



從考古學中發現,所知最古老的日晷是古埃及天文學和巴比倫天文學的影鐘(約西元前1,500年)。但是,不一定正確的說法指出,在寺廟內的方尖碑只是法老王提供做為某人的紀念物[1]。據推測,人類在更早的日期就知道從陰影的長度推測時間,甚至日期,但這很難驗證。大約在西元前700年,[舊約]描述了一個日晷 -- 在大先知書以賽亞書38:8歷史書列王紀下提到亞哈謝的日晷(可能是在歷史上能找到的最早的日晷資料)-- 這像是埃及或巴比倫的設計。日晷被認為在古老的中國就存在了,但在歷史上對這所知甚少[2]。從西元前104年,曆法專家就曾經參考過日晷的資料[3]



  • 傅科擺
  • Francesco Bianchini
  • Horology
  • 蘇格蘭日晷:古代文藝復興時期設置在蘇格蘭的日晷
  • Tide (time):早期日晷上對日子的劃分
  • Wilanów Palace Sundial:約翰·赫維留在1684年建立的日晷。


  1. ^ The oldest surviving sundial. [2014-12-06]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-11). 
  2. ^ Sundials in China - A brief note. The University of Hong Kong. 1997-07-01 [2010-01-20]. (原始内容存档于2010-03-14). 
  3. ^ Joseph Needham. Science and Civilisation in China 3. C.U.P. 1959: 302. 
  • Earle AM. Sundials and Roses of Yesterday. Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle. 1971. ISBN 0-8048-0968-2. LCCN 74142763.  Reprint of the 1902 book published by Macmillan (New York).
  • A.P.Herbert, Sundials Old and New,Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1967.
  • Mayall RN, Mayall MW. Sundials: Their Construction and Use 3rd. Cambridge, MA: Sky Publishing. 1994. ISBN 0-933346-71-9. 
  • Hugo Michnik, Theorie einer Bifilar-Sonnenuhr, Astronomishe Nachrichten, 217(5190), p. 81-90, 1923
  • Rohr RRJ. Sundials: History, Theory, and Practice translated by G. Godin. New York: Dover. 1996. ISBN 0-486-29139-1.  Slightly amended reprint of the 1970 translation published by University of Toronto Press (Toronto). The original was published in 1965 under the title Les Cadrans solaires by Gauthier-Villars (Montrouge, France).
  • Frederick W. Sawyer, Bifilar gnomonics, JBAA (Journal of the British Astronomical association), 88(4):334–351, 1978
  • Gerard L'E. Turner, Antique Scientific Instruments, Blandford Press Ltd. 1980 ISBN 0-7137-1068-3
  • J.L. Heilbron, The sun in the church: cathedrals as solar observatories, Harvard University Press, 2001 ISBN 978-0-674-00536-5.
  • Make A Sundial, (The Education Group British Sundial Society) Editors Jane Walker and David Brown, British Sundial Society 1991 ISBN 0-9518404-0
  • Waugh AE. Sundials: Their Theory and Construction. New York: Dover Publications. 1973. ISBN 0-486-22947-5. 
  • "Illustrating Shadows", Simon Wheaton-Smith, ISBN 0-9765286-8-1, LCN: 2005900674
  • "Illustrating More Shadows", Simon Wheaton-Smith, both books are over 300 pages long.


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