

瞻礼单天主教整理教會年曆的傳統方法。把每一天的一個或多個聖人聯繫起來,而叫這天做聖人的瞻礼日(Feast day)。這個系統源起於非常早期的基督教傳統,在殉道者逝世的日子(即在天堂出生的日子),每年紀念殉道者,以鼓勵教友學習聖人的品德,像他們一樣戰勝罪惡、在基督內復活。所以,圣人的宗教节日拉丁文稱做Dies Natalis (誕生之日)。



  1. 節日(Sollemnitas),最隆重的,例如聖誕節復活節
  2. 慶日(Festum),隆重的,例如2月2日獻主節
  3. 紀念(Memoriae),較不隆重,例如10月4日亞西西的方濟各紀念日





  • 主顯節後主日(若主显节于主日,如1月7、8日,则于下一个周一) - 主受洗節英语Baptism of the Lord——庆日


  • 2月2日 - 獻主節——庆日
  • 2月3日 - 聖巴拉斯(主教、殉道);或聖安斯卡(主教)——纪念(可选)
  • 2月5日 - 聖女亞加大(殉道)——纪念
  • 2月6日 - 聖保祿三木及同伴(日本殉道者)——纪念
  • 2月8日 - 聖熱羅尼莫·艾明廉;或St. Josephine Margaret Bakhita(童贞)——纪念(可选)
  • 2月10日 - 聖思嘉(童贞)——纪念
  • 2月11日 - 露德聖母——纪念(可选)
  • 2月14日 - 聖濟利祿(隱修士)及聖默多狄(主教)——纪念
  • 2月17日 - 聖母忠僕會七位會祖——纪念(可选)
  • 2月21日 - 聖伯多祿·達彌盎(主教、聖師)——纪念(可选)
  • 2月22日 - 建立聖伯多祿宗座——庆日
  • 2月23日 - 聖玻里加(主教、殉道)——纪念


  • 3月4日 - 聖加西彌祿(殉道)——纪念(可选)
  • 3月7日 - 聖女伯爾都亞及聖女斐尼絲(殉道)——纪念
  • 3月8日 - 聖若望由天主者(會士)——纪念(可选)
  • 3月9日 - 聖女方濟加·露雯(修女)——纪念(可选)
  • 3月17日 - 聖博德(主教)——纪念(可选)
  • 3月18日 - 耶路撒冷的聖濟利祿(主教、聖師)——纪念(可选)
  • 3月19日 - 大聖若瑟,童贞圣母玛利亚净配——节日
  • 3月23日 - 聖多利坡(主教)——纪念(可选)
  • 3月25日 - 圣母领报——节日











  • 聖誕八日慶期內主日(若无主日,于12月30日) - 聖家節——庆日



  • 1月14日 - 真福和德理(司鐸)
  • 1月15日 - 聖劉方濟(司鐸、殉道)
  • 1月23日 - 聖白小滿(殉道)
  • 1月27日 - 聖赵荣(司铎、殉道)
  • 1月29日 - 聖王炳及同伴(殉道)或聖福若瑟(司鐸)
  • 1月30日 -真福雷永明(司鐸)
  • 2月13日 - 聖藍月旺(司鐸、殉道)
  • 2月18日 - 聖劉格來(方濟克萊)(司鐸、殉道)或聖吳學聖、聖文乃耳及同伴(殉道)
  • 2月21日 - 聖劉翰佐(司鐸、殉道)
  • 3月1日 - 聖曹桂英(殉道)
  • 3月12日 - 聖張大鵬(殉道)
  • 4月8日 - 真福雅松大(修女)
  • 5月4日 - 真福梅慕雅(司鐸)
  • 5月17日 - 聖劉文元(殉道)
  • 5月27日 - 聖白多祿(主教、殉道)
  • 5月29日 - 聖郝開枝(殉道)
  • 6月23日 - 聖袁在德(司鐸、殉道)
  • 7月20日 - 聖任德芬及同伴(殉道)
  • 7月21日 - 聖郭西德(司鐸、殉道)
  • 7月28日 - 聖陳昌品及同伴(殉道)
  • 9月11日 - 聖董文學(司鐸、殉道)
  • 10月25日 - 聖施方濟及同伴(殉道)
  • 11月7日 - 聖吳國盛(殉道)
  • 11月24日 - 聖徐德新(主教、殉道)


According to the national calendar of England,[3] as requested by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales and approved by the Holy See:

  • 12 January: Saint Aelred of Rievaulx - Optional Memorial
  • 19 January: Saint Wulstan, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 14 February: Saints Cyril, monk, and Methodius, bishop - Feast
  • 1 March: Saint David, bishop - Feast
  • 17 March: Saint Patrick, bishop - Feast
  • 21 April: Saint Anselm of Canterbury, bishop and doctor - Optional Memorial
  • 23 April: Saint George, martyr - Solemnity
  • 24 April: Saint Adalbert, bishop and martyr or Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, priest and martyr - Optional Memorial
  • 29 April: Saint Catherine of Siena, virgin and doctor - Feast
  • 4 May: The English Martyrs - Feast
  • 19 May: Saint Dunstan, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 25 May: Saint Bede the Venerable, priest and doctor - Memorial
  • 27 May: Saint Augustine of Canterbury, bishop - Feast
  • 5 June: Saint Boniface, martyr - Memorial
  • 6月9日 - 聖高隆(院长)——纪念(可选)
  • 16 June: Saint Richard of Chichester, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 20 June: Saint Alban, martyr - Optional Memorial
  • 22 June: Saints John Fisher, bishop and Thomas More, martyrs - Feast
  • 23 June: Saint Etheldreda (Audrey), virgin - Optional Memorial
  • 1 July: Saint Oliver Plunket, bishop and martyr - Optional Memorial
  • 11 July: Saint Benedict, abbot - Feast
  • 23 July: Saint Bridget, religious - Feast
  • 9 August: Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), virgin and martyr - Feast
  • 26 August: Blessed Dominic of the Mother of God Barberi, priest - Optional Memorial
  • 30 August: Saints Margaret Clitherow, Anne Line and Margaret Ward, martyrs - Optional Memorial
  • 31 August: Saint Aidan, bishop and the Saints of Lindisfarne - Optional Memorial
  • 3 September: Saint Gregory the Great, pope and doctor - Feast
  • 4 September: Saint Cuthbert, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 19 September: Saint Theodore of Canterbury, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 24 September: Our Lady of Walsingham - Memorial
  • 9 October: Blessed John Henry Newman, priest - Optional Memorial
  • 10 October: Saint Paulinus of York, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 12 October: Saint Wilfrid, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 13 October: Saint Edward the Confessor - Optional Memorial
  • 26 October: Saints Chad and Cedd, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 3 November: Saint Winefride, virgin - Optional Memorial
  • 7 November: Saint Willibrord, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 16 November: Saint Edmund of Abingdon, bishop or Saint Margaret of Scotland - Optional Memorial
  • 17 November: Saint Hilda, abbess or Saint Hugh of Lincoln, bishop or Saint Elizabeth of Hungary - Optional Memorial
  • 30 November: Saint Andrew, apostle - Feast
  • 29 December: Saint Thomas Becket, bishop and martyr - Feast


According to the Calendrier propre à la France' [4]

  • 1月3日 - 聖女日南斐法(童貞)——紀念(可選)
  • 15 January: Saint Remigius, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 14 February: Saints Cyril, monk and Methodius, bishop - Feast
  • 19 February: Saint Bernadette Soubirous, virgin - Optional Memorial
  • 29 April: Saint Catherine of Siena, virgin and doctor - Feast
  • 20 May: Saint Ivo, priest - Optional Memorial
  • 5月30日 - 聖女貞德(童貞、法蘭西第二主保聖人)——紀念
  • 2 June: Saint Pothinus, bishop, Saint Blandina, virgin, and their companions, martyrs - Optional Memorial
  • 5 June: Saint Clotilde - Optional Memorial
  • 11 July: Saint Benedict, abbot - Feast
  • 23 July: Saint Brigitta, religious - Feast
  • 9 August: Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, virgin and martyr - Feast
  • 15 August: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, principal patroness of France - Solemnity
  • 26 August: Saint Caesarius of Arles, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 1 October: Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, virgin, secondary patroness of France - Memorial


According to the national calendar of Ireland,[5] as drawn up by the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference and approved by the Holy See:

  • 3 January: Saint Munchin, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 15 January: Saint Ita, virgin - Memorial
  • 16 January: Saint Fursa, abbot and missionary - Optional Memorial
  • 30 January: Saint Aidan, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 1 February: Saint Brigid, virgin - Feast
  • 7 February: Saint Mel, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 11 February: Saint Gobnait, virgin - Optional Memorial
  • 14 February: Saints Cyril, monk and Methodius, bishop - Feast
  • 17 February: Saint Fintan - Optional Memorial
  • 1 March: Saint David, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 5 March: Saint Kieran, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 8 March: Saint Senan, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 11 March: Saint Aengus (Oengus), bishop and abbot - Optional Memorial
  • 17 March: Saint Patrick, bishop - Solemnity
  • 21 March: Saint Enda, abbot - Optional Memorial
  • 24 March: Saint Macartan, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 1 April: Saint Ceallach (Celsus), bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 18 April: Saint Molaise (Laisrén, Laserian), bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 27 April: Saint Asicus, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 29 April: Saint Catherine of Siena, virgin and doctor - Feast
  • 4 May: Saint Conleth, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 5 May: Blessed Edmund Ignatius Rice, religious - Optional Memorial
  • 10 May: Saint Comgall, abbot - Optional Memorial
  • 15 May: Saint Carthage, bishop (Mochuta) - Optional Memorial
  • 16 May: Saint Brendan, abbot - Optional Memorial
  • 3 June: Saint Kevin, abbot - Memorial
  • 6 June: Saint Jarlath, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 7 June: Saint Colman of Dromore, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 6月9日 - 聖高隆(院长、傳教士)——慶日
  • 14 June: Saint Davnet, virgin - Optional Memorial
  • 20 June: Blessed Irish Martyrs - Memorial
  • 1 July: Saint Oliver Plunkett, bishop and martyr - Memorial
  • 6 July: Saint Moninne, virgin - Optional Memorial
  • 7 July: Saint Maelruain (Maolruain), virgin - Optional Memorial
  • 8 July: Saint Killian, bishop and martyr - Optional Memorial
  • 11 July: Saint Benedict, abbot - Feast
  • 23 July: Saint Birgitta, religious - Feast
  • 24 July: Saint Declan, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 9 August: Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), virgin and martyr - Feast
  • 9 August: In the revised liturgical calendar for Ireland, approved by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments on 1 October 1998 (Protocol No. 227/97/L), optional memorials of Saint Nathy and Saint Felim were assigned to this day; outside the dioceses that celebrate them with a higher rank, their celebrations are impeded by that of Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, who was later declared one of the patron saints of Europe.
  • 12 August: Saint Muiredach, bishop, Saint Attracta, virgin, or Saint Lelia, virgin - Optional Memorials
  • 13 August: Saint Fachtna, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 17 August: Our Lady of Knock - Feast
  • 23 August: Saint Eugene (Eoghan), bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 30 August: Saint Fiacre, monk - Optional Memorial
  • 31 August: Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne, bishop and missionary - Optional Memorial
  • 4 September: Saint Mac Nissi, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 9 September: Saint Ciaran, abbot - Memorial
  • 12 September: Saint Ailbe, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 23 September: The celebration of Saint Eunan (Adomnan), abbot as an optional memorial is now generally impeded by the later assignation to this date in the General Calendar of the obligatory memorial of Saint Pio of Pietralcina
  • 25 September: Saint Finbarr, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 3 October: Blessed Columba Marmion, priest - Optional Memorial (in some places)
  • 9 October: Blessed John Henry Newman, priest - Optional Memorial (in some places)
  • 11 October: Saint Canice, abbot - Optional Memorial
  • 16 October: Saint Gall, abbot and missionary - Optional Memorial
  • 27 October: Saint Otteran, monk - Optional Memorial
  • 29 October: Saint Colman of Kilmacduagh, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 3 November: Saint Malachy, bishop - Memorial
  • 6 November: All Saints of Ireland - Feast
  • 7 November: Saint Willibrord, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 14 November: Saint Laurence O'Toole, bishop- Optional Memorial
  • 23 November: Saint Columban, abbot and missionary - Memorial
  • 25 November Saint Colman of Cloyne, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 27 November Saint Fergal, bishop and missionary - Optional Memorial
  • 12 December Saint Finnian of Clonard, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 18 December Saint Flannan, bishop - Optional Memorial
  • 20 December Saint Fachanan of Kilfenora, bishop - Optional Memorial


According to the national calendar of Scotland, as requested by the Bishops' Conference of Scotland and approved by the Holy See:[來源請求]

  • 13 January: Saint Kentigern - Memorial
  • 14 February: Saints Cyril, Monk and Methodius - Feast
  • 10 March: Saint John Ogilvie - Feast
  • 17 March: Saint Patrick - Feast
  • 29 April: Saint Catherine of Siena - Feast
  • 6月9日 - 聖高隆——紀念
  • 11 July: Saint Benedict - Feast
  • 23 July: Saint Birgitta - Feast
  • 9 August: Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) - Feast
  • 16 September: Saint Ninian - Memorial
  • 16 November: Saint Margaret of Scotland - Feast
  • 30 November: Saint Andrew the Apostle - Solemnity




