
پښتو‎ / Pax̌tō
Goân-chū kok-ka  Afghanistan
Sú-iōng tē-khu

Afghanistan:lâm-pō͘, tang-pō͘, pak-pō͘ e chit-khoá síng-hūn;

Pakistan: se-pō͘ síng-hùn
Bîn-cho̍k Pashtun-lâng
bú-gí sú-iōng-chiá 40,000,000-50,000,000 (2007–2009)[1][2][3]
  • 印度-伊朗语族
    • 伊朗语支
      • 东南伊朗语分支
        • Pashto-gí
Bûn-jī hē-thóng A-la-pek jī-bó, Lô-má-jī
Koaⁿ-hong tē-ūi
Koaⁿ-hong gí-giân  Afghanistan
Gí-giân tāi-bé
ISO 639-1 ps
ISO 639-2 pus
ISO 639-3 kok-chióng tāi-bé:
pus – 普什图语(一般)
pst – 中普什图语
pbu – 北普什图语
pbt – 南普什图语

Pashto-gíAfghanistan ê koan-hong gí-giân chi it.


  1. Penzl, Herbert; Ismail Sloan (2009). A Grammar of Pashto a Descriptive Study of the Dialect of Kandahar, Afghanistan. Ishi Press International. p. 210. ISBN 0-923891-72-2. 2010-10-25 khòaⁿ--ê. Estimates of the number of Pashto speakers range from 40 million to 60 million... 
  2. Nationalencyklopedin "Världens 100 största språk 2007" The World's 100 Largest Languages in 2007 (39 million)
  3. Keith Brown. Pashto (2005), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (2 ed.). Elsevier. ISBN 0-08-044299-4. 
  4. "Top 100 Languages by Population". 1996. 2015-09-16 khòaⁿ--ê.