Qizilishton | |
Kokilli qizilishton | |
Ilmiy tasniflash![]() | |
Olam: | Hayvonlar |
Tip: | Xordalilar |
Sinf: | Qushlar |
Oila: | Picidae Leach, 1820 |
Ostoilalar | |
Qizilishtonlar (Picidae) — qushlar oilasi. 224 turi maʼlum. Madagaskar, Avstraliya, Yangi Gvineya, Yangi Zelandiya va Polineziyadan boshqa hamma joida tarqalgan. Oʻzbekistonda 15 turi uchraydi. Tanasi 8—50 sm. Qizilishtonlar, asosan, daraxtda yashashga moslashgan. Oyogʻi kalta, barmoqlari oʻtkir tirnoqli. Koʻpchiligi mustahkam tumshugʻi, boʻynining kuchli muskulaturasi va baquvvat dum patlari yordamida daraxtga oʻrmalab chiqib, oziq izlaydi (bunda u daraxt poʻstlogʻi yoki yogʻoch qismini tumshugʻi bilan teshadi va uzun, chuvalchangsimon tili bilan hasharot yoki lichinkani tortib oladi). Sahroda hayot kechiruvchi turlari yerda oziqlanadi, baʼzilari daraxt shirasini soʻradi. Qizilishtonlar daraxt yoki gigant kaktuslarga, ayrimlari toshlar orasidagi iniga 3—7 ta tuxum qoʻyadi. Qizilishtonlar oʻrmon xoʻjaligiga hasharot va lichinkalarni yeb foyda, daraxt tanasini teshib zarar keltiradi.
Oʻqish uchun
- Dufort MJ (January 2016). „An augmented supermatrix phylogeny of the avian family Picidae reveals uncertainty deep in the family tree“. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 94-jild, № Pt A. 313–26-bet. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2015.08.025. PMID 26416706.
- Fuchs J, Pons JM (July 2015). „A new classification of the Pied Woodpeckers assemblage (Dendropicini, Picidae) based on a comprehensive multi-locus phylogeny“. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 88-jild. 28–37-bet. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2015.03.016. PMID 25818851.
- Fuchs J, Pons JM, Bowie RC (March 2017). „Biogeography and diversification dynamics of the African woodpeckers“. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 108-jild. 88–100-bet. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2017.01.007. PMID 28089840.
- Woodpeckers of Europe: a study of European Picidae. Chalfont St Peter, Bucks.: Bruce Coleman, 2004. ISBN 978-1-872842-05-9.
- The Black Woodpecker: a monograph on Dryocopus martius, 1st, Lynx, 2011. ISBN 978-84-96553-79-8.
- The green woodpecker : a monograph on Picus viridis. Great Britain: Amazon/Picus Press, 2020. ISBN 9798676711870. </ref>
- Koenig WD, Haydock J (1999). „Oaks, acorns, and the geographical ecology of acorn woodpeckers“. Journal of Biogeography. 26-jild, № 1. 159–165-bet. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2699.1999.00256.x.
- Lemaitre J, Villard MA (2005). „Foraging patterns of pileated woodpeckers in a managed Acadian forest: a resource selection function“. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 35-jild, № 10. 2387–2393-bet. doi:10.1139/x05-148.
- Michalek KG, Winkler H (2001). „Parental care and parentage in monogamous great spotted woodpeckers (Picoides major) and middle spotted woodpeckers (Picoides medius)“. Behaviour. 138-jild, № 10. 1259–1285-bet. doi:10.1163/15685390152822210.
- Shakya SB, Fuchs J, Pons JM, Sheldon FH (November 2017). „Tapping the woodpecker tree for evolutionary insight“. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 116-jild. 182–191-bet. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2017.09.005. PMID 28890006.
- Stark RD, Dodenhoff DJ, Johnson EV (1998). „A quantitative analysis of woodpecker drumming“ (PDF). Condor. 100-jild, № 2. 350–356-bet. doi:10.2307/1370276. JSTOR 1370276.
- Webb DM, Moore WS (August 2005). „A phylogenetic analysis of woodpeckers and their allies using 12S, Cyt b, and COI nucleotide sequences (class Aves; order Piciformes)“. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 36-jild, № 2. 233–48-bet. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2005.03.015. PMID 15869887.
- Wiebe KL, Swift TL (2001). „Clutch size relative to tree cavity size in northern flickers“. Journal of Avian Biology. 32-jild, № 2. 167–173-bet. doi:10.1034/j.1600-048X.2001.320210.x.
- Yom-Tov Y, Ar A (1993). „Incubation and fledging durations of woodpeckers“ (PDF). Condor. 95-jild, № 2. 282–287-bet. doi:10.2307/1369350. JSTOR 1369350.
![]() | Vikiomborda Qizilishtonlar haqida turkum mavjud |
- Qizilishtonlarga oid suratlar va videolar — Internet Bird Collection (ingl.)
- „Here's a photo of a weasel riding a woodpecker“ (en). Mashable (3-mart 2015-yil).