Нинди таксонда бар H. sapiens[d][1]
Кодлаучы ген DAG1[d][1]
Молекуляр функция calcium ion binding[d][2], связывание с белками плазмы[d][3][4][5][…], virus receptor activity[d][2], alpha-actinin binding[d][6], vinculin binding[d][6], actin binding[d][6], tubulin binding[d][6], structural constituent of muscle[d][7], SH2 domain binding[d][8], laminin binding[d][2], laminin-1 binding[d][2][2] һәм dystroglycan binding[d][2]
Күзәнәк компоненты cell-cell junction[d][2], төш[2][2], синапс[2][2], contractile ring[d][6], filopodium[d][6], Перехваты Ранвье[d][2], costamere[d][2], lamellipodium[d][6], dystroglycan complex[d][2], липидный рафт[d][2], межклеточные контакты[d][2], цитоскелет[d][2], мембрана[d][2][2][2], экзосома[d][9][10][11], basolateral plasma membrane[d][2], postsynaptic membrane[d][2], Сарколемма[d][2][2], цитоплазма[2][2][12], мембрана өлеше[d][2][13], фокальные контакты[d][14][15][16], күзәнәк мембранасы[d][2][2][2][…], dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex[d][2][2][17], нуклеоплазма[d][2][12], базаль мембрана[d][2][18], цитозоль[d][2], күзәнәк тышындагы мохит[d][14][14][19][…], endoplasmic reticulum lumen[d][2], Люмен аппарата Гольджи[d][2], plasma membrane raft[d][2], наружная сторона клеточной мембраны[d][2], nuclear periphery[d][2], внеклеточный матрикс[d][20], күзәнәк тышындагы өлкә[d][14][14][21], күзәнәк тышындагы өлкә[d][2][2][22], күзәнәк тышындагы мохит[d][2][2][23][…], фокальные контакты[d][2][6][24], collagen-containing extracellular matrix[d][25], экзосома[d][26][27], glutamatergic synapse[d][2], GABA-ergic synapse[d][2] һәм postsynaptic cytosol[d][2]
Биологик процесс NLS-bearing protein import into nucleus[d][28], extracellular matrix organization[d][2], вирусный процесс[d][2], regulation of embryonic cell shape[d][2], response to peptide hormone[d][2], regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition[d][29], positive regulation of basement membrane assembly involved in embryonic body morphogenesis[d][29], viral entry into host cell[d][2], regulation of gastrulation[d][29], negative regulation of cell migration[d][30], Schwann cell development[d][2], membrane protein ectodomain proteolysis[d][31], calcium-dependent cell-matrix adhesion[d][2], negative regulation of MAPK cascade[d][30], nerve maturation[d][2], microtubule anchoring[d][6], commissural neuron axon guidance[d][2], branching involved in salivary gland morphogenesis[d][2], negative regulation of protein kinase B signaling[d][30], morphogenesis of an epithelial sheet[d][2], myelination in peripheral nervous system[d][2], basement membrane organization[d][2], epithelial tube branching involved in lung morphogenesis[d][2], modulation by virus of host process[d][32], protein O-linked glycosylation[d][14], positive regulation of cell-matrix adhesion[d][2], старение человека[d][2], Schwann cell differentiation[d][2], response to denervation involved in regulation of muscle adaptation[d][2], nerve development[d][2], axon regeneration[d][2], positive regulation of myelination[d][2], skeletal muscle tissue regeneration[d][2], positive regulation of protein kinase activity[d][2], positive regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation[d][2], cellular response to mechanical stimulus[d][2], cellular response to cholesterol[d][2], angiogenesis involved in wound healing[d][2], regulation of synapse organization[d][2], regulation of neurotransmitter receptor localization to postsynaptic specialization membrane[d][2] һәм retrograde trans-synaptic signaling by trans-synaptic protein complex[d][2]
Изображение Gene Atlas

DAG1 (ингл. ) — аксымы, шул ук исемдәге ген тарафыннан кодлана торган югары молекуляр органик матдә.[33][34]


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