
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda
纲: 蛛形纲 Arachnida
目: 蜘蛛目 Araneae
科: 隆头蛛科 Eresidae
属: 隆头蛛属 Eresus
Walckenaer, 1805


  • Eresa Simon, 1864
  • Erythrophora Simon, 1864
  • Erythrophorus Koch, 1850




  • Eresus adaleari Zamani & Szűts, 2020
  • Eresus albopictus Simon, 1873
  • 双带隆头蛛 Eresus bifasciatus Ermolajev, 1937
  • Eresus cinnaberinus (Olivier, 1789)
  • Eresus crassitibialis Wunderlich, 1987
  • Eresus ctenizoides Koch, 1836
  • 大理隆头蛛 Eresus daliensis [2]
  • 念珠隆头蛛 Eresus granosus Simon, 1895
  • Eresus hermani Kovács, Prazsák, Eichardt, Vári & Gyurkovics, 2015
  • Eresus illustris C.L.Koch, 1837
  • 三列隆头蛛 Eresus kollari Rossi, 1846[3]
  • Eresus lavrosiae Mcheidze, 1997
  • 李时珍隆头蛛 Eresus lishizheni Lin, Marusik & Li, 2021
  • Eresus luridus Koch, 1836
  • 摩拉维亚瓢虫蜘蛛 Eresus moravicus Řezáč, 2008
  • 法老隆头蛛 Eresus pharaonis Walckenaer, 1837
  • Eresus robustus Franganillo, 1918
  • Eresus rotundiceps Simon, 1873
  • Eresus ruficapillus C.L.Koch, 1846
  • Eresus sandaliatus (Martini & Goeze, 1778)
  • Eresus sedilloti Simon, 1881
  • Eresus solitarius Simon, 1873
  • Eresus tristis Kroneberg, 1875
  • Eresus walckenaeri Brullé, 1832


  1. ^ Eresus Walckenaer, 1805. GBIF. [2023-07-01]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-01). 
  2. ^ Zi-Zhong Y .A Newly Recorded Genus of Eresidae from China and the Revision of Eresus daliensis[J].Acta Arachnologica Sinica, 2008.
  3. ^ Alireza Zamani, Çağatay Altin and Tamás Szűts. 2020. A Black Sheep in Eresus (Araneae: Eresidae): Taxonomic Notes on the Ladybird Spiders of Iran and Turkey, with A N