薩瑟塔(Sather Tower)是柏克萊加州大學校園內的一座鐘樓,常被稱為“鐘樓”(The Campanile,发音为/kæmpəˈniːle/),類似於威尼斯的聖馬可鐘樓 ,是該校最顯著的標誌。
薩瑟塔完成於1914年,1917年首次向公眾開放。這座塔共有13層,在8樓有觀景台。部分樓層用於存儲化石。高307 英尺(93.6米),是世界第三高的鐘樓。其設計者是柏克萊加州大學校園建築師,該校環境設計學院的創始人約翰·蓋倫·霍華德,在他最初的美術學院派規劃中,該塔標誌著校園的次要軸,鐘樓成為校園的地標。
學術單位 |
- College of Chemistry
- 工程学院
- College of Environmental Design
- College of Letters and Science
- College of Natural Resources
- Goldman School of Public Policy
- 商学院
- School of Education
- School of Information
- School of Journalism
- 法學院
- School of Optometry
- School of Public Health
- School of Social Welfare
競技項目 | 秩序項目 |
- 加利福尼亞金熊
- Baseball
- Men's basketball
- Women's basketball
- Football
- Rugby
- Softball
- Volleyball
競爭對手 | |
文化展現 | |
大學校園 | 學術建築 |
- Bancroft Library
- California Hall
- Campbell Hall
- 柏克萊加州大學總圖書館
- Dwinelle Hall
- Etcheverry Hall
- Evans Hall
- Gilman Hall
- Hearst Memorial Mining Building
- Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation
- LeConte Hall
- Leuschner Observatory
- Moffitt Library
- South Hall
- Wheeler Hall
地標建築 |
- Berkeley Art Museum
- Botanical Garden and Julia Morgan Hall
- Lawrence Hall of Science
- Sather Gate
- 萨瑟塔
- Sproul Plaza
學生活動 |
- Hearst Greek Theatre
- Memorial Stadium
- Edwards Stadium
- Senior Hall
- Zellerbach Hall
- Haas Pavilion
- Tightwad Hill
- Evans Diamond
宿舍建築 |
- 鲍尔斯堂
- International House
- Stern Hall
- Student housing
- University House
研究單位 |
- Laboratories
- Institute of Governmental Studies
- Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute
- Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory
組織團隊 |
- Bear Transit
- Marching Band
- The Daily Californian
- Jazz Ensembles
- Berkeley Student Cooperative
- CalTV
- Men's Octet
- California Golden Overtones
- Food Collective
- Order of the Golden Bear
- Pioneers in Engineering
- Berkeley Forum
- California Pelican
- Heuristic Squelch
- UC Berkeley Symphony Orchestra
相關主題 | |