
爱尔兰殖民地是指16世纪和17世纪英格蘭王國王室没收爱尔兰土地後再當地設立的殖民地。這些殖民地是英国殖民者殖民愛爾蘭的象征,也是英國国王讓爱尔兰盎格魯化的一种手段。愛爾蘭境內比較重要的殖民地建于1550年代至1620年代,其中最大的是阿尔斯特殖民地英语Plantation of Ulster。殖民地建立後,在此基礎上形成了许多城镇。[1]許多英國人和新教教徒在殖民地定居,這改变了爱尔兰的人口结构。 [2]

自12世纪諾曼征服愛爾蘭后,一些大不列顛島上的人就移民到愛爾蘭。到了15世纪,愛爾蘭島上只剩下帕莱地区依舊由英格蘭王國統治。 1540年代,英国都铎王朝开始征服爱尔兰。1550年代,英國人在愛爾蘭島上建立了第一批殖民地。伊丽莎白一世统治时期,英國人又再度在愛爾蘭島上建立殖民地。


  1. ^ Taylor, Alan. American Colonies, The Settling of North America需要免费注册. Penguin. 2001: 119, 123. ISBN 0-14-200210-0. 
  2. ^ Padraig Lenihan, Confederate Catholics at War, pp. 5–6: "The Gaelic Irish and Old English were increasingly seen by outsiders and defined themselves, as undifferentiatedly Irish. ... By the 1630s, members of the Catholic elite, whatever their paternal ancestry, shared a common identity and set of political attitudes. ... Conversely, it is possible to speak of a contending Protestant/New English/British group. The term 'British' has validity because of its contemporary usage (in referring to grantees in the Ulster Plantation for example) and, especially, because it embraces, as it was designed to, both English and Scottish interests in Ireland...the consciousness of being a privileged minority in a hostile environment."