
حزب البعث العربي الاشتراكي
成立1947年4月7日 (1947-04-07)
专制社会主义英语Authoritarian socialism[a]
阿拉伯复兴社会党 (叙利亚主导派)英语Ba'ath Party (Syrian-dominated faction)(1966年至今)
168 / 250 (67%)
政党 · 选举

阿拉伯复兴社会党-叙利亚地区(阿拉伯语:حزب البعث العربي الاشتراكي – قطر سوريا‎),简称敘利亞复兴党叙利亚執政黨,於1963年發動軍事政變取得政權。1970年,阿薩德家族發動“纠正运动”,夺取叙利亚政权和复兴党领导权,統治至今。





該黨的前身可追溯自1940年代興於敘利亞小資產階級知識分子中的阿拉伯復興黨 (Arab Ba'th Party)。阿拉伯復興黨的創始人米歇爾·阿弗拉克薩拉赫丁·比塔爾分別為希臘東正教教徒及遜尼派穆斯林[18],但因兩者均希望統一阿拉伯國家而開始以「阿拉伯復興運動」(Arab Ba'th Movement) 的名義進行具有政黨性質的政治活動[19]。1943年7月,阿弗拉克提出黨的口號為「統一的阿拉伯民族,具有不朽的使命[20]」。1947年4月,在大馬士革聯合召開第一屆民族代表大會,大會選舉阿弗拉克為黨主席,比塔爾為黨總書記,黨綱強調「阿拉伯祖國是政治經濟不可分割的整體」,復興黨正在領導「一個爭取阿拉伯統一、自由和社會主義的人民民族革命運動[20]。」該黨的主要支持者是大馬士革的伊斯蘭教遜尼派和基督教知識分子,也受大量遜尼派穆斯林主體外的少數族群支持,並在敘利亞北部阿拉維派和南部德魯茲人聚居地區設有分支[19]。1952年,與倡導革新封建土地所有制並反對外來侵略的阿拉伯社會黨 (Arab Socialist Party) 合併[19]。1954年,復興黨成為敘利亞議會第二大黨,並且有兩個成員成為外交部長及經濟部長[21]。1955年,復興黨一位高級成員 (Adnan al-Malki) 被敘利亞社會民族黨成員暗殺,復興黨便對敘利亞社會民族黨進行清洗。1958年2月1日,敘利亞與埃及兩國合併成立阿拉伯聯合共和國,解散復興黨等的所有敘利亞政黨[22]。1962年,在黎巴嫩召開會議,決定在敘利亞重建復興黨,並且建立臨時地區領導機構[23]









  1. ^ Phillips, Christopher. The Battle for Syria: International Rivalry in the New Middle East. London, UK: Yale University Press. 2020: 11 [2023-09-27]. ISBN 978-0-300-21717-9. (原始内容存档于2023-04-21). 
  2. ^ Atassi, Karim. Syria, the Strength of an Idea: The Constitutional Architectures of Its Political Regimes. New York, NY 10006, USA: Cambridge University Press. 2018: 259–262, 382. ISBN 978-1-107-18360-5. doi:10.1017/9781316872017. 
  3. ^ Atassi, Karim. Syria, the Strength of an Idea: The Constitutional Architectures of Its Political Regimes. New York, NY 10006, USA: Cambridge University Press. 2018: 262, 344. ISBN 978-1-107-18360-5. doi:10.1017/9781316872017. 
  4. ^ C. Tucker, Spencer. Baath party. U.S. Conflicts in the 21st Century 1. California, USA: ABC-CLIO. 2015: 135, 136. ISBN 978-1-4408-3878-1. 
  5. ^ Meininghaus, Esther. Introduction. Creating Consent in Ba'thist Syria: Women and Welfare in a Totalitarian State. I. B. Tauris. 2016: 1–33. ISBN 978-1-78453-115-7. 
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  7. ^ K. Wilber, P. Jameson, Charles, Kenneth; Gottheil, Fred. Iraqi and Syrian Socialism: An Economic Appraisal. Socialist Models of Development. Oxford, England: Pergamon Press. 1982: 825–836. ISBN 0-08-027921-X. 
  8. ^ Heydemann, Steven. 4: Building the Institutions of Populist Authoritarian Rule. Authoritarianism in Syria: Institutions and Social Conflict. New York: Cornell University Press. 1999: 84–104. ISBN 0-8014-2932-3. 
  9. ^ Kahne, Z. Giele, Hilda, Janet; M. Moghadem, Valentine. 5: Women, Employment, and Social Change in the Middle East and North Africa. Women's Work and Women's Lives: The Continuing Struggle Worldwide. New York: Routledge. 2019: 89–90. ISBN 978-0-8133-0636-0. 
  10. ^ Moaddel, Mansoor. Introduction: Sociological Theories of Ideology and Cultural Change. Islamic Modernism, Nationalism, and Fundamentalism: Episode and Discourse. Chicago, USA: University of Chicago Press. 2005: 6–7. ISBN 0-226-53332-8. 
  11. ^ T. Hunter, Malik, Shireen, Huma. Modernization, Democracy, and Islam. Praegar Publishers. 2005: 106–107. ISBN 0-275-98511-3. 
  12. ^ Lane, Redissi, Jan-Erik, Hamadi. 13: Islam and Politics: Where the Principal Difficulty of Post-modernity Lies. Religion and Politics: Islam and Muslim Civilization 2nd. Surrey, England: Ashgate. 2009: 188. ISBN 978-0-7546-7418-4. 
  13. ^ Heydemann, Stevem; Perthes, Volker. 5: State Building, National Security and War Preparation in Syria. War, Institutions, and Social Change in the Middle East. Berkeley and Los Angeles, California, USA: University of California Press. 2000: 151–156. ISBN 0-520-22421-3. 
  14. ^ Suerbaum, Magdalena. 1: Being a man vis-a-vis Militarization, War and the Uprising. Masculinities and Displacement in the Middle East: Syrian Refugees in Egypt. New York: I.B Tauris. 2021: 23–52. ISBN 978-1-8386-0404-2. 
  15. ^ Umit Ungor, Ugur. 1: Introduction. Paramilitarism: Mass Violence in the Shadow of the State 1st. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. 2020: 1–21. ISBN 978-0-19-882524-1. 
  16. ^ Fleischman, Luis. 3: Arab World and the Peace Process. The Middle East Riddle: A Study of the Middle East Peace Process and Israeli-Arab Relations in Current Times. New Academia Publishing. 2021 [2023-09-27]. ISBN 978-1-7333980-8-4. LCCN 2020922086. (原始内容存档于2023-05-15). 
  17. ^ Multiple sources:
    • Cavoški, Jovan. Non-Aligned Movement Summits: A History. UK: Bloomsburry. 2022: 101. ISBN 978-1-3500-3209-5. Syria, headed by the radical leftist Baath Party overtly challenged Nasser's leadership credentials by highlighting his diminished revolutionary spirit. 
    • I. Dawisha, Adeed. 3: External and Internal Setting. Syria and the Lebanese Crisis. London, UK: Macmillan Press Ltd. 1980: 45. ISBN 978-1-349-05373-5. The change has been particularly marked under Asad. He has created a fairly popular Presidential regime: radical left, the most advanced socialist regime in the Arab world, it is progressively widening the frame to include more peasants and labourers. 
    • The Israel Economist 26–27. University of Minnesota: Kollek & Son, Limited. 1970: 61. The ideology propounded by the Ba'ath changed completely. The accent on Arab nationalism was discarded as was moderate socialism. Their place was taken by Syrian nationalism and extreme left-wing ideas verging on communism. 
    • Abadi, Jacob. Israel's Quest for Recognition and Acceptance in Asia: Garrison State Diplomacy. London, UK: Frank Class Publishers. 2004: 22. ISBN 0-7146-5576-7. radical left-wing Ba'ath party in Syria. 
    • S. Abu Jaber, Kamel. The Arab Ba'th Socialist Party: History, Ideology and Organization. Syracuse, New York, USA: Syracuse University Press. 1966: xii–xiii, 33–47, 75–97. LCCN 66-25181. The leadership now in control of Syria does not represent the gamut of the Ba'th party. It is composed mainly of extreme leftists vesting almost exclusive authority in the military wing of the party. 
    • Hopwood, Derek. Syria 1945-1986: Politics and Society. Routledge. 2013: 45–46, 73–75, 90. ISBN 9781317818427. doi:10.4324/9781315818955. The period 1963 to 1970 when Asad finally succeeded was marked ideologically by uncertainty and even turbulence. It was a period of transition from the old nationalist politicians to the radical socialist Baathis.. struggle between ‘moderates’ and radicals was centred on the dispute whether to impose a radical left wing government and a social revolution on Syria or to follow a more moderate Arab unionist course which would possibly appease opponents of the Baath. The radicals largely held the upper hand and worked to strengthen the control of the party over the state. 
    • Phillips, Christopher. The Battle for Syria: International Rivalry in the New Middle East. London, UK: Yale University Press. 2020: 11 [2023-09-27]. ISBN 978-0-300-21717-9. (原始内容存档于2023-04-21). In 1963.. the socialist Ba’ath Party, seized power. The radical left wing of the party then launched an internal coup in 1966, initiating accelerated land reform 
    • Mikhaĭlovich Vasilʹev, Alekseĭ. Russian Policy in the Middle East: From Messianism to Pragmatism. University of Michigan, USA: Ithaca Press. 1993: 63, 76 [2023-09-27]. ISBN 978-0863721687. (原始内容存档于2023-01-22). Syrian Baathist version of Arab nationalism and socialism offered plenty of points of contact with Soviet policy.. when the left-wing Baathist faction led by Nureddin Atasi came to power, accelerated Syria’s rapprochement with the Soviet Union.. for the USSR Syria remained an uneasy ally whose actions were beyond control, often unpredictable and the cause of complications. The ultra-leftist slogans originating from Damascus (such as a "people’s war") were not received enthusiastically in Moscow. Mustafa Tlas, the new Syrian chief of staff, was a theoretician of guerrilla warfare and had even translated works by Che Guevara who was not particularly popular among the Soviet leaders." 
    • Climent, James. World Terrorism: An Encyclopedia of Political Violence from Ancient Times to the Post-9/11 Era 2nd. New York: Routledge. 2015: 383 [2023-09-27]. ISBN 978-0-7656-8284-0. (原始内容存档于2023-01-06). influence of different views, came from the more radical left-wing nationalist groups. These groups included.. Syria's Ba'ath party which seized power in Damascus in 1963 
  18. ^ Tejel, Jordi (2009). Syria's Kurds: History, Politics and Society. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-203-89211-4.
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 19.2 趙娜、馬帥.敘利亞復興黨的演變及其對敘利亞內戰的影響.阿拉伯世界研究.2018.第6期:P31-43,116-117
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 王新剛、張文濤.敘利亞政黨制度與政治穩定研究.外國問題研究.2018.第2期:P51-66,119
  21. ^ Alan George, Syria: Neither Bread nor Freedom, London: Zed Books, 2003, p. 66.
  22. ^ Elie Podeh, The Decline of Arab Unity: The Rise and Fall of the United Arabic Republic, New York: Sussex Academic Press, 1999, p. 219.
  23. ^ Avraham Ben-Tzur, “The Neo-Ba‘th Party,” Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 3, No. 3, July 1968, p. 163.
  24. ^ 王新剛.阿拉伯復興社會黨及其理論與實踐.西北大學學報 (哲學社會科學版) .2002年.第4期
  25. ^ Interview With Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. wsj.com. [2011-01-31]. (原始内容存档于2011-01-31). 
  26. ^ Syria Strongman: Time for 'Reform'. wsj.com. [2011-01-31]. (原始内容存档于2011-01-31). 
