
歐亞紅松鼠 Sciurus vulgaris
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 哺乳纲 Mammalia
目: 啮齿目 Rodentia
亚目: 松鼠形亚目 Sciuromorpha
科: 松鼠科 Sciuridae
G. Fischer de Waldheim英语Johann Fischer von Waldheim, 1817




  • Aepyosciurus Wang & Qiu, 2003
  • 沟牙鼯鼠属 Aeretes G.M.Allen, 1940
  • 黑飛鼠屬 Aeromys Robinson & Kloss, 1915
  • Albanensia Daxner-Hock & Mein, 1975
  • Aliveria de Bruijn, van der Meulen, Katsikatsosan der Meulen & Katsikatsos, 1980
    • Aliveria brinkerinki de Bruijn et al., 1980
    • Aliveria mojmiri[1]
    • Aliveria luteyni de Bruijn et al., 1980
  • 羚松鼠屬 Ammospermophilus Merriam, 1892
  • Aragoxerus Cuenca Bescós, 1988
  • Arctomyoides Bryant, 1945
  • Atlantoxerus Forsyth Major, 1893
  • 毛耳飞鼠属 Belomys Thomas, 1908
  • 比氏鼯鼠屬 Biswamoyopterus Saha, 1981
  • Blackia Mein, 1970
  • 麗松鼠屬 Callosciurus Gray, 1867
  • Callospermophilus Merriam, 1897
  • Cedromus Wilson, 1949
  • Comtia Vianey-Liaud, Comte, Marandat, Peigné, Rage & Sudre, 2014
  • Cynomyoides Korth, 1996
  • 草原犬鼠属 Cynomys Rafinesque, 1817
  • 長吻松鼠屬 Dremomys Heude, 1898
  • Drenwmys
  • Eoglaucomys A.H.Howell, 1915
  • 非洲棕櫚松鼠屬 Epixerus Thomas, 1909
  • 绒鼯鼠属 Eupetaurus Thomas, 1888
  • Eutamias Trouessart, 1880
  • Euxerus Thomas, 1909
  • Exilisciurus Moore, 1958
  • Forsythia Mein, 1970
  • Freudenthalia Cuenca Bescós, 1988
  • Funambulus Lesson, 1835
  • 非洲松鼠屬 Funisciurus Trouessart, 1880
  • Geosciurus
  • Getuloxerus Lavocat, 1961
  • Glaucomas
  • 美洲飞鼠属 Glaucomys Thomas, 1908
  • 雕松鼠屬 Glyphotes Thomas, 1898
  • Guerlinguetus Gray, 1821
  • 太阳松鼠属 Heliosciurus Trouessart, 1880
  • Hesperopetes Emry & Korth, 2007
  • Heteroxerus Stehlin & Schaub, 1951
  • 箭尾飞鼠属 Hylopetes Thomas, 1908
  • Hylopetodon Qiu, 2002
  • 長鼻松鼠屬 Hyosciurus Archbold & Tate, 1935
  • Ictidomys J.A.Allen, 1877
  • 喜鸣飞鼠属 Iomys Thomas, 1908
  • Kherem Minjin, 2004
  • Kubwaxerus Cifelli, Ibui, Jacobs & Thorington, 1986
  • Lagrivea Mein & Ginsburg, 2002
  • 線松鼠屬 Lariscus Thomas & Wroughton, 1909
  • 旱獺屬 Marmota Blumenbach, 1779
  • Meinia Qiu, 1981
  • Menetes Thomas, 1908
  • 倭松鼠属 Microsciurus J.A.Allen, 1895
  • Miopetaurista Kretzoi, 1962
  • Miosciurus Black, 1963
  • Miospermophilus Black, 1963
  • Myosciurus Thomas, 1909
  • Nannosciurus Trouessart, 1880
  • Neopetes Daxner-Höck, 2004
  • Neotamias (Howell, 1929)
  • Notocitellus A.H.Howell, 1938
  • Notosciurus Allen, 1914
  • Nototamias Pratt & Morgan, 1989
  • Oligopetes Heissig, 1979
  • Oligosciurus Wang & Qiu, 2004
  • Oligospermophilus Korth, 1987
  • Oriensciurus Qiu & Yan, 2005
  • Otospermophilus Brandt, 1844
  • Paenemarmota Hibbard & Schultz, 1948
  • Palaearctomys Douglass, 1903
  • Palaeosciurus Pomel, 1852
  • Parapaenemarmota Martin, 1998
  • Parapetaurista Qiu & Liu, 1986
  • Paratamias Tedrow, Robison & Korth, 2001
  • 非洲條紋松鼠屬 Paraxerus Forsyth Major, 1893
  • Petauria Dehm, 1962
  • 小飛鼠屬 Petaurillus Thomas, 1908
  • 鼯鼠属 Petaurista Link, 1795
  • Petauristodon Engesser, 1979
  • 低泡飛鼠屬 Petinomys Thomas, 1908
  • Plesiosciurus Qiu & Liu, 1986
  • Pliopetaurista Kretzoi, 1962
  • Pliopetes Kretzoi, 1959
  • Pliosciuropterus Sulimski, 1964
  • Poliocitellus A.H.Howell, 1938
  • Prosciurillus Ellerman, 1947
  • Prospermophilus Qiu & Storch, 2000
  • Protosciurus Black, 1963
  • Protospermophilus Gazin, 1930
  • 非洲巨松鼠屬 Protoxerus Forsyth Major, 1893
  • 欧亚飞鼠属 Pteromys G.Cuvier, 1800
  • 煙青飛鼠屬 Pteromyscus Thomas, 1908
  • 巨松鼠屬 Ratufa Gray, 1867
  • 溪松鼠 Rheithrosciurus Gray, 1867
  • Rhinosciurus Blyth, 1856
  • Rubrisciurus Ellerman, 1954
  • Sabara Viriot, Peláez-Campomanes, Vignaud, Andossa, Makaye & Brunet, 2011
  • Sarybulakia Shevyreva & Baranova, 2003
  • Sciurillus Thomas, 1914
  • Sciurion Skwara, 1986
  • 岩松鼠屬 Sciurotamias Miller, 1901
  • 松鼠屬 Sciurus Linnaeus, 1758
  • Shuanggouia Qiu & Liu, 1986
  • Similisciurus Stevens, 1977
  • Sinotamias Qiu, 1991
  • Spermophilinus de Bruijn & Mein, 1968
  • Spermophilopsis Blasius, 1884
  • 黃鼠屬 Spermophilus F.Cuvier, 1825
  • 馬尾松鼠屬 Sundasciurus Moore, 1958
  • 山松鼠属 Syntheosciurus Bangs, 1902
  • 花鼠属 Tamias Illiger, 1811
  • 美洲紅松鼠屬 Tamiasciurus Trouessart, 1880
  • 條紋松鼠屬 Tamiops J.A.Allen, 1906
  • 复齿鼯鼠属 Trogopterus Heude, 1898
  • Urocitellus Obolenskij, 1927
  • Vulcanisciurus Lavocat, 1973
  • Xerospermophilus Merriam, 1892
  • 非洲地松鼠 Xerus Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1833


















料理松鼠肉的食譜甚至出現在烹飪書上,像是例如《James Beard的美國廚藝》(James Beard's American Cookery)[11]以及1997年之前的《廚藝之樂》(The Joy of Cooking)[12][13]等都有教人製作松鼠肉料理的內容。

在很多食譜中,松鼠肉都可作為兔肉或雞肉的替代品,且是在美國南方受歡迎的不倫瑞克燉肉英语Brunswick stew的原始材料之一。[14]其他類似的使用松鼠肉的燉肉包括了不孤燉肉英语Burgoo以及南伊利諾巧達湯英语Southern Illinois chowder等等。


松鼠無限(Squirrels Unlimited)[16]每年都會在美國阿肯色州的本頓維舉辦世界松鼠料理大賽。[17]




  1. ^ Isaac Bonilla Salomón, Àngel H. Luján, Martin Ivanov & Martin Sabol (2022) Aliveria mojmiri sp. nov. among other flying and ground squirrels (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the early Miocene of Mokrá-Quarry sites (Moravia, Czech Republic), Historical Biology, 34:10, 1950-1963, DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2021.1992403
  2. ^ Tree Squirrels页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Wildlife Online, November 23, 2010.
  3. ^ 吃素?雪霸公园拍到 松鼠吃雏鸟. 民視新聞网. 2012-11-26 [2012-11-26]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-09) –通过YouTube. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Milton, Katherine (1984): [Family Sciuridae]. In: Macdonald, D. (ed.): The Encyclopedia of Mammals: 612–623. Facts on File, New York. ISBN 0-87196-871-1
  5. ^ 捣蛋鬼还是好宠物?矛盾的松鼠. 果壳网. 2010-11-10 [2021-11-25]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-25). 
  6. ^ Kurlanksy, Mark. Reciped from Arkansas. The food of a younger land : a portrait of American food: before the national highway system, before chain restaurants, and before frozen food, when the nation's food was seasonal, regional, and traditional: from the lost WPA files需要免费注册. United States Works Progress Administration. New York: Riverhead Books. 2009: 112. ISBN 978-1-59448-865-8. OCLC 328071934. 
  7. ^ Frauenfelder, Mark. How to make a squirrel sandwich. Boing Boing. 2012-04-30 [2012-05-06]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-31). 
  8. ^ Apicius. Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome. Courier Corporation. 7 May 2012: 205–. ISBN 978-0-486-15649-1. 
  9. ^ Beard, James. James Beard's American Cookery. Little, Brown. 28 February 2009: 610– [2023-11-28]. ISBN 978-0-316-06981-6. (原始内容存档于2023-05-10). 
  10. ^ It tasted like chicken页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Retrieved December 19, 2008.
  11. ^ Beard, James. James Beard's American Cookery. Little, Brown. 28 February 2009 [2023-11-28]. ISBN 978-0-316-06981-6. (原始内容存档于2023-05-13). 
  12. ^ Colquhoun, Kate. First, catch your squirrel...需要付费订阅. The Telegraph. 28 May 2008 [6 May 2012]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-12). 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Bilger, Burkhard. Squirrel and man: is a local custom worth dying for?. The New Yorker. July 17, 2000: 58–67 [19 February 2013]. (原始内容存档于2011-12-17). 
  14. ^ Who invented Brunswick stew?. American Food Roots. 16 January 2013 [3 October 2014]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-25). 
  15. ^ Davidson, Alan. Squirrel需要免费注册. Oxford Companion to Food. Oxford University Press: 750. 1999. ISBN 0-19-211579-0. OCLC 55747419. 
  16. ^ World Championship Squirrel Cook Off Contact Page. World Championship Squirrel Cook Off. [2 June 2018]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-30). 
  17. ^ Squirrels Unlimited-home. Squirrels Unlimited. [2 June 2018]. 
  18. ^ Blakeslee, Sandra. Kentucky Doctors Warn Against a Regional Dish: Squirrels' Brains. The New York Times. August 29, 1997 [20 April 2012]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-11). 
  19. ^ Jowers, Walter. Bad Brains. Nashville Scene. DesertNet LLC. September 22, 1997 [20 April 2012]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-26). 
  20. ^ A Man Contracted a Rare, Fatal Disease from Eating Squirrel Brains. 17 October 2018 [2023-11-28]. (原始内容存档于2024-01-16). 
  21. ^ The story behind the viral story about a man who ate squirrel brains. [2023-11-28]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-10). 
  22. ^ Promed Post. [2023-11-28]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-12). 
