狗前爪的肉墊 A) 爪(Claw) B) 趾(Digital Pads), C) 掌(Metacarpal Pad), D) 上爪(Dew Claw), E) 腕骨(Carpal Pad).
An American brown bear's paws.
A polar bear's paws.
A dog's paw resting on a hard concrete surface
Structures of the leg and paw of a dog.
A wolf's paws
A tiger's paw, showing pads
A cat's paw, showing pads.
Structures of the paw of a cat.
A rabbit's foot.
The hind paws of a Japanese hare.
A red panda's paw, showing the absence of paw pads.
The paw of a yellow-throated marten.
The forepaw of a European badger.
Front paw of European hamster