
化石时期:志留紀 - 晚泥盆紀
科学分类 编辑
界: 真菌界 Fungi
科: 原杉菌科 Prototaxitaceae
属: 原杉菌屬 Prototaxites
Dawson, 1859
  • P. loganii Dawson, 1859
  • P. southworthii Arnold, 1952
  • P. taiti (Kidston & Lang 1921)
  • Nematophycus
  • Nematophyton

原杉菌學名Prototaxites),舊稱原杉藻,為陸生的真菌,生存於志留紀晚期至泥盆紀晚期(4億3千萬年前 - 3億6千萬年前),其子實體形成類似樹幹的結構,直徑達1米(3英尺),高度則可達8.8米(29英尺)[1],由直徑50微米(0.00016英尺)的管束交織而成,為當時陸地上最大的陸生生物。



原杉菌(P. loganii)具分支的主幹




根據紐約州立博物館化石所還原的原杉菌(P. loganii)復原圖[2]
道森於 1888 年將原杉菌復原為類似松柏門的植物

原杉菌的化石最早發現於1843年[9],然而一直到了14年後才由加拿大地質學家約翰·威廉·道森英语John William Dawson開始研究原杉菌的化石並進行發表,最初道森認為這個樣本屬於已經部分腐爛的松柏門植物組織,並且上面附生有正在分解組織的真菌[6]。1872年,蘇格蘭植物學家威廉·卡魯瑟斯質疑這項理論,並認為原杉菌的學名Prototaxites(意為「原始的紫杉」[10])應該要更名為Nematophycus(意思為「絲狀的藻類」[11][6],不過這項行為已嚴重違反了生物的命名規約,因此無法實行[12]。道森雖然不斷堅持自己的理論,但是原杉菌的結構在微觀上顯示他的理論是站不住腳的,在這之後道森也不斷提議將原杉菌改名(改成 Nematophyton,意思為「絲狀的植物」),意圖掩蓋自己當年將原杉菌誤認為是一種樹木的事實[6],但是基於國際藻類、真菌、植物命名法規,原杉菌的學名已確立並且無法更改,縱使意思與事實相違背,此學名仍然沿用至今。

雖然有許多證據顯示原杉菌生活於陸地上[13][14],卡魯瑟斯當時認為它們其實為一種海生的藻類,1919年,英格蘭植物學家阿圖·哈里·查爾赫英语Arthur Harry Church則指出他不應排除其為真菌的可能性。由於缺乏任何可與現存生物進行比較研究的組織特徵,各種理論都難以獲得支持[6],因此原杉菌的分類地位的謎團遲遲未解。直到2001年,經過20年的研究,美國國立自然史博物館的法蘭西斯·胡伯發表了一篇論文,提出證據表明原杉菌實屬一種真菌[6]

這個理論最初受到了懷疑,但在之後出現了更多證據來支持這項理論[15]。2007年,由包括胡伯與芝加哥大學C·凱文·博伊斯英语C. Kevin Boyce所組成的研究團隊針對原杉菌化石進行了同位素分析[1],結果亦支持原杉菌屬於真菌,因為原杉菌的化石中含有多種碳的同位素,而行光合作用的植物與藻類則僅會有少數幾種特定的碳同位素,這代表原杉菌的生存仰賴多種而非單一的碳來源,為異營生物(植物等自營生物多半僅有單一來源,也就是透過光合作用取得),和現代的真菌一樣以吸收基質中的各種有機物維生[1]。原杉菌可能有十分龐大的地下菌絲網路來吸收足夠的營養支持其生長,亦可能具有菌絲索英语Mycelial cord而有能力進行長距離的營養輸送[16]








  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Boyce, K.C.; Hotton, C.L.; Fogel, M.L.; Cody, G.D.; Hazen, R.M.; Knoll, A.H.; Hueber, F.M. Devonian landscape heterogeneity recorded by a giant fungus (PDF). Geology. May 2007, 35 (5): 399–402 [2019-03-26]. Bibcode:2007Geo....35..399B. doi:10.1130/G23384A.1. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2011-09-28). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Retallack G.J. & Landing, E. Affinities and architecture of Devonian trunks of Prototaxites loganii. Mycologia. 2014, 106: 1143–1156. PMID 24990121. doi:10.3852/13-390. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Rosmarie Honegger, Dianne Edwards, Lindsey Axe, Christine Strullu-Derrien. Fertile Prototaxites taiti: a basal ascomycete with inoperculate, polysporous asci lacking croziers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 2017, 373 (1739). doi:10.1098/rstb.2017.0146. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Selosse, M.A. Prototaxites: A 400 Myr Old Giant Fossil, A Saprophytic Holobasidiomycete, Or A Lichen?. Mycological Research. 2002, 106 (6): 641–644. doi:10.1017/S0953756202226313. 
  5. ^ Hillier, R; Edwards, D; Morrissey, L. B. Sedimentological evidence for rooting structures in the Early Devonian Anglo–Welsh Basin (UK), with speculation on their producers. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2008, 270 (3–4): 366. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2008.01.038. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 Hueber, F.M. Rotted wood-alga-fungus: the history and life of Prototaxites Dawson 1859. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 2001, 116 (1): 123–158. doi:10.1016/S0034-6667(01)00058-6. 
  7. ^ Schmid, Rudolf. Septal pores in Prototaxites, an enigmatic Devonian plant. Science. 1976, 191 (4224): 287–288. Bibcode:1976Sci...191..287S. PMID 17832148. doi:10.1126/science.191.4224.287. 
  8. ^ Jonker, F.P. Prototaxites in the Lower Devonian. Palaeontographica, B. 1979: 39–56. 
  9. ^ A fossil specimen collected by Charles Darwin's friend Joseph Dalton Hooker, was mislaid for 163 years at the British Geological Survey offices in London ("Scientists find lost Darwin fossils in gloomy corner of British Geological Survey", Christian Science Monitor, 17 January 2012页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆); identifying Hooker as "John Hooker").
  10. ^ The "Taxinaea" (Taxaceae) are the grouping of conifers to which Dawson drew analogy
  11. ^ Almond Miller, Samuel. The American Palaeozoic Fossils: A Catalogue of the Genera and Species, with Names of Authors, Dates, Places of Publication, Groups of Rocks in which Found, and the Etymology and Signification of the Words, and an Introduction Devoted to the Stratigraphical Geology of the Palaeozoic Rocks. author. 1877: 35. 
  12. ^ Seward, A. C. (Albert Charles), Fossil plants : a text-book for students of botany and geology, University Press ; New York : Macmillan: 192, 1898 [13 February 2016], (原始内容存档于2018-08-01) 
  13. ^ Seward, A. C. Plant Life Through the Ages: A Geological and Botanical Retrospect Cambridge Library Collection - Earth Science. Cambridge University Press. 2010: 119. ISBN 9781108016001. 
  14. ^ William Dawson, Sir John. The Geological History of Plants. Library of Alexandria. 2016. ISBN 9781465606853. 
  15. ^ Debra Lindsay (2005) Prototaxites Dawson, 1859 or Nematophycus Carruthers, 1872: Geologists V. Botanists in the Formative Period of the Science of Paleobotany. Earth Sciences History: 2005, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 35-61.
  16. ^ Hillier RD, Edwards D, Morrissey LB. Sedimentological evidence for rooting structures in the Early Devonian Anglo-Welsh Basin (UK), with speculation on their producers. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2008, 270: 366–380. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2008.01.038. 
  17. ^ G. J. Retallack, Ed Landing. Affinities and architecture of Devonian trunks of Prototaxites loganii. Mycologia. 2014, 106 (6). doi:10.3852/13-390. 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Graham, LE, Cook, ME, Hanson, DT, Pigg, KB and Graham, JM. Structural, physiological, and stable carbon isotopic evidence that the enigmatic Paleozoic fossil Prototaxites formed from rolled liverwort mats. American Journal of Botany. 2010, 97 (2): 268–275. PMID 21622387. doi:10.3732/ajb.0900322. 
  19. ^ Taylor, T. N.; Taylor, E. L.; Decombeix, A. -L.; Schwendemann, A.; Serbet, R.; Escapa, I.; Krings, M. The enigmatic Devonian fossil Prototaxites is not a rolled-up liverwort mat: Comment on the paper by Graham et al. (AJB 97: 268-275). American Journal of Botany. 2010, 97 (7): 1074. PMID 21616859. doi:10.3732/ajb.1000047. 
  20. ^ Edwards, D.; Axe, L. Evidence for a fungal affinity for Nematasketum, a close ally of Prototaxites. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 2012, 168 (1): 1–18. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8339.2011.01195.x. 
  21. ^ Prehistoric mystery organism verified as giant fungus页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Press release from University of Chicago, April 23, 2007.
  22. ^ Niklas, K.J. Chemical Examinations of Some Non-Vascular Paleozoic Plants. Brittonia. 1976, 28 (1): 113–137. JSTOR 2805564. doi:10.2307/2805564. 
  23. ^ Niklas, K.J.; Pratt, L.M. Evidence for Lignin-Like Constituents in Early Silurian (Llandoverian) Plant Fossils. Science. 1980, 209 (4454): 396–7. Bibcode:1980Sci...209..396N. PMID 17747811. doi:10.1126/science.209.4454.396. 
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 Labandeira, C. The origin of herbivory on land: Initial patterns of plant tissue consumption by arthropods. Insect Science. 2007, 14 (4): 259–275. doi:10.1111/j.1744-7917.2007.00152.x.