雷霆 (最终幻想)

雷霆 (最终幻想)

雷霆(日语:ライトニング,英语:Lightning,中国大陆译作“雷霆”,香港和台湾译作“雷光”)史克威尔艾尼克斯发行的遊戲系列《最终幻想》的虚构角色。雷霆以玩家角色身份,首次登场于电子角色扮演游戏最终幻想XIII》。《最终幻想XIII》包括地面世界“大脉冲”,以及浮在空中的巨大球體人工世界“茧”,两个世界互相敌对,且由各自的低等神祇“法尔希”统治。雷霆和妹妹莎拉是茧的居民。在妹妹被脉冲的法尔希化为僕役“露希”,变成茧的敌人后,雷光展开拯救莎拉的行动。在續作《最终幻想XIII-2》中,雷光以配角身份登場,守护死亡女神艾特罗;在最后的《雷霆归来 最终幻想XIII》中,雷霆作为唯一玩家角色,拯救將在13天后终结的世界。雷光也在其它最终幻想游戏中登场,其中如跨界游戏《最终幻想 纷争012》。







雷霆的本名為「艾克蕾兒·法隆エクレール・ファロン,Éclair Farron)」,英文版名为「Claire Farron」。在先期制作阶段,雷霆的本名是「Averia」;「艾克蕾兒」起初用来为Averia保密,但最终定为其正式名[7]。因「Eclair」在英文可指代某种点心,英文名改为「Claire」[8]。野村希望打破最终幻想主人公以天气事件命名的惯例,并对其他开发成员的选择表示惊讶[2]。官方将“Lightning”的中文名译作“雷光”,而非民间使用的“雷霆”;团队认为她的名字应当“充满光明”,而且雷霆“不是很好听”[9]。因容量问题,《最终幻想XIII》制作期间放弃了部分雷霆房间的模型[10]。雷霆在《XIII》中使用武器为怒火剑,其设计影射游戏中,召唤兽能在动物、人与交通工具间变形的能力[11]。雷霆的召唤兽是奥丁,奥丁是系列常见的幻兽;本作中奥丁的形象是雷霆如骑士般骑在马背上。编剧将他描为雷霆长者的形象[12]。在XIII系列后来的作品中,奥丁更成为雷霆倾诉内心深处的伙伴[13]


野村设计《雷霆归来 最终幻想XIII》中的雷霆服装「矛盾心理」。鸟山要求野村以「力量」为主旨,同时创作能体现最终战斗的内容。最终服装类似皮紧身衣英语Bodysuit;袖子以红袖套白銀鍊甲两色为主,鍊甲类似脊柱结构[21]。野村后来称,他在创作雷霆最终外观时,感到和自己「产生强烈呼应」[22]。上国料勇表示,野村的这款是他最喜欢的雷霆服装[23]。本作中其它雷霆服装由上国料、板鼻利幸和松田俊孝设计[21][24],之中许多服装的灵感来自系列另一主要游戏设计师天野喜孝[25]。开发者除设计新服装外,还彻底重建游戏模型[26]。开发者为强化雷霆的女性风貌,将她的胸部加大,并特意设计了几套服装[27]。鸟山希望在游戏收尾时,雷霆于日常生活中着普通服装。团队认为游戏以雷霆和伙伴会面或谈话结束,但鸟山主张故事以她独处来开场并收尾[13]。他称,《雷霆归来》中担当唯一角色的雷霆,是《最终幻想系列》的「首名女主人公」[28][a]



日版雷霆由坂本真绫配音,美版由阿里·希利斯英语Ali Hillis配音[35]。坂本对雷霆的「冷漠」和「强健」留下深刻印象。制作方要求坂本体现雷霆的强健与内心的弱点。她曾在最终幻想VII补完计划中配音爱丽丝·盖恩斯巴勒这种温柔的角色,故起先对配音雷霆感到局促[36]。在把握雷霆女性与受训专业战士之平衡的难点上,北濑表示坂本的演出体现了雷霆的女性[37]。希里斯在为几个角色试音后,收到为配音雷霆的任务;希里斯之后拿到介绍《最终幻想XIII》世界观的书,她表示阅读时有点「难以抗拒」。希里斯表示一大挑战是,在角色的英版译文中,重现坂本日版配音的感情与活力[38]。她尽力协助《XIII》游戏员工将雷霆描绘成真人:「我想我最首要的考虑是,确保雷霆在每个层面都是人;她不只是游戏角色,而是在所有层面里,往事中,同每个游戏角色、乃至陆行鸟之关系上,都是真人!」希里斯认为雷霆在《XIII三部曲》中「多少有些苛刻,多少对周围的一切都冷酷,并(逐渐发展)为真正的战士」[39]






在星球「大脉冲」的上空浮着的人工世界「茧」,雷霆和妹妹莎拉乃繭之居民。「法尔希」是一种地位低下的神,他们或控制大脉冲,或為茧內居民提供科技和食糧。茧由机构「圣府」统治,大脉冲由脉冲的法尔希统治,雙方互相敌对[41][42]。在《XIII》前传小说《最终幻想XIII 第0章 约定》的介绍中,雷霆和莎拉自幼喪失雙親,雷霆决意保护妹妹而取名「雷霆」,但她最后忽视了莎拉[43],并對莎拉與其男友冰雪的浪漫关系,以及斯诺与其团队诺拉的反政府活动不予支持[44]。原隸屬於聖府軍中警備軍裡波達姆治安聯隊的軍人,軍階為中士。任職聖府士兵的雷霆发现,塞拉被脉冲的法尔希烙上「烙印」而成為「路希(I'Cie)」-被魔法力量诅咒而需要在一定時間內完成特定任务的法尔希僕從-起初却以为这是莎拉和斯诺结婚的借口,待明白真相時为时已晚[45]。雷霆为救出莎拉,辞去职务并自愿接受聖府的聖府軍流放行動-把與繭內法爾希·靈魂(Fal'Cie Anima)有接触的居民強制流放到下界(大脈衝)的行動[46]

在《最终幻想XIII》中,雷霆和流放行动中三名幸存者-霍普·埃斯特海姆、薩茲·卡茲羅伊約爾芭·黛亞·班尼拉-到達法爾希·靈魂(Fal'Cie Anima)面前,發現莎拉化为水晶。雷霆等人和法爾希·靈魂战斗;在茧的军队PSICOM消灭法爾希·靈魂时,眾人被法爾希·靈魂烙上烙印而成為「路希(I'Cie)」。雷霆对斯诺救出莎拉的决心表示怀疑,离开了斯诺和莎拉,二人被約爾芭·瑜·牙和茧的独立军事力量骑兵队抓获。其後雷霆和欲向斯诺報喪母之仇的霍普一起行动,期间不经意召唤出奥丁,亦在保护与培养霍普时,无意中支持了他刺杀斯诺的复仇行动[47]。游戏贯穿描绘了雷霆对待自己路希身份的斗争、对变成茧之敌人的忿怒,以及对怀疑莎拉所言的内疚[48][49]。雷霆克服以上问题后,认同了斯诺和莎拉的關係,以及他解救莎拉的誓言[50]。在杀死圣府法爾希·孤源(Fal'Cie Orphan),拯救了茧后,雷霆等人回归正常生活,惟班尼拉和牙为阻止茧坠落大脉冲,化为水晶柱支撑了茧。

在情节紧接《XIII》的短篇小说《最终幻想XIII 第I章》中,雷霆对她的战斗是否结束感到不安。她在对斯诺和莎拉的婚礼表示祝福后,前去拯救云·芳和香草。最终雷霆发现自己陷入黑暗的虚空,但她决定继续前进[51]

在《最终幻想XIII-2》中,所有人都认为雷霆和班尼拉与瑜·牙为拯救茧而亡,唯有莎拉认为她还活着[52]。实际上,死亡女神「法爾希·艾特羅 (エトロ, Fal'Cie.Etro)」解除了雷霆等人露希烙印,致使雷霆吸入了她的宫殿英烈祠,同时茧坠落后发生的时间扭曲,消除了人们对雷霆的记忆[53]。雷霆为回报垂死的艾特罗,选择留英灵殿和憎恨艾特罗的不死之男——凱厄斯·巴拉德(カイアス・バラッド,CAIUS BALLAD)战斗[54][55]。雷霆最终请求諾艾爾·克萊斯 (ノエル・クライス ∕ Noel Kreiss)和莎拉从时间的尽头,阻止凯厄斯将艾特罗控制的「混沌」释放到正常的世界[56]。诺埃尔和莎拉展开时间旅行,修复凯厄斯造成的时间扭曲,但莎拉在时间恢复正常死去。在DLC章节《女神的镇魂曲》中,雷霆被凯厄斯击败,在听到塞拉的死亡有自己的原因后,失去了希望。但莎拉的灵魂安慰雷霆,并请雷霆不要忘记她[57]。雷霆发誓保护莎拉的记忆,并化为水晶保护她不受艾特罗死亡时所释放的混沌影响[58]

在《雷霆归来 最终幻想XIII》中,世界將於13天後被混沌毀滅,雷霆沈睡500年后被光明之神布涅貝哲喚醒和选为「解放者」,以復活莎拉作交換條件,解放人类靈魂並引導他們前往布涅貝哲創造的新世界[59]。雷霆在霍普的帮助下解放了昔日伙伴的情感负担,亦與化为白色陆行鸟的奥丁再会。雷霆在旅程中多次遇上與塞拉長相相近之少女露蜜娜--其心中压抑的脆弱的实体化身[60],也开始對其人性產生懷疑。雷霆在明瞭布涅貝哲奪去塞拉灵魂和修改自身記憶後,决定在新世界創造後背叛布涅貝哲[61][62]。在世界的最後一天,布涅貝哲欲按其愿景改变人类,并以雷霆取代艾特罗。在遭拒后,布涅貝哲隨即與雷霆戰鬥[63]。雷霆擊敗布涅貝哲後接受露蜜娜是自身一部分[64],同時在伙伴的協助下封印布涅貝哲,拯救了包括塞拉在内的所有人。雷霆在新世界誕生後,與眾人及一眾灵魂前往展開新生活。在尾声中,她踏上和一名好友重聚的旅途[6][b]


雷霆除《XIII》游戏外,还在其它最终幻想作品中登场。雷霆在格斗游戏《最终幻想 纷争012》中,是秩序女神召唤的战士之一[65]。史克威尔艾尼克斯起先计划让她在《最终幻想 纷争》中先亮相,但为在《最终幻想XIII》前发行保密能力而放弃[66]。雷霆的队伍在《纷争012》中遭遇的是幻影,被幻影击败生物会永久死亡,继而威胁到世界的再生循环[67]。她率队来到幻影出现的入口,并冒生命危险将之关闭[68]。游戏中的雷霆有三套可换服装[69]。她会以玩家角色身份在纷争街机续作中再度登场[70]


节奏游戏最终幻想 节奏剧场》与续作《谢幕》中,雷霆代表《最终幻想XIII》玩家角色登场[75][76]。她还以《XIII-2》的形象在《最终幻想Brigade》中出场[77]。雷霆也是跨界手机游戏《最终幻想 全员勇者》和《最终幻想 记忆水晶》的玩家角色[78][79],以及《最终幻想 探险者们》的奖励角色[80],她以低头身形象在《最终幻想在富豪街 手机版》中出场[81],还是《最终幻想Artniks》的卡牌角色[82]。关于雷霆在《雷霆归来》后,是否还会在系列登场的猜测,北濑佳范在2013年标识,她会在衍生作品中登场,但在本传的任务已经完结[83]



鸟山希望雷霆拥有强健体格、女性色彩较淡,成为最终幻想游戏中未曾出现的女性角色类型[87][88]。他要求野村绘时把握强壮、美丽,“如同女版克劳德[2][87]。鸟山称,二人相似之处仅在于冷酷的个性和从军背景,其他方面“雷霆实际自有其本性”[29]。野村在日版《雷霆归来》发售前不久前提到了两名角色,他表示“如同克劳德一般,他渴望精心发展她,爱上了她很长一段时间”[22]。鸟山标识他参与创作的角色中,最喜爱的女性游戏角色是雷霆、《最终幻想X》的尤娜英语Yuna (Final Fantasy),以及《圣龙传说》的悠悠[1]


史克威尔艾尼克斯还在《最终幻想XIII》主题商品中使用雷霆形象。项链和“雷霆淡香水”是直接使用了雷霆形象[89][90][91]。Play Arts Kai常为史克威尔艾尼克斯制作最终幻想人像,其中也包括雷霆人像[39]。最终幻想交换卡牌游戏中亦有雷霆卡牌[92]。雷霆还在真人PlayStation广告“米迦勒”中,和奈森·德瑞克英语Nathan Drake (character)克雷多斯、Cole McGrath一起登场[93]。在亚洲游戏展2013的“最终幻想25周年纪念活动”上,由演员装扮为雷霆[94]。在《雷霆归来 最终幻想XIII》的日本真人/CGI电视广告中,有人再度以此形象扮演雷霆[95]。男性时尚杂志《Arena Homme +英语Arena Homme +》在2012年4月,用12页的板块,刊载普拉達设计的雷霆和其他《XIII-2》角色[96][97]。为推广《雷霆归来》的推广,江崎格力高在零食包装印上了雷霆形象[98]




Game Informer的乔·朱巴对《XIII-2》感到失望,相较于无力的角色塞拉和霍普,雷霆甚至更位列配角[107]。DualShockers的亚莉克莎·雷·科里亚称,虽然游戏主人公很有趣,但首作爱好者必会对雷霆成为“局外人”深深失望[108]Eurogamer的西蒙·帕金认为,故事失去雷霆坚定决心的推动力是一种损失[109]。对于雷霆和凯厄斯·巴拉德有限的同屏时间,瓦若德表示失望,他认为二者的个性较主角更为强烈[110]


雷霆在“VideoGamer.com”十大最终幻想角色榜单中位居第六;编辑阴普尔表示,虽然雷霆和克劳德类似,却凭自己的条件吸引了他的注意[118]。IGN在2011年将雷霆列入最佳最终幻想系列角色名单,评语称她证明了“力量和柔情可以微妙的平衡”[119]。雷霆在GameZone奚斯·胡克的类似榜单的位居第六,胡克称赞她的外貌和坚决,认为她是“最终幻想系列最强健的女领导者之一”[120]Cheat Code Central英语Cheat Code Central因雷霆的自主,将之选入十大“好斗”电子游戏女性角色之列,作者认为她和之前最终幻想女主角区别很大[121]AfterEllen英语AfterEllen将“最热”电子游戏角色榜单的亚军授予雷霆[122]。在Game Informe 2010年十大主角榜单中,雷霆位居第八,评称赞她“似乎是能与腐败的茧政府较量之人”,乃《最终幻想XIII》之唯一主人公;第二意见表示“不废话完成使命的她,是游戏的杰出英雄”[123]。《Complex英语Complex (magazine)》两度将雷霆列入榜单——分别是最伟大最终幻想角色的第19名[124],和电子游戏史中最伟大女英雄的第39名[125]

在日本《Fami通》2010年的最受欢迎游戏角色读者票选中,雷霆位居第34名[126]。在2013年史克威尔的最受欢迎女性最终幻想角色中,雷霆获得榜首[127]。雷霆在是年的电击PlayStation奖中,获得角色部门读者投票的首位[128]。在微软的最受欢迎《最终幻想XIII》角色投票中,雷霆亦摘得头筹[129]。雷霆还获得IGN 2014年最佳《XIII》角色读者投票的第一名[130]。在PAX英语Penny Arcade ExpoPrime 2013,由新闻业者与游戏开发者投票的,东西方角色扮演游戏之最佳女性角色榜单中,雷霆位列第三名[131]


  1. ^ 总监鸟山求完整引言:“我们认为队伍中每名角色都是主角,但我们也认为,雷霆身为最终幻想系列的主要女主人公,极具影响力。这不仅因为她是首名女主人公,还因为她非常强健、冷酷、平稳、镇定。所以我们坚信这是她另一吸引人的特点。”这一官方说法能解释《最终幻想VI》的蒂娜·布兰佛德是首名女主人公的常见说法,但不能解释《最终幻想X-2》和《最终幻想XIII》本身。依官方说法,史克威尔艾尼克斯承认雷霆是首名女主人公,但对女主人公指单角色作品、还是传统意义女主角不置可否[28]
  2. ^ 渡边大佑在《Fami通》的采访中表示,他在《雷霆归来》和中篇小说《最终幻想XIII 追憶 -記憶之追跡者-》中给读者留下空间,由玩家自由猜测雷霆和谁重聚。他最多只表示,雷霆会见的是一名许久不见的人[6]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Gifford, Kevin. Motomu Toriyama Talks About Making Heroines. 1UP.com. 2011-03-30 [2013-09-27]. (原始内容存档于2015-03-18). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 1000号記念スペシャル表紙プロジェクト. Famitsu Weekly (Enterbrain). 2008-02-08, (1001): 42–45 (日语). 
  3. ^ Final Fantasy XIII Scenario Ultimania. Studio Bentstuff. 2010-02-01: 50–52. ISBN 4-7575-2775-6 (日语). 
  4. ^ Final Fantasy XIII Scenario Ultimania. Studio Bentstuff. 2010-02-01: 96–98. ISBN 4-7575-2775-6 (日语). 
  5. ^ Tanaka, John. TGS 09: Final Fantasy XIII Update. IGN. 2009-09-23 [2009-10-24]. (原始内容存档于2015-02-14). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 『ファイナルファンタジーXIII REMINISCENCE -tracer of memories-』著者、渡辺大祐氏にインタビュー [Final Fantasy XIII: Reminiscence -tracer of memories-: Interview with author Daisuke Watanabe]. Famitsu. 2014-07-11 [2014-07-11]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-11). 
  7. ^ Final Fantasy XIII Scenario Ultimania. Studio Bentstuff. 2010-02-01: 10–13. ISBN 4-7575-2775-6 (日语). 
  8. ^ Cunningham, Michael A. Inside Gaming – Interview with Former Square Enix Translator Tom Slattery. RPGamer. 2012-04-23 [2013-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2013年11月4日). 
  9. ^ 电玩巴士探访SCEJA台湾中文化中心 了解中文化背后的故事. 电玩巴士. 2015-02-09 [2015-03-03]. (原始内容存档于2015-03-15). 
  10. ^ Yip, Spencer. Lighting's House Was Cut From Final Fantasy XIII, But You Can See Pictures Of It. Siliconera. 2011-04-24 [2013-06-16]. (原始内容存档于2011-12-27). 
  11. ^ Lanxon, Nate. Q&A: FFXIII's Yoshinori Kitase and Isamu Kamikokuryo. Wired UK. 2010-03-12 [2013-06-15]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-20). 
  12. ^ Final Fantasy XIII Ultimania Omega. Studio Bentstuff. 2010-10-04: 341. ISBN 4-7575-2958-9 (日语). 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Ultimania. Studio Bentstuff. 2013-12-19: 742–743. ISBN 4757541589 (日语). 
  14. ^ Gantayat, Anoop. Kitase and Toriyama Talk FFXIII-2 and Fabula Nova Crystallis. Andriasang.com. 2011-01-28 [2012-12-12]. (原始内容存档于2014-06-29). 
  15. ^ Final Fantasy XIII Scenario Ultimania. Studio Bentstuff. 2010-02-01: 496–499. ISBN 4-7575-2775-6 (日语). 
  16. ^ Gantayat, Anoop. Hey Mr. Tetsuya Nomura, Whatchu Up To?. Andriasang.com. 2011-02-01 [2011-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2012-08-14). 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 上国料勇氏スペシャルインタビュー/FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 [Special Interview: Isamu Kamikokuryo / Final Fantasy XIII-2]. Microsoft. 2011-12-15 [2013-05-01]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-30). 
  18. ^ Toyad, Jonathan Leo. Final Fantasy XIII-2 Roundtable: Art and Music. GameSpot. 2011-11-16 [2013-04-30]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-19). 
  19. ^ 『FFXIII-2』&神話"ファブラ〜"開発スタッフインタビュー【完全版その1】. Famitsu. 2011-01-28 [2014-08-16]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-20). 
  20. ^ Square Enix Presents. Square Enix Presents E3 2013 – Day2 [#06] -FFX/X-2 HD & Lightning Returns: FFXIII Interview. YouTube. From 25:14 onward. 2013-06-22 [2013-10-08]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-19). 
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 『ライトニング リターンズ ファイナルファンタジーXIII』は"ヒラリズム"に注目!? 開発スタッフインタビュー【完全版】 ["Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII" Feature: Developer interview [full version]]. Famitsu. 2012-12-29 [2013-05-01]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-09). 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 ここに, ひとつの神話が終われワを迪える解放者の覚醒よワ13日一. Famitsu Weekly (Enterbrain). 2013-11-14, (1302): 42 (日语). 
  23. ^ Square Enix. "Inside The Square": Director's Cut – LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII. YouTube. 2014-02-04 [2014-02-11]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-16). 
  24. ^ Sato. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Has A Costume Based On Final Fantasy VI. Siliconera. 2013-11-19 [2013-11-25]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-25). 
  25. ^ Parish, Jeremy. TGS: Lightning Returns is the Opposite of Final Fantasy XIII. USGamer. 2013-09-19 [2013-09-26]. (原始内容存档于2013-09-21). 
  26. ^ Yip, Spencer. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Alters Lightning's Silly Sorceress Pose. Siliconera. 2013-11-07 [2013-11-08]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-08). 
  27. ^ Nelva, Giuseppe. It's Official: Lightning Got a Boob Job for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. DualShockers. 2013-06-15 [2013-06-16]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-01). 
  28. ^ 28.0 28.1 Bailey, Kat. Lightning Returns: Carrying the adventure solo as Final Fantasy's 'first female protagonist'. Joystiq. 2013-01-18 [2013-06-15]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-14). 
  29. ^ 29.0 29.1 Gordon, Jonathan. GC 09 Final Fantasy XIII Interview. NowGamer. 2009-08-20 [2010-12-21]. (原始内容存档于2011-05-07). 
  30. ^ Davis, Jonti. Don't Dream It's Over. Official PlayStation Magazine (Australia) (Derwent Howard Media). April 2007, (2): 74–75. 
  31. ^ Tanaka, John. Final Fantasy XIII Update. IGN. 2009-10-21 [2013-05-01]. (原始内容存档于2015-02-14). 
  32. ^ Corriea, Alexa Ray. Lightning Returns: a more vulnerable heroine running out of time. Polygon. 2013-08-21 [2013-08-22]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-21). 
  33. ^ Goldfarb, Andrew. Gamescom: Saying Goodbye to Lightning in Final Fantasy XIII. IGN. 2013-08-23 [2013-09-17]. (原始内容存档于2015-02-14). 
  34. ^ Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Ultimania. Studio Bentstuff. 2013-12-19: 736. ISBN 4757541589 (日语). 
  35. ^ Voices of Lightning Farron. Behind the Voice Actors. [2013-08-14]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-06). 
  36. ^ Final Fantasy XIII Ultimania Omega. Studio Bentstuff. 2010-10-04: 397–399. ISBN 978-4-7575-2958-8 (日语). 
  37. ^ PlayStation 3 Keyperson Interview. Dengeki PlayStation (ASCII Media Works). April 2009, (445): 56–57 (日语). 
  38. ^ Fanelli, Jason. StarCraft II, Mass Effect 2, & FFXIII Voice Actress Ali Hillis Interview. GamerNode. 2010-12-13 [2013-06-16]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-31). 
  39. ^ 39.0 39.1 Square Enix Presents. Square Enix Presents E3 2013 – Day2 [#05] – Focus On: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. YouTube. 2013-06-22 [2013-10-16]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-29). 
  40. ^ 40.0 40.1 小說「FINAL FANTASY XIII Episode Zero -Promise-」中的「遭遇(ENCOUNTER)」
  41. ^ Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2010-03-09. Datalog – Pulse fal'Cie: Fal'Cie are an existence beyond human comprehension, possessed of incredible magic power. The ones responsible for Cocoon's construction are protectors of humanity, but there are others of their kind as well: the fal'Cie who dwell on Pulse and name themselves enemies of Cocoon. 
  42. ^ Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2010-03-09. Datalog – Sanctum fal'Cie: The Sanctum fal'Cie are the unfathomable entities that constructed the floating shell of Cocoon in ages past, and even now watch over the world's human inhabitants. 
  43. ^ Jun Eishima. Part 1: Encounter – Chapter Three. Final Fantasy XIII Episode Zero: Promise. Square Enix. 2010-01-27. ISBN 978-4-7575-2770-6 (日语). 
  44. ^ Jun Eishima. Part 1: Encounter – Chapter One. Final Fantasy XIII Episode Zero: Promise. Square Enix. 2010-01-27. ISBN 978-4-7575-2770-6 (日语). 
  45. ^ Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2010-03-09. Lightning: You became a l'Cie, so now you're gonna marry this idiot? And you think I'm gonna buy that? Full points for originality. But don't forget. If you really are a l'Cie, it's my job to deal with you. / Serah: Sis... / Lightning: This is ridiculous. Worst birthday ever. 
  46. ^ Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2010-03-09. Vanille: Pulse fal'Cie and l'Cie are bad news. That's why Cocoon kicked them out. Live too close to the fal'Cie? One-way ticket to Pulse! That's the Purge in a nutshell. 
  47. ^ Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2010-03-09. Datalog – Operation Nora: Operation Nora[...] the means by which he will exact vengeance on Snow. [...]Lightning soon realizes her mistake. Her lecture to abandon compassion was intended as a warning against the hesitation she fears will be his undoing. 
  48. ^ Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2010-03-09. Lightning: This l'Cie curse, it took everything from me. My future. My dreams. I didn't want to think. So I fought instead. As long as I was fighting, nothing else was real. I was running away. 
  49. ^ Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2010-03-09. Lightning: It was too much. / Snow: Hm? / Lightning: What happened to Serah. All I could think about was, 'What could I have done?' I hated myself for not trusting her. It hurt too much. I couldn't face it. 
  50. ^ Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2010-03-09. Snow: We will see her again, right? / Lightning: Don't go there. No room for doubt. / Snow: You're right. / Lightning: We'll see her again. And soon. You've convinced me of that. So stay strong. / Snow: Don't worry. We'll finish this, and go see her together. 
  51. ^ Jun Eishima. Part VIII. Final Fantasy XIII Episode i. Square Enix. 2010-12-16 (日语). 
  52. ^ Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIII-2. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2012-01-31. Noel: All your friends think your sister is inside that pillar? / Serah: I was scared. People said I was dreaming. They said... They said I was just making up stories so that I didn't have to face the truth. 
  53. ^ Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIII-2. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2012-01-31. Lightning: I was lost. The darkness caught me in its embrace, and wrote me out of history. 
  54. ^ Jun Eishima. 2: prayer and wish. Final Fantasy XIII-2: Fragments After. Square Enix. 2012-06-21: 17–63. ISBN 978-4-7575-3650-0 (日语). 
  55. ^ Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIII-2 DLC: Another Beginning, Lightning's Story; Requiem of the Goddess. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2012-05-15. Lightning: My path was set: I would remain in Valhalla, and carry out the will of the Goddess. The sorrows of the dead would be mine to bear. It would be my atonement. 
  56. ^ Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIII-2. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2012-01-31. Lightning: We must face Caius on two fronts: in Valhalla, and in the world of humans. If we don't... We won't be able to change the future. I can't do it on my own. I need your help. 
  57. ^ Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIII-2 DLC: Another Beginning, Lightning's Story; Requiem of the Goddess. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2012-01-31. Serah: Don't be sorry. And forget your tears. You don't need them. No matter what future is waiting for us, I'll have no regrets. No matter what end we see coming, I won't change my mind. / Lightning: You knew. You knew what would happen. [...] / Serah: I believe in you. You'll keep the future of this world safe. So it's okay. I don't mind if I'm gone. [...] Just keep me in your thoughts. Remember me, and we'll see each other again. 
  58. ^ Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIII-2 DLC: Another Beginning, Lightning's Story; Requiem of the Goddess. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2012-05-15. Lightning: I'll never forget. I promised you that. Even if I stand to lose everything, I'll preserve your memory for the tomorrows yet to be. [...] There are ways to keep a thought alive, and I know one that works for sure; indestructible crystal. [...] This shall be my legacy, and my atonement. But most of all, my final hope. 
  59. ^ Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Lightning: [Bhunivelze] told me what I had to do. I would be his servant, and if I succeeded in doing his bidding... my reward would be a miracle. He said she would live again. My sister, Serah. [...] And so I was chosen, by God, to rescue lost souls and guide them past the end of this world, and into the next. I became the savior. 
  60. ^ Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Serah: Do you remember? What you tried to do? You tried to kill me. [Lumina appears before Lightning.] / Lightning: You! You're me. Young...weak... / Serah: I'm Claire Farron. Her selfishness, her loneliness, her fear. That little bit of your soul that you couldn't accept. 
  61. ^ Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Lightning: I'm more powerful than I ever was – but it came with a price. I'm not even sure if I'm human anymore. [...] I've taken a lot of lives, more than I can count. If I had any humanity left, I would have been crushed by the guilt by now. 
  62. ^ Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Datalog – Lightning's Heart: Lightning has regained the memories that she lost. When she fell into the crystal sleep, it was as a vessel for Serah's soul. But Serah is no longer inside Lightning's heart. Did she lose Serah as well as her emotions when she became the savior? [...] Lightning finally reveals her intentions. If God will not fulfill his part of their bargain, then she will not stand idly by and watch him take another throne. After he has made his new world, Lightning will wrest it from his hands and give it to humanity. Even if she has to use her last resort... 
  63. ^ Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Lightning: God has bigger plans for me, doesn't he? Being the savoir was just the first step. If I could complete my task in the short time I had, then he would know. That I could carry out the real mission. And replace the lost goddess. 
  64. ^ Square Enix. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Square Enix. 2014-02-11. Datalog – Return: Lightning [...] sank into the darkness. She arrived in the world of the dead, prepared to take Etro's place and accept her duty of eternal solitude. But there in the depths, she found herself. The self that she had cut away and discarded. The child she had been: sometimes selfish, sometimes cruel, and terribly lonely. Lumina was made up of everything that Lightning had ruthlessly abandoned when she was forced to grow up too soon. Seeing herself honestly for the first time, Lightning wished desperately to be saved. 
  65. ^ McWhertor, Michael. Final Fantasy Fighting Game Gets A Sequel Struck By Lightning. Kotaku. 2010-09-07 [2010-09-07]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-08). 
  66. ^ Dissidia Final Fantasy Ultimania. Studio Bentstuff. 2009-01-29: 696–699. ISBN 978-4-7575-2488-0 (日语). 
  67. ^ Square Enix. Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy. PlayStation Portable. Square Enix. 2011-03-22. Garland: Manikins are merciless. They know only how to deliver death and destruction, from which there can be no return. 
  68. ^ Square Enix. Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy. PlayStation Portable. Square Enix. 2011-03-22. Lightning: I'm sure you all understand our...situation. We came here to destroy the portal that connects this world to the Rift. It's the last thing left for us to do. But once we charge into the middle of those manikins, there's no coming back. 
  69. ^ Yip, Spencer. Dissidia 012[duodecim]: Final Fantasy's Cast Gathers For Alternate Costume Photo Op. Siliconera. 2011-03-01 [2013-10-25]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-20). 
  70. ^ Romano, Sal. Dissidia Final Fantasy announced for arcades. Gematsu. 2015-02-13 [2015-02-14]. (原始内容存档于2015-02-14). 
  71. ^ Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows. Square Enix. 2013-08-27. Lightning: You okay? That was some fight, huh? The name's Lightning. I'm not...from around here. I'm not even sure where 'here' is. The last thing I remember, I was sleeping. 
  72. ^ Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows. Square Enix. 2013-08-27. Lightning: I always seem to be at the mercy of some power of fate I can't control. In fact, I'm probably only here as part of an insane god's trial. To be tested and tempered like some unthinking weapon, so that I might be ready to fight... 
  73. ^ Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows. Square Enix. 2013-08-27. Lightning: The time I've spent in Eorzea has been a welcome respite. [...] I'm ready to return...and ready to finish this. Hmph. God or not, someone's going to regret putting me through these trials. [Lightning begins to glow and rises from the ground] And it looks like someone was listening—just waiting for my declaration of war. I'm being called back. It's a shame; my memories of this world probably won't last... Keep them for me. 
  74. ^ Schulenberg, Thomas. Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn plays host to Lightning. Joystiq. 2013-11-16 [2014-11-18]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-28). 
  75. ^ Yip, Spencer. Aerith, Snow, Vivi, And Faris Are In Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy Too. Siliconera. 2011-11-12 [2012-06-30]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-10). 
  76. ^ Yip, Spencer. Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call's Final Fantasy XIV Guest And Lightning Again. Siliconera. 2013-12-18 [2014-06-12]. (原始内容存档于2014-06-12). 
  77. ^ Gantayat, Anoop. Final Fantasy XIII-2's Lightning Appears in Final Fantasy Brigade. Andriasang.com. 2011-12-03 [2012-07-14]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-31). 
  78. ^ Yip, Spencer. Final Fantasy: All The Bravest Cashes In On Nostalgia Again. Siliconera. 2013-07-29 [2013-10-02]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-25). 
  79. ^ Yip, Spencer. Final Fantasy's Greatest Battles Remixed In Final Fantasy Record Keeper. Siliconera. 2014-07-17 [2014-09-20]. (原始内容存档于2014-08-19). 
  80. ^ Vitale, Adam. New Final Fantasy Explorers Screenshots show off Trance transformations. RPG Site. 2014-09-20 [2014-09-20]. (原始内容存档于2014-09-20). 
  81. ^ Yip, Spencer. Lightning Shows Her Soft Side In Itadaki Street Mobile. Siliconera. 2010-05-23 [2013-06-16]. (原始内容存档于2010-12-03). 
  82. ^ 『ファイナルファンタジー アートニクス『表紙&巻頭スペシャル【ファミ通GREE Vol.9】 [『Final Fantasy Artnix『 Cover & Special [Famitsu GREE Vol.9]"]. Famitsu. 2012-12-25 [2013-10-02]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-12) (日语). 
  83. ^ Patterson, Eric L. Lightning Returns Producer on Sequels, Lightning's Future, Final Fantasy XIII-4. Electronic Gaming Monthly. 2013-10-15 [2013-10-16]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-18). 
  84. ^ Yip, Spencer. A Chain Of Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Scenes. Siliconera. 2010-10-21 [2014-09-02]. (原始内容存档于2011-01-27). 
  85. ^ Gantayat, Anoop. The 3rd Birthday Developer Interview. Andriasang.com. 2010-09-27 [2014-09-09]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-25). 
  86. ^ 『ファイナルファンタジー』シリーズ×『ガンスリンガー ストラトス2』コラボコスチューム 先行ゲットキャンペーンが本日11月6日よりスタート【動画あり】. Famitsu. 2014-11-06 [2014-11-06]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-08) (日语). 
  87. ^ 87.0 87.1 Smith, Luke. FFXIII Interview: Nomura, Kitase, Hashimoto and Toriyama. 1UP.com. 2006-06-07 [2009-10-24]. (原始内容存档于2011-08-18). 
  88. ^ Bettenhausen, Shaneauthor. E3 2008: One More Final Fantasy XIII Interview. 1UP.com. 2009-07-16 [2009-10-25]. (原始内容存档于2012-01-30). 
  89. ^ FINAL FANTASY XIII Silver Pendant Lightning. Square Enix. [2014-10-06]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-18). 
  90. ^ LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII Lightning Silver Pendant. Square Enix. [2014-10-06]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-18). 
  91. ^ Good, Owne. Final Fantasy XIII Toilet Water is Coming Soon. Kotaku. 2009-11-27 [2013-04-11]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-08). 
  92. ^ Goldman, Tom. Square Enix Shuffles a Final Fantasy Trading Card Game. The Escapist. 2010-11-30 [2013-10-02]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-02). 
  93. ^ Bakker, Jason. Check out the PlayStation 'Michael' Live-Action Commercial Featuring Solid Snake, Ezio, Kratos, Cole and More!. Metal Arcade. [2013-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-01). 
  94. ^ Yip, Spencer. Valkyrie Lightning At The Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Special Stage Event. Siliconera. 2013-01-01 [2013-07-26]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-25). 
  95. ^ Romano, Sal. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Japanese TV spot. Gematsu. 2013-11-16 [2013-11-17]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-25). 
  96. ^ Ashcraft, Brian. Final Fantasy Characters Are Now Modeling Italian Clothes. Kotaku. 2013-04-04 [2012-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-08). 
  97. ^ Arena Homme Plus Magazine to Feature Prada Showcase with Final Fantasy Characters. HighBeam Research. 2012-09-04 [2013-06-15]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-06). 
  98. ^ Yip, Spencer. Lightning Returns… To Be On A Pocky Box. Siliconera. 2013-11-19 [2013-11-25]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-25). 
  99. ^ Ciolek, Todd. The X Button – Blood on Blood. Anime News Network. 2009-04-22 [2009-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-27). 
  100. ^ Ciolek, Todd. Final Fantasy XIII review. Anime News Network. 2010-03-31 [2010-03-21]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-13). 
  101. ^ Yin-Poole, Wesley. Final Fantasy XIII Review for PS3. VideoGamer.com. 2010-03-05 [2010-06-30]. (原始内容存档于2011-05-07). 
  102. ^ Parrish, Jeremy. Final Fantasy XIII review for the PS3 and Xbox 360. 1UP.com. 2010-03-05 [2010-03-06]. (原始内容存档于2011-05-07). 
  103. ^ VanOrd, Kevin. Final Fantasy XIII Review for PlayStation 3. GameSpot. 2010-03-05 [2010-03-05]. (原始内容存档于2010-03-07). 
  104. ^ Robinson, Martin. Final Fantasy XIII review. IGN UK. 2010-03-09 [2010-03-06]. (原始内容存档于2015-02-14). 
  105. ^ Gudmundson, Carolyn. Final Fantasy XIII Review. GamesRadar. 2010-03-04 [2010-06-30]. (原始内容存档于2010-07-01). 
  106. ^ Nutt, Christian. Analysis: The Conundrum of Final Fantasy XIII. Gamasutra. 2010-01-08 [2013-09-27]. (原始内容存档于2014-05-11). 
  107. ^ Juba, Joe. Final Fantasy XIII-2: Fixing The Little Problems While The Big Ones Get Worse. Game Informer. 2012-01-28 [2013-02-10]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-07). 
  108. ^ Corriea, Alexa Ray. Review: Final Fantasy XIII-2. DualShockers: 2. 2012-02-07 [2013-06-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-08). 
  109. ^ Parkin, Simon. Final Fantasy 13–2 Review. Eurogamer. 2012-01-28 [2013-02-10]. (原始内容存档于2013-03-14). 
  110. ^ VanOrd, Kevin. Final Fantasy XIII-2 Review. GameSpot. 2012-01-28 [2013-02-10]. (原始内容存档于2012-05-25). 
  111. ^ Juba, Joe. Ending The World With A Whimper – Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. Game Informer. 2014-02-11 [2014-02-11]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-25). 
  112. ^ Sliva, Marty. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Review. IGN. 2014-02-11 [2014-02-11]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-27). 
  113. ^ VanOrd, Kevin. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Review. GameSpot. 2014-02-11 [2014-02-11]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-25). 
  114. ^ Parish, Jeremy. Lightning Returns PS3 Review: Not the Future of Final Fantasy, Just an Intriguingly Weird Present. USGamer. 2014-02-11 [2014-02-11]. (原始内容存档于2014-08-17). 
  115. ^ Parkin, Simon. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 review. Eurogamer. 2014-02-11 [2014-02-11]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-25). 
  116. ^ North, Dale. Review: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy – Third time's the charm. Destructoid. 2014-02-11 [2014-03-18]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-22). 
  117. ^ Riley, Dave. Game Review: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. Anime News Network. 2014-02-11 [2014-02-11]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-29). 
  118. ^ Yin Poole, Wesley. Top 10 Final Fantasy Characters. VideoGamer.com. 2010-03-11 [2010-03-11]. (原始内容存档于2012年4月26日). 
  119. ^ Clements, Ryan; Moriarty, Colin. The Best Characters of Final Fantasy. IGN: 2. 2011-12-30 [2013-10-07]. (原始内容存档于2015-02-14). 
  120. ^ Hooker, Heath. Top 10 Final Fantasy Characters. GameZone. 2012-01-01 [2012-06-14]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-16). 
  121. ^ Glifford, Kevin. Top 10 Badass Women Of Video Games. Cheat Code Central. 2012-06-19 [2013-10-30]. (原始内容存档于2013-09-28). 
  122. ^ Warn, Sarah. 25 Hottest Female Video Game Characters (page 4). AfterEllen.com. 2010-10-15 [2013-10-30]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-31). 
  123. ^ Top 50 Games of 2010 – Top 10 Heroes. Game Informer (GameStop). February 2011, XXI (214): 29. ASIN B004MZKZJK. 
  124. ^ Turner, Gus. The 20 Greatest Final Fantasy Characters of All Time. Complex. 2013-10-08 [2014-02-12]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-12). 
  125. ^ Rougeau, Michael. 50 Greatest Heroines In Video Game History. Complex. 2013-03-04 [2013-03-24]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-17). 
  126. ^ Kevin, Glifford. Snake Beats Mario, Is Coolest Video Game Character Ever. 1UP.com. 2010-02-10 [2010-03-10]. (原始内容存档于2010-09-08). 
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  128. ^ 『電撃PlayStationアワード2013』の結果を発表! 『電撃プレイステーション 20周年企画』もスタート!! [The results of the "Dengeki PlayStation Awards 2014" announced! Also "20th Anniversary of Dengeki PlayStation" also starting!]. Dengeki Online. 2014-03-25 [2014-03-30]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-30). 
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