

獵人赫恩Herne the Hunter)是傳說中出沒于英國伯克郡溫莎森林和溫莎大公園的一個幽靈,其頭上長著鹿角。首次書面提及獵人赫恩的文獻是莎士比亞1597年出版的《溫莎的風流孃兒們》,不過最早的版本中書寫為“Horne”[1],後來赫恩又多次出現於其他著作和媒體中。而起具體的起源還有爭議。


關於獵人赫恩的起源有許多種說法,而還有更多的傳說沒有佐證。在R. Lowe Thompson1929年著作《The History of the Devil – The Horned God of the West Herne》中,作者認為獵人赫恩和其他歐中傳說中的鬼獵人來源相同,并認為“Herne”可能與高盧人的神祇瑟農諾斯之名起源相同。[2] 一些現代的異教例如威卡教相信這一說法,並將獵人赫恩與神瑟農諾斯畫上了等號。[3] 但實際上赫恩只是出現於伯克郡內,其他地區並沒有相關記載。與之相對,瑟農諾斯也從沒有在英國本土傳說中出現過。[4] 赫恩與瑟農諾斯可能確實有相同的語根*ker-n-(意思是骨頭或角),但更加相似的來源是古英語的“hyrne”,意即“角落”或“角”。[5][6][7]


在莎士比亞和薩繆爾·艾爾蘭都將赫恩當做一個真實存在的歷史人物來描述。因為根據傳說,獵人赫恩可能是亨利八世時一個叫做理查德·赫恩(Richard Horne)的自耕農的幽靈,此人因在樹林中非法狩獵而被捕。最早支持這個說法的人是詹姆斯·哈利韋爾-菲利普斯。[13]


  1. ^ Jeffrey Theis, The "ill kill'd" Deer: Poaching and Social Order in The Merry Wives of Windsor, Texas Studies in Literature and Language 43.1 (2001) 46–73.
  2. ^ The History of the Devil by R. Lowe Thompson, 1920, page. 133
  3. ^ 'Simple Wicca: A simple wisdom book' by Michele Morgan, Conari, 2000, ISBN 1-57324-199-7, ISBN 978-1-57324-199-1as
  4. ^ Ronald Hutton, The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles: Their Nature and Legacy, People of the Mist (chpt 5)
  5. ^ Shipley, Joseph Twadell. 'Dictionary of Early English'. Philosophical Library, 1955. Page 330.
  6. ^ 存档副本 (PDF). [2008-11-02]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2009-02-25). 
  7. ^ Bosworth, Joseph.A Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language, Containing the Accentuation—the Grammatical Inflections—the Irregular Words Referred to Their Themes—the Parallel Terms, from the Other Gothic Languages—the Meaning of the Anglo-Saxon in English and Latin—and Copious English and Latin Indexes ... Published by Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman, 1838. Page 189.
  8. ^ Matthews, John. The Quest for the Green Man. Published by Quest Books, 2001. ISBN 0-8356-0825-5, ISBN 978-0-8356-0825-1. Page 116
  9. ^ Spence, Lewis. Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine. BiblioBazaar, LLC, 2007. ISBN 1-4346-2755-1, ISBN 978-1-4346-2755-1. page 68
  10. ^ De Berard Mills. Bardeen, C.W.'The Tree of Mythology, Its Growth and Fruitage: Genesis of The Nursery Tale, Saws of Folk-lore, etc'. 1889
  11. ^ De Vries, Eric. 'Hedge-Rider: Witches and the Underworld'. Pendraig Publishing, 2008. ISBN 0-9796168-7-5, ISBN 978-0-9796168-7-7
  12. ^ Greenwood, Susan.' The Nature of Magic: An Anthropology of Consciousness'. Berg Publishers, 2005. ISBN 1-84520-095-0, ISBN 978-1-84520-095-4. Page 120
  13. ^ Hedley, Windsor Castle, 93.
  • Fitch, Eric (1994). In Search of Herne the Hunter. Capall Bann Publishing. ISBN 978-1-898307-23-5.
  • Ireland, Samuel (1792). Picturesque Views on the River Thames.
  • Petry, Michael John (1972). Herne the Hunter: A Berkshire Legend. William Smith (Booksellers) Ltd. ISBN 978-0-9500218-8-1.
