Wetjeskhausehetepnetjeru Heqamaatsehetepnetjeru Wetjeskhauitefre Wetjeskhautjestawyim Who wears crowns and pleases the gods; Ruler of Truth, who pleases the gods; Who wears the crowns of his father, Re; Who wears crowns, and binds the two lands therein
Tutankhamun (Tut-ankh-amun, iok chiân 1323 nî – chiân 1341 nî ) sī Kó͘-tāi Ai-ki̍pTē-18 Ông-tiâu ê Pharaoh, i ê bōng-tē sī Howard Carter tī 1922 nî ùi Tè-ông-khut hoat-hiān. "Tutankhamun" ê ì-sù sī "Amun ê hêng-khóan", i ê goân-miâ hō chòe "Tutankhaten", ì-sù sī "Aten ê hêng-khóan".