
会计机是人們为特定的商业活动(如开票、工资)量身定做的计算器和打印机组合體。[1][2][3]会计机在20世纪初至80年代非常普遍,但由于低成本的计算机(如IBM PC)的出现而被淘汰了。


  1. ^ Turck, J.A.V. Origin of Modern calculating Machines. The Western Society of Engineers. 1921. 
  2. ^ Cortada, James W. Before the Computer; IBM, NCR, Burroughs & Remmington Rand & The Industry They Created 1865-1956. Princeton University Press. 1993: 158–162. ISBN 0-691-04807-X. 
  3. ^ Akera, Atsushi; Nebeker, Frederik. From 0 to 1: An Authoritative History of Modern Computing. Oxford University Press. 2002. ISBN 0-19-514025-7.