
K-popJanubiy Koreya madaniyatining bir qismi sifatida Janubiy Koreyada paydo bo'lgan mashhur musiqa shakli.[1] U an'anaviy koreys musiqasi ildizlariga qo'shimcha ravishda pop, hip-hop, R&B, eksperimental, rok, jaz, gospel, reggi, elektron raqs, folklor, country, disko va klassika kabi dunyoning turli uslublari va janrlarini o'z ichiga oladi.[2]


  1. Hartong, Jan Laurens. Musical terms worldwide: a companion for the musical explorer. Semar Publishers, 2006 — 15 bet. ISBN 978-88-7778-090-4. „Since the 1990s, popular genres like rap, rock and techno house have been incorporated into Korean popular music, setting the trend for the present generation of K-pop, which often emulates American models.“ 
  2. Laurie, Timothy (2016), „Toward a Gendered Aesthetics of K-Pop“, Global Glam and Popular Music : Style and Spectacle from the 1970s to the 2000s: 214–231