southeast Asian archaeology 2002. Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities (Östasiatiska museet), Stockholm 2003, ISBN 91-970616-0-3, p. 49–58.

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