

以色列飲食希伯來語המטבח הישראלי‎,ha-mitbach ha-yisra’eli)包括了以色列人的當地飲食文化及移居自各地的猶太人的飲食文化。自1948年以色列獨立,特別是1970年代後期開始,以色列猶太人飲食文化頗有發展[1]。以色列飲食使用了眾多中東和地中海飲食使用的食材[2][3],並且也保留了猶太教宗教的影響。


  1. ^ Gold, Rozanne A Region's Tastes Commingle in Israel页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (July 20, 1994) in The New York Times Retrieved 2010–02–14
  2. ^ Sardas-Trotino, Sarit NY Times presents: Israeli cuisine course页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (February 19, 2010) in Ynet – LifeStyle Retrieved 2010–02–19
  3. ^ Gur, The Book of New Israeli Food, pg. 11
  • Ansky, Sherry, and Sheffer, Nelli, The Food of Israel: Authentic Recipes from the Land of Milk and Honey, Hong Kong, Periplus Editions (2000) ISBN 962-593-268-2
  • Cooper, John, Eat and Be Satisfied: A Social History of Jewish Food, New Jersey, Jason Aronson Inc. (1993) ISBN 0-87668-316-2
  • Ganor, Avi, and Maiberg, Ron, Taste of Israel: A Mediterranean Feast, BBS Publishing Corporation (1994) ISBN 0-88365-844-5
  • Gur, Janna, The Book of New Israeli Food: A Culinary Journey, Schocken (2008) ISBN 0-8052-1224-8
  • Marks, Gil, The World of Jewish Cooking: More than 500 Traditional Recipes from Alsace to Yemen, New York, Simon & Schuster (1996) ISBN 0-684-83559-2
  • Nathan, Joan, The Foods of Israel Today, Knopf (2001) ISBN 0-679-45107-2
  • Roden, Claudia, The Book of Jewish Food: An Odyssey from Samarkand to New York, New York, Knopf (1997) ISBN 0-394-53258-9
