Шаблон:Infobox games
{name}[[File:{logo}|{size}]] {caption} |
Місто проведення | {host city} |
Країна | {country} |
Девіз | {motto} |
Країни-учасниці | {nations participating} |
Команди-учасниці | {teams participating} |
Країни-дебютанти | {debuting countries} |
Кількість спортсменів | {athletes participating} |
Види спорту | {sports} |
Змагання | {events} |
Церемонія відкриття | {opening ceremony} |
Церемонія закриття | {closing ceremony} |
Дата проведення | {dates} |
Відкриття | {officially opened by} |
Присяга атлета | {athlete's oath} |
Присяга судді | {judge's oath} |
Torch lighter | {torch lighter} |
Paralympic torch | {Paralympic torch} |
Queen's Baton Final Runner | {Queen's Baton} |
Main venue | {stadium} |
Paralympic stadium | {Paralympic stadium} |
Race length | {length} |
Індивідуальні призові (US$) | {indprize} |
Командні призові (US$) | {tmprize} |
Сайт | {website} |
< {SpreviousS} |
{SnextS} > |
{Infobox games
| name =
| logo =
| size =
| caption =
| host city =
| country =
| motto =
| nations participating =
| teams participating =
| debuting countries =
| athletes participating =
| sports =
| events =
| dates =
| opening ceremony = <!-- {Start date|YYYY|MM|DD} -->
| closing ceremony = <!-- {End date|YYYY|MM|DD} -->
| officially opened by =
| athlete's oath =
| judge's oath =
| torch lighter =
| Paralympic torch =
| Queen's Baton = <!-- for Commonwealth Games only -->
| stadium =
| Paralympic stadium =
| length =
| indprize =
| tmprize =
| website = <!-- {URL|example.com} -->
| previous =
| next =
| SpreviousS =
| SnextS =
| Sprevious =
| Snext =
- name = Name of the games
- logo = Internal URL to image file
- size = Custom size for the provided logo
- caption = For a brief description of the provided logo
- host city = Name of host city
- country = Name of host country
- motto = Motto/Slogan of the games
- nations participating = Total number of participating nations
- teams participating = Total number of participating teams
- debuting countries = Countries debuting at the games
- athletes participating = Total number of participating athletes
- events = Number of events
- opening ceremony = Date of opening ceremony. Use {Start date}.
- closing ceremony = Date of closing ceremony. Use {End date}.
- officially opened by = Name of person who officially opened the Games
- athlete's oath = Name of athlete who swore the athletes' oath
- judge's oath = Name of judge/official who swore the oath
- torch lighter = Name of last torch bearer
- Paralympic torch = Name of last paralympic torch bearer, if different
- stadium = Name of the main stadium
- Paralympic stadium = Name of the paralympic stadium, if different
- length = Race length
- indprize = Individual Prize Money (US$)
- tmprize = Team Prize Money (US$)
- Sprevious = Summer articles only: The previous Paralympic Winter Games
- Snext = Summer articles only: The next Paralympic Winter Games
- SpreviousS = Summer articles only: The previous Paralympic Summer Games
- SnextS = Summer articles only: The next Paralympic Summer Games
- Wprevious = Winter articles only: The previous Paralympic Winter Games
- Wnext = Winter articles only: The next Paralympic Winter Games
- WpreviousS = Winter articles only: The previous Paralympic Summer Games
- WnextS = Winter articles only: The next Paralympic Summer Games
- previous = For events with no Summer/Winter: The previous Games
- next = For events with no Summer/Winter: The next Games
- website = Website; use {URL}
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