Get Heavy

„Get Heavy“ — finlandiyalik musiqiy guruh Lordining 2002-yil chiqqan albomi. Albomga quyidagi qoʻshiqlar kiritilgan:

  1. Scarctic Circle Gathering (1:02)
  2. Get Heavy (3:00)
  3. Devil is a Loser (3:29)
  4. Rock the Hell Outta You (3:06)
  5. Would You Love a Monsterman? (3:04)
  6. Icon of Dominance (4:35)
  7. Not the Nicest Guy (3:12)
  8. Hellbender Turbulence (2:46)
  9. Biomechanic Man (3:22)
  10. Last Kiss Goodbye (3:08)
  11. Dynamite Tonite (3:14)
  12. Monster Monster (3:23)
  13. 13 (1:08)


  • Would You Love a Monsterman?
  • Devil is a Loser