David Samuel Margoliouth

David Samuel Margoliouth (17 Ekim 1858, Londra – 23 Mart 1940, Londra), İngiliz doğubilimci. Bir ara İngiltere Kilisesi'nde papaz olarak etkin olmuştur. 1889 ila 1937 arası Oxford Üniversitesi'nde Arapça Laudian Profesör idi.[1][2]


  • Mohammed and the Rise of Islam. 1905.
  • Umayyads and 'Abbasids. 1907.
  • The Early Development of Mohammedanism. 1914.
  • Yaqut's dictionary of learned men. 7 vols. 1908-1927.
  • The Kitab al-Ansab of al-Sam'ani. 1911.
  • Mohammedanism. 1912.
  • The Table-talk of a Mesopotamian judge. 2 vols. 1921-1922.
  • The Eclipse of the Abbasid Caliphate. 1922.
  • The Relations Between Arabs and Israelites Prior to the Rise of Islam. Schweich Lecture for 1921. 1924.
  • Lectures on Arabic historians, delivered before the University of Calcutta, February 1929. Byzantine series, 38. New York City: Burt Franklin, 1930.


  1. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica (14th edition) - article Margoliouth, David Samuel
  2. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica (15th edition) - article Margoliouth, David Samuel