Charles Arden-Clarke

Sir Charles Noble Arden-Clarke GCMG [1] (25 July 1898 – 16 December 1962) yɛ kane British nnisoɔ Adwumayeni.

Ne ho nsɛm

Arden-Clarke nyaa ne nhomasua wɔ sukuu a ɛde Rossall School [2]. Na ɔyɛ temanmuni ɔkandifo ma Bechuanaland Protectorate (akyiri Botswana) bɛyɛ afe 1937 ne 1942, bre a Otumfoɔ a ne din de Tsekedi Khama ne British Akandifo no wɔ ntawantawa a emu yɛ den paa [3]. ɔbɛyɛɛ temanmuni Kɔmisan maa Basutoland firi ɔsanaa, afe 1942 kosi Obubuo, afe 1946, na wɔ afe 1946 mu no, wɔpaw no sɛ ɔkandifo (gavena) a odikan wɔ British sodikuo kuro foforo a ɛne Sarawak, a akyiri yi ɛbɛdanee Sarawak Aheman wɔ afe 1946 mu. Wɔ n'amamuo ase no, temanmufo a wɔn wɔ Sarawak poo kuro no esiane sɛ,bre a wopaw no sɛ Kandifo pɛ na atutewfo kuo a ɛne Ant-cession Movement gyee kuro no bɔɔ so. Saa kuo no mu foɔ na wokuu n'ananmusini a ɔde Dunkan Stewart wɔ afe 1949.

Sarawak akyiri no, ɔbɛyɛɛ govena a otwa too wɔ Gold Coast (akyiri yi ɛbɛyɛɛ Ghana), firi Obubuo, afe 1949 kosii afe 1957, na ɔkɔtenaa Abankɛse a ɛde Fort Christiansborg [4]. Wɔ ɔgyefo da ɛtɔ so 12, afe 1951 mu no, ɔhyɛ sɛ wonnyi Kwame Nkruma mfiri James Fort afiase. Wɔ fahodie akyiri no, wɔpaw no sɛ Governor-General a odikan wɔ Ghana wɔ afe 1957. Arden-Clarke gye a ɔgyee abibiman too mu ne nneyɛe a ɔdaa no adi kyere Kwame Nkrumah no boa maa nhyehyɛe a wɔyɛɛ de gyee fahodie no kɔɔ so tɔteen.


Preview of references

  1. 1952 New Year Honours - Wikipedia
  2. Arden-Clarke, Sir Charles Noble, (25 July 1898–16 Dec. 1962) | WHO'S WHO & WHO WAS WHO (
  3. Kwame Nkrumah: The Father of African Nationalism - David Birmingham - Google Books
  4. Forts and Castles in the Colonial Period: Uses and Understandings of the Pre-colonial Fortifications in: Forts, Castles and Society in West Africa (