Peter Lorre

Peter Lorre
László Löwenstein

26-iyun 1904-yil
Austria-Hungary (now Ružomberok, Slovakiya)
Vafoti 23-mart 1964-yil(1964-03-23)
(59 yoshda)
Los Angeles, Kaliforniya, A. Q. Sh.
Fuqaroligi AQSh, Avstriya va Veymar Respublikasi
Kasbi Aktyor
Faoliyat yillari 1929-1964
Turmush oʻrtogʻi
Celia Lovsky
(turm. 1934; ajr. 1945)

Kaaren Verne
(turm. 1945; ajr. 1950)

Anne Marie Brenning
(turm. 1953)
Bolalari 1

Peter Lorre (Laszlo Lövenstain,  [ˈlaːsloːˈløːvɛ(n)ʃtɒjn], 1904-yil 26-iyun — 1964-yil 23-mart) — vengriyalik va amerikalik aktyor, avval Yevropada, keyin esa AQShda ijod qilgan. U oʻzining sahna karerasini Avstriya-Vengriya imperiyasining Vena shahrida boshlagan, Germaniyaga koʻchib oʻtishdan oldin u yerda avval sahnada, soʻngra 1920-yillarning oxiri va 1930-yillarning boshlarida Berlinda kinoda ishlagan. Lorre Veymar Respublikasi davridagi Frits Lang rejissyori boʻlgan va bir qator filmlarda xalqaro shov-shuvga sabab boʻldi.


Lorre (László Löwenstein, veng.: Löwenstein László) 1904-yil 26-iyunda Alajos Lövenshteyn va uning rafiqasi Elvira Freischbergerning birinchi farzandi, Vengriyaning Lipto okrugidagi Rozsahegi shahrida (nemischa: Rosenberg, slovakcha: Ruzomberok, hozir Slovakiyada) tugʻilgan. Uning ota-onasi yahudiy boʻlib, otasi mahalliy toʻqimachilik fabrikasiga bosh buxgalter etib tayinlanganidan keyin[1] oila yaqindagina u yerga koʻchib oʻtgan edi. Alajos, shuningdek, Avstriya armiyasi zaxirasida leytenant boʻlib xizmat qilgan, yaʼni u tez-tez harbiy manevrlarda boʻlgan[2].

Aktyorlik karerasi

Lorre M filmida, (1931)

Lorre 17 yoshida Vena sahnasida oʻzini koʻrsatishni boshlagan. U yerda Vena Art Nouveau aktyori va qoʻgʻirchoqboz Richard Teschner bilan birga ishlagan. Keyin Breslauga, keyinroq Tsyurixga koʻchib oʻtdi. 1920-yillarning oxirida aktyor[3] Berlinga koʻchib oʻtdi va u yerda Bertolt Brext bilan ishladi, jumladan Brextning „Man Equals Man“ va „Happy End“ musiqiy filmidagi roli ortidan olqishlarga sazovor boʻldi.

Salomatligining buzilishi va oʻlimi

Gollivud Foreverdagi Peter Lorning oʻrni

Lorre yillar davomida oʻt pufagining surunkali kasalliklaridan aziyat chekdi, buning uchun shifokorlar morfin buyurdilar. Lorre muammoni yengillashtirish uchun doimiy ogʻriq va morfinga qaramlik oʻrtasida qolib ketdi. Aynan janob Moto filmlari davrida Lorre oʻzining giyohvandligi bilan kurashgan va uni yenggan[4].

U 1964-yil 23-martda Los-Anjelesda insultdan vafot etdi[5]. Uning jasadi kuydirildi va kullari Gollivuddagi Gollivud abadiy qabristoniga dafn qilindi. Vinsent Prays dafn marosimida maqtovni oʻqidi[2].


Yil Sarlavha Rol Rejissyor Izoh
1929 The Missing Wife Tish shifokori bemori Karl Leiter Akkreditivsiz
1930 Der weiße Teufel Nomaʼlum rol AlexanDoktorVolkoff Tasdiqlanmangan
1931 M Hans Beckert Fritz Lang
1931 Bomben auf Monte Carlo Pawlitschek Hanns Schwarz
1931 Die Koffer des Herrn O. F. Redakteur Stix Alexis Granowsky
1932 Fünf von der Jazzband Mashina oʻgʻrisi Erich Engel
1932 Schuß im Morgengrauen Klotz Alfred Zeisler
1932 The White Demon Hunchback Kurt Gerron
1932 Narcotics Hunchback Roger Le Bon
1932 F. P.1 antwortet nicht Bildreporter Johnny Karl Hartl
1933 What Women Dream Otto Fuesslli Géza von Bolváry
1933 The Oil Sharks Henry Pless Henri Decoin
1933 Invisible Opponent Henry Pless Rudolph Cartier
1933 Du haut en bas Tilanchi G. W. Pabst
1934 The Man Who Knew Too Much Abbott Alfred Hitchcock
1935 Mad Love DoktorGogol Karl Freund
1935 Crime and Punishment Roderick Raskolnikov Josef von Sternberg
1936 Secret Agent General Alfred Hitchcock
1936 Crack-Up Colonel Gimpy Malcolm St. Clair
1937 Nancy Steele Is Missing! Prof. Sturm George Marshall

Otto Preminger
1937 Think Fast, Mr. Moto Janob Kentaro Moto Norman Foster
1937 Lancer Spy Maj. Sigfried Gruning Gregory Ratoff
1937 Thank You, Mr. Moto Janob Kentaro Moto Norman Foster
1938 Mr. Motoʻs Gamble Janob Kentaro Moto James Tinling
1938 Mr. Moto Takes a Chance Janob Kentaro Moto Norman Foster
1938 I’ll Give a Million Louis 'The Dopeʼ Monteau Walter Lang
1938 Mysterious Mr. Moto Janob Kentaro Moto Norman Foster
1939 Mr. Motoʻs Last Warning Janob Kentaro Moto Norman Foster
1939 Mr. Moto in Danger Island Janob Kentaro Moto Herbert I. Leeds
1939 Mr. Moto Takes a Vacation Janob Kentaro Moto Norman Foster
1940 Strange Cargo M’sieu Pig Frank Borzage
1940 I Was an Adventuress Polo Gregory Ratoff
1940 Island of Doomed Men Stephen Danel Charles Barton
1940 Stranger on the Third Floor Begona Boris Ingster
1940 You’ll Find Out Fenninger Fred Fleck
1941 The Face Behind the Mask Jamos 'Johnny' Szabo Robert Florey
1941 Mr. District Attorney Paul Hyde William Morgan
1941 They Met in Bombay Captain Chang Clarence Brown
1941 The Maltese Falcon Joel Cairo John Huston
1942 All Through the Night Pepi Vincent Sherman
1942 Invisible Agent Baron Ikito Edwin L. Marin
1942 The Boogie Man Will Get You DoktorArthur Lorencz Lew Landers
1942 Casablanca Signor Ugarte Michael Curtiz
1943 The Constant Nymph Fritz Bercovy Edmund Goulding
1943 Background to Danger Nikolai Zaleshoff Raoul Walsh
1943 The Cross of Lorraine Sergeant Berger Tay Garnett
1944 Passage to Marseille Marius Michael Curtiz
1944 The Mask of Dimitrios Cornelius Leyden Jean Negulesco
1944 Arsenic and Old Lace DoktorEinstein Frank Capra
1944 The Conspirators Jan Bernazsky Jean Negulesco
1944 Hollywood Canteen Oʻzi Delmer Daves
1945 Hotel Berlin Johannes Koenig Peter Godfrey
1945 Confidential Agent Contreras Herman Shumlin
1946 Three Strangers Johnny West Jean Negulesco
1946 Black Angel Marko Roy William Neill
1946 The Chase Gino Arthur Ripley
1946 The Verdict Victor Emmric Don Siegel
1946 The Beast with Five Fingers Hilary Cummins Robert Florey
1947 My Favorite Brunette Kismet Elliott Nugent
1948 Casbah Slimane John Berry
1949 Rope of Sand Toady William Dieterle
1950 Quicksand Nick Irving Pichel
1950 Double Confession Paynter Ken Annakin
1951 The Lost One Peter Lorre
1953 Beat the Devil Julius OʻHara John Huston
1954 Casino Royale (Climax!) Le Chiffre Don Medford Anthony Barr TV versiya
1954 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Conseil Richard Fleischer
1956 Meet Me in Las Vegas Oʻzi Roy Rowland Akkreditivsiz cameo
1956 Congo Crossing Colonel John Miguel Orlando Arragas Joseph Pevney
1956 Around the World in Eighty Days Japanese Steward on the S. S. Carnatic Michael Anderson
1957 The Buster Keaton Story Kurt Bergner Sidney Sheldon
1957 Collector’s Item: The Left Fist of David Janob Munsey Qisqa film
1957 Silk Stockings Brankov Rouben Mamoulian
1957 The Story of Mankind Nero Irwin Allen
1957 The Sad Sack Abdul George Marshall
1957 Hell Ship Mutiny Commissioner Lamoret Elmo Williams
1959 The Big Circus Skeeter Joseph M. Newman
1960 Scent of Mystery Smiley Jack Cardiff
1960 Man from the South Carlos Norman Lloyd
1961 Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Comm. Lucius Emery Irwin Allen
1962 Tales of Terror Montresor Roger Corman
1962 Five Weeks in a Balloon Ahmed Irwin Allen
1963 The Raven DoktorAdolphus Bedlo Roger Corman
1964 The Comedy of Terrors Felix Gillie Jacques Tourneur
1964 Muscle Beach Party Janob Strangdour William Asher
1964 The Patsy Morgan Heywood Jerry Lewis


  1. Friedemann Beyer states in his biography of Lorre that Lorreʼs family were outsiders in Rózsahegy as they had arrived there very recently. They were German-speaking Jews in a majority Slovak town. Friedemann Beyer: Peter Lorre. Seine Filme — sein Leben, München 1988, p. 8 ("Sie waren Juden, und sie sprachen deutsch in einer Gegend, in der überwiegend Slowaken lebten.")
  2. 2,0 2,1 Youngkin 2005.
  3. „Per Lorre FAQ“, Stephen D. Youngkinʼs Peter Lorre website
  4. „Peter Lorre“ on Classic Images past issues, 1998
  5. „From the Archives: Movie Villain Peter Lorre Found Dead in His Hollywood Apartment“ (1964-yil 24-mart).
