聖依纳爵‧羅耀拉(西班牙语:San Ignacio de Loyola,領洗前名爲Íñigo López de Loyola;英语:Saint Ignatius of Loyola;依纳爵又译伊格那丟;1491年—1556年7月31日),西班牙人,耶稣会创始人,羅馬公教聖人之一。佢在羅馬公教會內進行改革,以對抗由馬丁·路德等人所領導个裂敎。
佢到處遊歷,當佢到蒙塞拉特(Monserrat),擔佢个劍放在童貞女个聖壇丄。在1522至1523年間在小鎮曼雷薩(Manresa)个山洞,禱告靈修及默想,尋求獻身之道,佢開始常莊得異象。乃末佢在昰場草擬佢所發展个《神操》(Spiritual Exercises)[1][2][3][4]。
羅耀拉在1524年至1534年間有曾到歇巴塞羅那(Barcelona)、亞爾迦拉、蕯拉曼加搭巴黎咾啥場許讀書,預備服事基督。羅耀拉在亞爾迦拉及薩拉曼加个兩處大學學習辰光,就結合爻一排同伴,操練佢所編个靈性操練。到仔1528年約翰‧加爾文正離開大學辰光,羅耀拉考入巴黎大學。佢連結幾個朋友,立志要過清苦个生活,並曾到耶路撒冷朝聖,並想留在當地,但當地个方濟各會修道士勢力已微,以致無法長期停留。昰幾個朋友中搭羅耀拉連結頂大爲沙勿略(St. Francis Xavier)[1][3][4]。
- 《神操》(Spiritual Exercises)
- Life of St. Ignatius of Loyola, TAN Books, 1997. ISBN 978-0-89555-345-4
- St. Ignatius of Loyola, TAN Books, 2008. ISBN 978-0-89555-624-0
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Williston Walker華爾克著,謝受靈譯,『History of the Christian Church基督教會史』(基督教文藝出版社,2005,2月,10版),P657,p658
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Sten Bugge(穆斯新)著:《像一粒芥菜種-教會史略》(Liker a Mustard Seed-Church History)(道聲出版社,2001,第三版),P73
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Carver Yu(余達心) 著,馬蘭英 李慧敏 譯:《發展史新釋》(History of Christianity),基督教改革宗翻譯社,2004/10,再版二刷,P104
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 陶理 主編,李伯明、林牧野 合譯:《基督教二千年史》(The History of Christianity)(海天書樓有限公司,2004,11月,普及版首印),P417
- ↑ 蔡麗貞著,『我信聖而公之教會-教會歷史專題』(校園書房,2004,初版),p333
- 主要
- Ignatius of Loyola, Spiritual Exercises, London, 2012. limovia.net ISBN 978-1-78336-012-3
- Loyola, (St.) Ignatius(1964).The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius,Anthony Mottola,Garden City:Doubleday.ISBN 978-0-385-02436-5.
- Loyola, (St.) Ignatius(1900).Joseph O'Conner 编:The Autobiography of St. Ignatius.New York:Benziger Brothers.OCLC .
- (For information on the O'Conner and other translations, see notes in A Pilgrim's Journey: The Autobiography of Ignatius of Loyola Page 11-12[链接坏脱].)
- Loyola, (St.) Ignatius(1992).John Olin 编:The Autobiography of St. Ignatius Loyola, with Related Documents.New York:Fordham University Press.ISBN 0-8232-1480-X.
- Foss, Michael(1969).The Founding of the Jesuits, 1540,Turning Points in History Series.London:Hamilton.ISBN 0-241-01513-8.
- 次要
- Bartoli, Daniello(1855).History of the Life and Institute of St. Ignatius de Loyola: Founder of the Society of Jesus.New York:Edward Dunigan and Brother.
- Caraman, Philip(1990).Ignatius Loyola: A Biography of the Founder of the Jesuits'.San Francisco:Harper & Row.ISBN 0-06-250130-5.
- O'Malley, John W.(1993).The First Jesuits.Cambridge:Harvard University Press.ISBN 0-674-30312-1.
- Meissner, William(1992).Ignatius of Loyola: The Psychology of a Saint.New Haven:Yale University Press.ISBN 0-300-06079-3.
- (西班牙文)García Villoslada, Ricardo(1986).San Ignacio de Loyola: Nueva biografía.La Editorial Católica.ISBN 84-220-1267-7.
- 圣依纳爵 - 神操(书)
- "St. Ignatius of Loyola, Confessor", Butler's Lives of the Saints
- 依納爵·羅耀拉 档案,存勒互联网档案馆当中。(2012年11月3号)在WorldCat聯合目錄內的著作和相關文獻
- The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius 档案,存勒互联网档案馆当中。(2012年6月19号) Translation by Elder Mullan, S.J.
- Letters of St. Ignatius of Loyola 档案,存勒互联网档案馆当中。(2012年6月17号)
- On Perfect Obedience 档案,存勒互联网档案馆当中。(2013年1月27号) is his most famous.
- "Contemplation to Attain Love", by Ignatius of Loyola
- The Goa Jesuit Province of the Society of Jesus
- Founder Statue in St Peter's Basilica
- Saint Ignatius' College
- Finding God In All Things 档案,存勒互联网档案馆当中。(2010年12月13号)
- "The Book of Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, the Founder of the Jesuit Monastic Order" in Arabic, dating from 1773