
稻瘟病菌 Magnaporthe grisea
科学分类 编辑
界: 真菌界 Fungi
门: 子囊菌门 Ascomycota
纲: 糞殼菌綱 Sordariomycetes
目: 巨座殼目 Magnaporthales
Thongk., Vijaykr. & K. D. Hyde, 2009





  • 喙球菌科 Ceratosphaeriaceae
    • 喙球菌属 Ceratosphaeria Niessl
      • Ceratosphaeria aeruginosa Rehm
      • Ceratosphaeria aparaphysata Feltgen
      • Ceratosphaeria aquatica Z.L.Luo, K.D.Hyde & H.Y.Su
      • Ceratosphaeria bicellula Panwar & S.J.Kaur
      • Ceratosphaeria caespitosa Lind & Vleugel
      • Ceratosphaeria cinerea (Quél.) Sacc., 1883
      • Ceratosphaeria crossandrae K.Ramakr.
      • Ceratosphaeria emergens Rick
      • Ceratosphaeria ervatamiicola A.K.Kar & Maity
      • Ceratosphaeria fragilis Wilberf.
      • Ceratosphaeria grandis Boud.
      • Ceratosphaeria lampadophora (Berk. & Broome) Niessl
      • Ceratosphaeria lanuginosa Maire
      • Ceratosphaeria lignicola D.F.Bao, Z.L.Luo, H.Y.Su & K.D.Hyde
      • Ceratosphaeria luculenta Lar.N.Vassiljeva
      • Ceratosphaeria macrorhyncha Gaja
      • Ceratosphaeria moravica Petr.
      • Ceratosphaeria mycophila G.Winter
      • Ceratosphaeria obliquata Feltgen
      • Ceratosphaeria ordinata (Fr.) Kirschst.
      • Ceratosphaeria phialidica (Shearer) Huhndorf, Greif, Mugambi & A.N.Mill.
      • 菲律宾喙球菌 Ceratosphaeria philippinarum Rehm
      • 竹喙球菌 Ceratosphaeria phyllostachydis S.Zhang
      • Ceratosphaeria pusilla (Fuckel) Sacc.
      • Ceratosphaeria quadrinucleata Kirschst.
      • Ceratosphaeria rhenana (Auersw.) Berl. & Voglino
      • Ceratosphaeria silva-nigra (Penz. & Sacc.) Teng
      • Ceratosphaeria subferruginea (Fuckel) Munk
      • Ceratosphaeria subiculosa Sacc.
      • 云南喙球菌 Ceratosphaeria yunnanensis C.F.Liao & Doilom
  • 巨座壳菌科 Magnaporthaceae
  • 蛇孢球壳科 Ophioceraceae
    • 蛇孢球壳属 Ophioceras Sacc.
      • Ophioceras aquaticum D.M.Hu, L.Cai & K.D.Hyde
      • Ophioceras arcuatisporum Shearer, J.L.Crane & W.Chen
      • 竹生蛇孢球壳 Ophioceras bambusae Höhn.
      • Ophioceras castillensis (C.L.Sm.) H.B.Jiang, Phookamsak & K.D.Hyde
      • Ophioceras cecropiae E.Müll.
      • Ophioceras chiangdaoense Thongk., Lumyong & K.D.Hyde
      • Ophioceras commune Shearer, J.L.Crane & W.Chen
      • Ophioceras corni Richon, 1889
      • Ophioceras dolichostomum (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Sacc.
      • Ophioceras ficinum Tennakoon, C.H.Kuo & K.D.Hyde
      • Ophioceras filiforme (Henn.) Höhn.
      • Ophioceras freycinetiae Crous
      • Ophioceras fusiforme Shearer, J.L.Crane & W.Chen
      • Ophioceras guttulatum C.K.M.Tsui, H.Y.M.Leung, K.D.Hyde & Hodgkiss
      • 香港蛇孢球壳 Ophioceras hongkongense C.K.M.Tsui, H.Y.M.Leung, K.D.Hyde & Hodgkiss
      • 印度蛇孢球壳 Ophioceras indicus S.P.Lal
      • Ophioceras junci Crous & Osieck
      • Ophioceras leptosporum (S.H.Iqbal) J.Walker
      • Ophioceras miyazakiense Matsush.
      • Ophioceras palmae C.K.M.Tsui, H.Y.M.Leung, K.D.Hyde & Hodgkiss
      • 寄生蛇孢球壳 Ophioceras parasiticum Teng
      • Ophioceras petrakii Tilak, S.B.Kale & S.V.S.Kale
      • Ophioceras rhizomorpha (Huhndorf & Mugambi) H.B.Jiang, Phookamsak & K.D.Hyde
      • 四川蛇孢球壳 Ophioceras sichuanense H.B.Jiang, Phookamsak & K.D.Hyde, 2021[2]
      • Ophioceras sorghi Saccas
      • Ophioceras submersum D.F.Bao, Z.L.Luo, H.Y.Su & K.D.Hyde
      • Ophioceras tambopataense Matsush.
      • Ophioceras tenuisporum Shearer, J.L.Crane & W.Chen
      • Ophioceras therryanum (Sacc. & Roum.) Sacc., 1883
      • 委内瑞拉蛇孢球壳 Ophioceras venezuelense Shearer, J.L.Crane & W.Chen
      • Ophioceras zeae Saccas
  • 梨孢科 Pyriculariaceae
  • Tropohalonectria


  1. ^ Magnaporthales. GBIF. [2022-06-27]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-09). 
  2. ^ Jiang,Hong-Bo,Hyde,Kevin D.,Yang,Er-Fu,et al. Morphological and phylogenetic appraisal of Ophioceras (Ophioceraceae, Magnaporthales)[J]. PLOS ONE,2021,16(8):e0253853.