Post-punk | |
Uslubiy ildizlari: | Punk rock, Glam Rock, Krautrock, Dub, Funk, Reggae, Avant-garde art movements, Experimental music, World music |
Madaniy ildizlari: | 1970-yillarning ohirlari Buyuk Britaniya va AQSh |
Xos cholgʻu asboblari: | Gitara - Bass gitara - Barabanlar - Klavishlar - Sintezator va boshqalar |
Mashhurligi: | Butunjahon, ayniqsa1980-larda. |
Hosilaviy shakllari: | Alternativ rok - Gothic rock - Deathrock - Indi-rok - Granj |
Ostjanrlari | |
Gothic rock - No wave | |
Aloqador mavzular | |
Punk rock - Industrial musiqa - Alternativ rok - Gothic rock |
Post-Punk — Rok musiqasining 1970-yillarda Buyuk Britaniyada chiqgan bir janri hisoblanadi.
Ba'zi mashhur Post-Punk guruhlar
- A Certain Ratio
- Au Pairs
- Bauhaus
- Birthday Party
- Comsat Angels
- Depeche mode
- Echo & The Bunnymen
- Essential Logic
- Gang of Four
- Happy Mondays
- Joy Division
- Killing Joke
- Lords of the New Church
- Mission Of Burma
- Orange Juice
- Pere Ubu
- Psychedelic Furs
- Public Image Ltd
- Rema-Rema
- Siouxsie & the Banshees
- Sonic Youth
- The Chameleons
- The Cure
- The Fall
- The Jesus and Mary Chain
- The Pop Group
- The Raincoats
- The The
- Wire
- Wolfgang Press
- Young Marble Giants