
科学分类 编辑
门: 隐藻门 Cryptophyta
纲: 隐藻纲 Cryptophyceae
目: 单核胞藻目 Pyrenomonadales
科: 隐芽藻科 Geminigeraceae





  • 隐芽藻属 Geminigera D.R.A.Hill, 1991
  • Guillardia D.R.A.Hill & R.Wetherbee, 1990[2]
    • Guillardia theta D.R.A.Hill & Wetherbee
  • Hanusia J.A.Deane, D.R.A.Hill, S.J.Brett & G.I.McFadden, 1998
    • Hanusia phi J.A.Deane[3]
  • 斜片藻属 Plagioselmis Butcher ex G.Novarino, I.A.N.Lucas & S.Morrall, 1994
  • Proteomonas Hill & Wetherbee, 1986
  • 全沟藻属 Teleaulax Hill, 1991
    • Teleaulax acuta (Butcher) Hill
    • Teleaulax amphioxeia (Conrad) Hill, 1992
    • 纤细全沟藻 Teleaulax gracilis [4]
    • Teleaulax minuta[4]
  • Urgorri Laza-Martinez, 2012


  1. ^ Geminigeraceae. GBIF. [2023-05-06]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-11). 
  2. ^ Xianghai Tang & Guiqi Bi (2016) The complete chloroplast genome of Guillardia theta strain CCMP2712, Mitochondrial DNA Part A, 27:6, 4423-4424, DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2015.1089554
  3. ^ James Deane , David Hill , Steven Brett & Geoffrey McFadden (1998) Hanusia phi gen. et sp. nov. (Cryptophyceae): characterization of ‘Cryptomonas sp. Φ’, European Journal of Phycology, 33:2, 149-154, DOI: 10.1080/09670269810001736643
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Aitor Laza-Martínez, Jon Arluzea, Irati Miguel & Emma Orive (2012) Morphological and molecular characterization of Teleaulax gracilis sp. nov. and T. minuta sp. nov. (Cryptophyceae), Phycologia, 51:6, 649-661, DOI: 10.2216/11-044.1