
在娱乐界,摔跤手和马戏演员的制服一般为内衣样式的服装;前DC漫画编辑朱利叶斯·施瓦兹表示这就是超人等超级英雄把内裤穿在外衣上面的原因[7]。随后,麦当娜掀起了女歌手舞台表演时内衣外穿的潮流,后来被碧昂丝、Lady Gaga、布兰妮·斯皮尔斯等人模仿[8]。当时,让-保罗·高缇耶为麦当娜的金发雄心世界巡回演唱会设计了“束腹”(90年代初服装的象征式标志)[9]、一款锥形文胸和束腰带[10][11]。男性方面,垮裤(连同滑雪板)一般被认为由1990年代的说唱嘻哈艺人推崇[12]。
但是男性的服装就没有经过这样的反弹,男生若是穿高腰裤,会被人嘲笑,说是在穿老爸款牛仔裤[22]。内衣公司注意到男生喜欢将裤子拉到臀部地方,这样坐着的时候低腰裤就会落到内裤下面,穿紧身裤的男性便可以暴露他们内衣的腰带[23],于是在设计腰带时采用亮色和更大的标志[24]。Clavin Klein内衣创意设计者鲍勃·马佐利(Bob Mazzoli)2009年解释称:“腰带虽是功能性组件,却是营销平台和实际设计时的画布......有些人将牛仔裤拉到腰部以下,将内裤露出来,引起其他人注意,已经成了我们民间文化风俗的一部分,我们在设计过程中就要考虑到这一点。”2(x)ist的创意总监杰森·斯卡拉蒂(Jason Scarlatti)补充:“这是顾客吹嘘的权利,就好像在说,‘我为此花了很多钱’[24]。”Jockey是公认的首个将商标印在腰带上的内衣品牌,该公司于2013年启动营销活动,模特们拉起衬衫,展示牛仔裤和短裤上的Jockey腰带[25]。
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- ^ San Martin, Macarena (2011). Fashion Details: 1,000 Ideas from Neckline to Waistline, Pockets to Pleats. page 6. Rockport Publishers. ISBN 978-1-5925-3716-7.
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- ^ Steele, Valarie. “The Hard Body A Muscular Corset.” The Corset: A Cultural History. New Haven & London: Yale UP, 2001. 143-176. Print
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- ^ Kczynski, Alex. Now You See It, Now You Don't. New York Times (Fashion & Style). 2004-09-12 [2008-10-30]. (原始内容存档于2015-05-28).
Certainly, American clothing designers are now embracing a more modest look, their focus shifting from low-slung jeans and exposed midriffs to high-waisted trousers and cardigans.
- ^ Associated Press. Obama: No apologies for 'dad jeans'. Chicago Sun Times. 2009-07-21 [2013-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2010-03-02).
- ^ Underwear shows more than you think: Underwear Matters - AskMen. AskMen. [2020-10-04]. (原始内容存档于2020-07-04).
Men tend not to wear their trousers around their waists anymore, especially when it comes to jeans. Low-rise jeans are made to sit on your hips and this leaves the waistband of your underwear exposed. Your underwear is more visible than you think; the slight bend over or lift of your arms can show the world what you're rocking down there.
- ^ 24.0 24.1 Underwear Waistbands: A Peekaboo Fashion Trend - WWD. WWD. 2009-04-09 [2020-10-04]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-20).
- ^ Are You Ready to Show You're Jockey?. 2013-05-17 [2020-10-04]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-28).
Ever noticed guys with low-riding jeans deliberately showing their briefs’ waistband? Not the peeking type? Well, Jockey is. And they’ve turned this into a campaign. Jockey, inventor of the men’s Y-Front briefs and the first to use a branded waistband, launched their “Show You’re Jockey” campaign last Wednesday, May 15 at the Society Lounge in Makati City. The worldwide campaign will feature men and women of different nationalities revealing their Jockey underwear.
- Tove Hermanson. Innerwear as Outerwear. Thread for Thought blog. 2009-09-01 [2020-10-04]. (原始内容存档于2009-09-28).
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