




英語單詞 monograph 來源於拉丁語 monographia,而後者又源於希臘語[4]。英文中,"mono-" 指「單一」,而 "-graph" 指「著作」[5]。學術專著的主要目的是向有需要的讀者可靠地展示研究內容,這使之與課本不同,後者的主要目的是論述某個領域的知識狀況。因此,在許多學術領域,出版專著通常被認為對職業發展至關重要。專供其他研究人員使用,並且主要是由圖書館購買的,故其通常以短冊形式單獨出版[6]

在英國和美國,出版者通常都假定,學術專著的讀者不僅具有專門知識或豐富經驗,而且還要對此著作的主體有專業上的興趣。但具體用於區分學術專著及貿易著作英语Trade magazine的標準,則依出版社而異[7]



生物分類學中的第一部專著為羅伯特·莫里森英语Robert Morison在1627年寫成的 Plantarum Umbelliferarum Distributio Nova[註 1],莫里森在其中討論了伞形科植物[8]


以「藝術家專著」[註 2]為名出版的書籍是對單一藝術家的研究,而非對藝術學科廣泛的綜述。



  1. ^ 原文為拉丁文,大意為「傘形科植物的新分佈」
  2. ^ 原文:"artist monograph"
  3. ^ 翻譯之來源[9]


  1. ^ 张柏然, 等. monograph. 新时代英汉大词典. 北京: 商务印书馆. 2004. 
  2. ^ Campbell, Robert; Pentz, Ed; Borthwick, Ian. Academic and Professional Publishing. 2012 [2021-02-06]. ISBN 978-1-78063-309-1. (原始内容存档于2020-08-06). '[M]onograph' has become a generic term for a book that is not of a reference type, is of primary material and which may be multi-authored, single-authored, or an edited collection. 
  3. ^ Harrod, Leonard Montague. Prytherch, Raymond John , 编. Harrod's librarians' glossary and reference book: a directory of over 10,200 terms, organizations, projects and acronyms in the areas of information management, library science, publishing and archive management 10th. Aldershot, Hampshire, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate. 2005: 462 [2021-02-06]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-03) –通过Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science. For the purpose of library cataloging, any nonserial publication, complete in one volume or intended to be completed in a finite number of parts issued at regular or irregular intervals, containing a single work or collection of works. Monographs are sometimes published in monographic series and subseries. Compare with book. 
  4. ^ The explanation of 'monograph' and 'monogram' in Oxford Advanced Leaners' Dictionary (8th Ed.) 
  5. ^ The explanation of "monograph" in Online Etymology Dictionary. [5 February 2021]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-14). 
  6. ^ Williams, Peter; Stevenson, Iain; Nicholas, David; Watkinson, Anthony; Rowlands, Ian. The role and future of the monograph in arts and humanities research. ASLIB Proceedings. 2009, 61: 67–82. doi:10.1108/00012530910932294. 
  7. ^ Thompson, John B. Books in the Digital Age: The Transformation of Academic and Higher Education Publishing in Britain and the United States有限度免费查阅,超限则需付费订阅. Cambridge: Polity Press. 2005: 84–85. ISBN 978-0745634784 –通过Internet Archive. 
  8. ^ Vines, Sydney Howard. Robert Morison (1620–1683) and John Ray (1627–1705). Oliver, Francis Wall (编). Makers of British Botany. Cambridge University Press. 1913: 22 [2021-02-06]. (原始内容存档于2017-01-01) –通过Wikisource. 
  9. ^ 劍橋雙語詞典對 "compendium" 的解釋. [2021-02-06]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-04).