Jack Black

Jek Blek
Jack Bkack
Tomas Jeykob Blek-kenja

28-avgust, 1969 (47 yosh)
Redondo-Bich, Kaliforniya, AQSh
Fuqaroligi Qoʻshma Shtatlar AQSh
Kasbi aktyor, komik, qo'shiqchi
Faoliyat yillari 1991-yil — bugun
Veb-sayt http://tenaciousd.com

Thomas JohnJackBlack, Jr. (talaffuzi: Tomas Jon Jek Blek; 28-avgust, 1969-yili tugʻilgan) amerikalik aktyor, komik va musiqachidir. U oʻzining rok uslubida koʻplab musiqiy albomlar chiqargan. Kino sanoatida ham ancha mashhur. Onasi yahudiy. Otasi Shotlandiyalik, yahudiy dinini qabul qilgan.

Hayotining boshlanishi

Musiqadagi karyerasi

Tenacious D


Yil Nom Rol Kerakli ishoratlar
1991 Our Shining Moments Teenage Boy
1992 Bob Roberts Roger Davis
1993 Demolition Man Wasteland Scrap
Airborne Augie
1994 The NeverEnding Story III Slip
Blind Justice Private
1995 Waterworld Floatplane Pilot
The X-Files Bart „Zero“ Liquori
Dead Man Walking Craig Poncelet
1996 Mars Attacks! Billy Glenn Norris
The Fan Technician
The Cable Guy Rick
Crossworlds Steve
1997 The Jackal Ian Lamont
Bongwater Devlin
1998 I Still Know What You Did Last Summer Titus Telesco
Enemy of the State Fiedler
1999 Jesus' Son Georgie
Cradle Will Rock Sid
2000 High Fidelity Barry
2001 Shallow Hal Hal Larson
Saving Silverman J. D. McNugent
Madtv Musical Guest (Tenacious D)
2002 Orange County Lance Brumder
Ice Age Zeke Voice
2003 School of Rock Dewey Finn Nominated for a Golden Globe[1]
Melvin Goes to Dinner Mental Patient
2004 Shark Tale Lenny Voice
Envy Nick Vanderpark
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy Motorcyclist Uncredited (cameo)
2005 King Kong Carl Denham
2006 Nacho Libre Nacho
The Holiday Miles
Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny Jack „Jables“ Black
2007 Margot at the Wedding Malcolm
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story Paul McCartney uncredited
The Simpsons Milo guest voice in episode Husbands and Knives
2008 Be Kind Rewind Jerry
Kung Fu Panda Po Voice
Tropic Thunder Jeff „Fats“ Portnoy
2009 The Year One Zed post-production
2010 School Of Rock: America Rocks! Dewey Finn
2011 Kung Fu Panda 2 Po Voice

Manbalarni koʻrib chiqish

  1. Jack Black (I) — Awards