


沙克達教的根基深植于古印度史前时期。从印度旧石器时代22,000年前的定居地已知最早的女神形象,到印度河谷文明时她的教派的改良,吠陀时期的部分衰落,之后在古典梵语传统的重新浮现和扩张,已表明在许多層面,“印度传统的历史可被视为这位女性的重现。”[2]此女神名本母(梵語:mātṛkā )。性力派在笈多王朝开始流行。










Sri Amritananda Natha Saraswathi, a Shakta adept and guru, performing the Navavarana , a central ritual in 法會 (印度教) 怛特羅密教 Shaktism, at the Sahasrakshi Meru Temple at Devipuram英语Devipuram安德拉邦印度,2005.








女神时母,立于湿婆的胸口。(1770)Richard B. Godfrey (1728 - N/A)。身为迦梨的提毗,性力派的神学中,此造型标志了沙克提作为至高神的活动的一方面而湿婆则为其静止的一方面。两者如缺乏任一方,则都不完整。









最重要的性力派节日是难近母节(Navaratri,字面意义为“九夜之节”),因其处在印度历Sharad月份(10/11月),亦作“Sharad Navaratri”。此节日经常与其后第10天——“Dusshera”或“Vijayadashami”一起,庆祝《女神颂》(Devi Mahatmya)中女神难近母对抗一系列强大罗刹的胜利。[15]






"The Hindoo Goddess Karle", an illustration from Dr. Scudder's Tales for Little Readers About the Heathen, by Dr. John Scudder (London, 1849)。


“怛特罗是性力派的圣经,……认为所有力量都有女性为主的本质,” "The Tantras are the bible of Shaktism, [...] identifying all Force with the female principle in nature and teaching an undue adoration of the wives of Shiva and Vishnu to the neglect of their male counterparts. [...] It is certain that a vast number of the inhabitants of India are guided in their daily life by Tantrik teaching, and are in bondage to the gross superstitions inculcated in these writings. And indeed it can scarcely be doubted that Shaktism is Hinduism arrived at its worst and most corrupt stage of development."[16]

密宗是沙克教的聖經,以自然界的女性原則確認所有部隊,並教導濕婆和毘濕奴的妻子受到過度的崇拜,而忽略男性。 [...]可以肯定者,為印度的許多居民,在日常生活中都受到Tantrik教guided的指導,並受到這些著作中所灌輸的迷信束縛。的確,毫無疑問,沙克教是印度教進入最壞,最腐敗的發展階段。”





  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Subramuniyaswami, p.1211.
  2. ^ Hawley. p.2.
  3. ^ Bhattacharyya(a), p.1.
  4. ^ Subramanian, p.1.
  5. ^ Dikshitar, p.85.
  6. ^ "Bengali Shakta."
  7. ^ Subramanian, p.ix.
  8. ^ Mohan's World.
  9. ^ Brooks(a), p.48.
  10. ^ Brooks(a), pp.47-72.
  11. ^ Bhattacharyya(a), p.131.
  12. ^ See Kinsley(a).
  13. ^ 见Kinsley(a).
  14. ^ Pattanaik, pp.103-109.
  15. ^ "5 Things You Need to Know About Navratri: The 9 Divine Nights,"最后一天要杀一头水牛,山羊,绵羊,鸡,鸭。About Hinduism页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
  16. ^ Kapoor, p.157.


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