
Biâu-huē sukhāvatī (se-hong ki̍k-lo̍k sè-kài) ê thangka (唐卡), hiān-tsú-sî khǹg teh San Antonio gē-su̍t phok-bu̍t-kuán (San Antonio Museum of Art).

Sukhāvatī (devanāgarī [en]: सुखावती; tâi-gí: ki̍k-lo̍k sè-kài, se-hong ki̍k-lo̍k sè-kài; hàn-gí: 極樂世界, 西方極樂世界; eng-gí: Sukhāvatī, Western Paradise; chông-gí: བདེ་བ་ཅན), koh kiò-tsò se-hong ki̍k-lo̍k sè-kài, an-lo̍k sè-kài, sēn-kái sè-kài[1], tshing-thài sè-kài[2], se-hong tsīng-thóo, oo-mí-tôo-hu̍t tsīng-thóo. Sukhāvatī ("full of joy; blissful"[3][4]) teh huān-gí sī uî sukha ("delight, joy") kah -vat ("full of") sóo ket-ha̍p kòo-sîng ê lú-sìng hîng-sik miâ-sû[5]. Ki̍k-lo̍k sè-kài sīt hu̍t-kàu tiong ê oo-mí-tôo-hu̍t sîng-hu̍t sî, i-tsiàu in-tē (因地) siu-hīng sóo huat sì-tsa̍p-peh tuā-guān sóo kám-ìng tsi tsong-giâm, tshing-tsīng ê hu̍t-kok (Buddha-kṣetra) tsīng-thóo (Kṣetra). Í óng-sing (往生, 轉世) tsit-ê tshīng-thóo uî guān-bōng, lî-tshiáñ koh-í liām-hu̍t (念佛) uî tsú-iàu ê siu-hīng hong-huat kiò-tsò "tsīng-thóo huat-mn̂g", sī tsīng-thóo tsong (净土宗) tsú-iàu ê kàu-huat (教法).


  1. 《寶月童子所問經(Pó-gua̍t tông-tsú sóo mn̄g king)》lāi-té ê huan-i̍k miâ.
  2. Tsham-kèn《阿彌陀鼓音聲王陀羅羅尼經(Oo-mí-tôo kóo-im siann ông tô-lô-nî king)》
  3. "sukhavati". Merriam-Webster. Sanskrit sukhavatī, sukhāvatī, from feminine of sukhavat, sukhāvat blissful, from sukha bliss, happiness, from su good, well + kha cavity, axle hole, from khanati he digs.  (Eng-gí)
  4. Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary. 1899. sukhavatī, f. N. of the heaven of Buddha Amitābha (see under sukhā-vat [...] possessing ease or comfort, full of joy or pleasure  (Eng-gí)
  5. "vat". Dictionary for Spoken Sanskrit.  (Eng-gí)

Tsham-khó bûn-hèn

  • Luis O. Gomez: The Land of Bliss. The Paradise of the Buddha of Measureless Light. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu 1996, ISBN 0-8248-1760-5. (gute englische Inhaltsangabe der klassischen indischen Texte zu Sukhavati) (Eng-gí)
  • Volker Zotz Der Buddha im Reinen Land. Diederichs, München 1991, ISBN 3-424-01120-7 (gut lesbare Einführung in die Sukhavati-Tradition) (Tek-gí)

Ên-sin ua̍t-to̍k

  • Inagaki, Hisao, trans. (2003), The Three Pure Land Sutras (PDF), Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, ISBN 1-886439-18-4, goân-loē-iông (PDF) tī May 12, 2014 hőng khó͘-pih  (Eng-gí)
  • Tanaka, Kenneth K. (1987). Where is the Pure Land?: Controversy in Chinese Buddhism on the Nature of Pure Land, Pacific World Journal (New Series) 3, 36-45 (Eng-gí)
  • Halkias, Georgios (2013). Luminous Bliss: a Religious History of Pure Land Literature in Tibet. With an Annotated Translation and Critical Analysis of the Orgyen-ling golden short Sukhāvatīvyūha-sūtra. University of Hawai‘i Press. (Eng-gí)
  • Johnson, Peter, trans. (2020). The Land of Pure Bliss, Sukhāvatī: On the Nature of Faith & Practice in Greater Vehicle (Mahāyāna) Buddhism, Including The Scripture About Meditation on the Buddha ‘Of Infinite Life’ (Amitāyur Buddha Dhyāna Sūtra, 觀無量壽佛經) [1] Archived 2021-01-21 at the Wayback Machine. and a full translation of Shandao's Commentary on it [2] Archived 2020-11-01 at the Wayback Machine., An Lac Publications, ISBN 978-1-7923-4208-0 (Eng-gí)


  • Mahāprajñāpāramitā Sūtra (devanāgarī [en]: महामहाभारतसूत्र; tâi-gí: tuà pua̍t-jiá po-lô bi̍t-to king, tuā pua̍t-jiá king, môo-ho pua̍t-jiá po-lô bi̍t-to king; hàn-gí: 大般若波羅蜜多經; 大般若經; 摩訶般若波羅蜜多經)
  • Hun-chú ūn-tōng lūn (hun-tsú ūn-tōng lūn, khì-thé tōng-li̍k ha̍k; eng-gí: kinetic theory of gases; hàn-gí: 分子運動論, 氣體動力學)
  • Bô͘-gí (bôo-gí, hóng-tsin; eng-gí: simulation; hàn-gí: 模擬, 仿真)
  • plasma (tiān-tsiunn; eng-gí: Plasma (physics); hàn-gí: 電漿)
  • IBM PC Khí-bó͘ (IBM PC Khí-bóo; IBM PC keyboard)

Guā-pōo lên-ket