

膽囊切除術後症候群(Postcholecystectomy syndrome)是描述在膽囊切除術英语cholecystectomy之後出現的一系列腹部症狀。


術後症候群的腹痛症狀可能來自於歐蒂氏括約肌功能不全英语sphincter of Oddi dysfunction術後沾黏[4]。一項近期研究顯示術後症候群可能肇因於膽道微結石英语biliary microlithiasis[5]。約50%的病例是源自於膽道系統,例如殘餘結石、膽道損傷、膽道運動不良,以及膽道囊腫英语choledochal cyst。非膽道源性術後症候群則可能肇因於腸胃道功能性失調,例如消化不良[6]

慢性膽囊切除術後症候群屬於一種膽酸性腹瀉英语bile acid diarrhea[3],此類患者可以使用膽酸結合劑英语bile acid sequestrant進行治療,如可林斯提拉明酯英语cholestyramine(cholestyramine)[3]考來替泊英语colestipol(colestipol)[2],或colesevelam英语colesevelam[7]等藥物都能夠治療且安全[8]





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  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Sciarretta G, Furno A, Mazzoni M, Malaguti P. Post-cholecystectomy diarrhea: evidence of bile acid malabsorption assessed by SeHCAT test. The American Journal of Gastroenterology. December 1992, 87 (12): 1852–4. PMID 1449156. 
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  6. ^ Post-cholecystectomy symptoms were caused by persistence of a functional gastrointestinal disorder. [2019-04-11]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-17). 
  7. ^ Odunsi-Shiyanbade ST, Camilleri M, McKinzie S, et al. Effects of chenodeoxycholate and a bile acid sequestrant, colesevelam, on intestinal transit and bowel function. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. February 2010, 8 (2): 159–65. PMC 2822105可免费查阅. PMID 19879973. doi:10.1016/j.cgh.2009.10.020. 
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