
各年份国家领导人列表 2009年2010年2011年2012年2013年2014年2015年2016年2017年2018年2019年




  •  塔吉克斯坦
    • 国家元首 – Emomali Rahmon, 国家元首 of Tajikistan (1992–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Kokhir Rasulzoda, Prime Minister of Tajikistan (2013–现在)
  •  泰国
    • Monarch – Bhumibol Adulyadej, King of Thailand (1946–现在)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Yingluck Shinawatra, Prime Minister of Thailand (2011–2014)
      2. Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisan, Acting Prime Minister of Thailand (2014)
      3. Prayut Chan-o-cha, Prime Minister of Thailand (2014–现在)
  •  土耳其
    • 国家元首 –
      1. Abdullah Gül, 国家元首 of Turkey (2007–2014)
      2. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, 国家元首 of Turkey (2014–现在)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister of Turkey (2003–2014)
      2. Ahmet Davutoğlu, Prime Minister of Turkey (2014–2016)
  •  土库曼斯坦
    • 国家元首 – Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, 国家元首 of Turkmenistan (2006–现在)
  •  阿拉伯联合酋长国
    • 国家元首 – Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, 国家元首 of the United Arab Emirates (2004–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates (2006–现在)
  •  乌兹别克斯坦
    • 国家元首 – Islam Karimov, 国家元首 of Uzbekistan (1990–现在)[lower-alpha 10]
    • 政府首脑 – Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Prime Minister of Uzbekistan (2003–现在)
  •  越南
  •  也门
    • 国家元首 – Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, 国家元首 of Yemen (2012–现在)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Mohammed Basindawa, Prime Minister of Yemen (2011–2014)
      2. Khaled Bahah, Prime Minister of Yemen (2014–2016)


  •  阿尔巴尼亚
    • 国家元首 – Bujar Nishani, 国家元首 of Albania (2012–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania (2013–现在)
  •  安道尔
    • Monarchs –
      • French Co-Prince – François Hollande, French Co-prince of Andorra (2012–现在)
        • Co-Prince's Representative – Sylvie Hubac (2012–2015)
      • Episcopal Co-Prince – Archbishop Joan Enric Vives Sicília, Episcopal Co-prince of Andorra (2003–现在)
        • Co-Prince's Representative – Josep Maria Mauri (2012–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Antoni Martí, Head of Government of Andorra (2011–2015)
  •  亚美尼亚
    • 国家元首 – Serzh Sargsyan, 国家元首 of Armenia (2008–现在)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Tigran Sargsyan, Prime Minister of Armenia (2008–2014)
      2. Hovik Abrahamyan, Prime Minister of Armenia (2014–现在)
  •  奥地利
    • 国家元首 – Heinz Fischer, Federal 国家元首 of Austria (2004–2016)
    • Chancellor – Werner Faymann, Federal Chancellor of Austria (2008–2016)
  •  阿塞拜疆
    • 国家元首 – Ilham Aliyev, 国家元首 of Azerbaijan (2003–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Artur Rasizade, Prime Minister of Azerbaijan (2003–现在)
    •  Nagorno-Karabakh (unrecognised, secessionist state)
      • 国家元首 – Bako Sahakyan, 国家元首 of Nagorno-Karabakh (2007–现在)
      • 政府首脑 – Arayik Harutyunyan, Prime Minister of Nagorno-Karabakh (2007–现在)
  •  白俄罗斯
    • 国家元首 – Alexander Lukashenko, 国家元首 of Belarus (1994–现在)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Mikhail Myasnikovich, Prime Minister of Belarus (2010–2014)
      2. Andrei Kobyakov, Prime Minister of Belarus (2014–现在)
  •  比利时
    • Monarch – Philippe, King of the Belgians (2013–现在)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Elio Di Rupo, Prime Minister of Belgium (2011–2014)
      2. Charles Michel, Prime Minister of Belgium (2014–现在)
  •  波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那
    • Head of State – Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
      • Serb Member –
        1. Nebojša Radmanović (2006–2014)
        2. Mladen Ivanić (2014–现在; Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2014–2015)
      • Croat Member –
        1. Željko Komšić (2006–2014; Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013–2014)
        2. Dragan Čović (2014–现在)
      • Bosniak Member – Bakir Izetbegović (2010–现在; Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2014)
    • 政府首脑 – Vjekoslav Bevanda, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2012–2015)
    • High Representative – Valentin Inzko, High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina (2009–现在)
  •  保加利亚
    • 国家元首 – Rosen Plevneliev, 国家元首 of Bulgaria (2012–现在)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Plamen Oresharski, Prime Minister of Bulgaria (2013–2014)
      2. Georgi Bliznashki, Acting Prime Minister of Bulgaria (2014)
      3. Boyko Borissov, Prime Minister of Bulgaria (2014–现在)
  •  克罗地亚
    • 国家元首 – Ivo Josipović, 国家元首 of Croatia (2010–2015)
    • 政府首脑 – Zoran Milanović, Prime Minister of Croatia (2011–2016)
  •  塞浦路斯
    • 国家元首 – Nicos Anastasiades, 国家元首 of Cyprus (2013–现在)
    •  北塞浦路斯 (unrecognised, secessionist state)
      • 国家元首 – Derviş Eroğlu, 国家元首 of Northern Cyprus (2010–2015)
      • 政府首脑 – Özkan Yorgancıoğlu, Prime Minister of Northern Cyprus (2013–2015)
  •  捷克
    • 国家元首 – Miloš Zeman, 国家元首 of the Czech Republic (2013–现在)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Jiří Rusnok, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic (2013–2014)
      2. Bohuslav Sobotka, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic (2014–现在)
  •  丹麦
    • Monarch – Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark (1972–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Prime Minister of Denmark (2011–2015)
  •  爱沙尼亚
    • 国家元首 – Toomas Hendrik Ilves, 国家元首 of Estonia (2006–现在)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Andrus Ansip, Prime Minister of Estonia (2005–2014)
      2. Taavi Rõivas, Prime Minister of Estonia (2014–现在)
  •  芬兰
    • 国家元首 – Sauli Niinistö, 国家元首 of Finland (2012–现在)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Jyrki Katainen, Prime Minister of Finland (2011–2014)
      2. Alexander Stubb, Prime Minister of Finland (2014–2015)
  •  法国
  •  格鲁吉亚
    • 国家元首 – Giorgi Margvelashvili, 国家元首 of Georgia (2013–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Irakli Garibashvili, Prime Minister of Georgia (2013–2015)
    •  阿布哈兹 (partially recognised, secessionist state)
      • 国家元首 –
        1. Alexander Ankvab, 国家元首 of Abkhazia (2011–2014)
        2. Valeri Bganba, Acting 国家元首 of Abkhazia (2014)
        3. Raul Khajimba, 国家元首 of Abkhazia (2014–现在)
      • 政府首脑 –
        1. Leonid Lakerbaia, Prime Minister of Abkhazia (2011–2014)
        2. Vladimir Delba, Acting Prime Minister of Abkhazia (2014)
        3. Beslan Butba, Prime Minister of Abkhazia (2014–2015)
    •  南奥塞梯 (partially recognised, secessionist state)
      • 国家元首 – Leonid Tibilov, 国家元首 of South Ossetia (2012–现在)
      • 政府首脑 –
        1. Rostislav Khugayev, Prime Minister of South Ossetia (2012–2014)
        2. Domenty Kulumbegov, Prime Minister of South Ossetia (2014–现在)
  •  德国
  •  希腊
    • 国家元首 – Karolos Papoulias, 国家元首 of Greece (2005–2015)
    • 政府首脑 – Antonis Samaras, Prime Minister of Greece (2012–2015)
  •  匈牙利
    • 国家元首 – János Áder, 国家元首 of Hungary (2012–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary (2010–现在)
  •  冰岛
    • 国家元首 – Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, 国家元首 of Iceland (1996–2016)
    • 政府首脑 – Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, Prime Minister of Iceland (2013–2016)
  •  爱尔兰
    • 国家元首 – Michael D. Higgins, 国家元首 of Ireland (2011–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Enda Kenny, Taoiseach of Ireland (2011–现在)
  •  意大利
    • 国家元首 – Giorgio Napolitano, 国家元首 of Italy (2006–2015)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Enrico Letta, 国家元首 of the Council of Ministers of Italy (2013–2014)
      2. Matteo Renzi, 国家元首 of the Council of Ministers of Italy (2014–现在)
  •  拉脱维亚
    • 国家元首 – Andris Bērziņš, 国家元首 of Latvia (2011–2015)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Valdis Dombrovskis, Prime Minister of Latvia (2009–2014)
      2. Laimdota Straujuma, Prime Minister of Latvia (2014–2016)
  •  列支敦士登
    • Monarch – Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein (1989–现在)
    • Regent – Hereditary Prince Alois, Regent of Liechtenstein (2004–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Adrian Hasler, Head of Government of Liechtenstein (2013–现在)
  •  立陶宛
    • 国家元首 – Dalia Grybauskaitė, 国家元首 of Lithuania (2009–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Algirdas Butkevičius, Prime Minister of Lithuania (2012–现在)
  •  卢森堡
    • Monarch – Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg (2000–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg (2013–现在)
  •  马其顿
    • 国家元首 – Gjorge Ivanov, 国家元首 of Macedonia (2009–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Nikola Gruevski, 国家元首 of the Government of Macedonia (2006–2016)
  •  马耳他
    • 国家元首 –
      1. George Abela, 国家元首 of Malta (2009–2014)
      2. Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, 国家元首 of Malta (2014–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Joseph Muscat, Prime Minister of Malta (2013–现在)
  •  摩尔多瓦
    • 国家元首 – Nicolae Timofti, 国家元首 of Moldova (2012–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Iurie Leancă, Prime Minister of Moldova (2013–2015)
    •  德涅斯特河沿岸 (unrecognised, secessionist state)
      • 国家元首 – Yevgeny Shevchuk, 国家元首 of Transnistria (2011–现在)
      • 政府首脑 – Tatiana Turanskaya, Prime Minister of Transnistria (2013–2015)
  •  摩纳哥
    • Monarch – Albert II, Prince of Monaco (2005–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Michel Roger, Minister of State of Monaco (2010–2015)
  •  黑山
    • 国家元首 – Filip Vujanović, 国家元首 of Montenegro (2003–现在)[lower-alpha 11]
    • 政府首脑 – Milo Đukanović, Prime Minister of Montenegro (2012–现在)
  •  荷兰王国
    • Monarch – Willem-Alexander, King of the Netherlands (2013–现在)
    •  荷兰 (constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
      • 政府首脑 – Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands (2010–现在)
    •  阿鲁巴 (constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
      • see under North America
    •  库拉索 (constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
      • see under North America
    •  荷属圣马丁 (constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
      • see under North America
  •  挪威
    • Monarch – Harald V, King of Norway (1991–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Erna Solberg, Prime Minister of Norway (2013–现在)
  •  波兰
    • 国家元首 – Bronisław Komorowski, 国家元首 of Poland (2010–2015)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Donald Tusk, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Poland (2007–2014)
      2. Ewa Kopacz, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Poland (2014–2015)
  •  葡萄牙
  •  罗马尼亚
    • 国家元首 –
      1. Traian Băsescu, 国家元首 of Romania (2004–2014)
      2. Klaus Iohannis, 国家元首 of Romania (2014–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Victor Ponta, Prime Minister of Romania (2012–2015)
  •  俄罗斯
  •  圣马力诺
    • Captains-Regent –
      1. Anna Maria Muccioli and Gian Carlo Capicchioni, Captains Regent of San Marino (2013–2014)
      2. Valeria Ciavatta and Luca Beccari, Captains Regent of San Marino (2014)
      3. Gianfranco Terenzi and Guerrino Zanotti, Captains Regent of San Marino (2014–2015)
  •  塞尔维亚
    • 国家元首 – Tomislav Nikolić, 国家元首 of Serbia (2012–现在)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Ivica Dačić, Prime Minister of Serbia (2012–2014)
      2. Aleksandar Vučić, Prime Minister of Serbia (2014–现在)
    •  科索沃 (partially recognised, secessionist state; under nominal international administration)
      • 国家元首 – Atifete Jahjaga, 国家元首 of Kosovo (2011–2016)
      • 政府首脑 –
        1. Hashim Thaçi, Prime Minister of Kosovo (2008–2014)
        2. Isa Mustafa, Prime Minister of Kosovo (2014–现在)
      • UN Special Representative – Farid Zarif, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Kosovo (2011–2015)
  •  斯洛伐克
    • 国家元首 –
      1. Ivan Gašparovič, 国家元首 of Slovakia (2004–2014)
      2. Andrej Kiska, 国家元首 of Slovakia (2014–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Robert Fico, Prime Minister of Slovakia (2012–现在)
  •  斯洛文尼亚
    • 国家元首 – Borut Pahor, 国家元首 of Slovenia (2012–现在)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Alenka Bratušek, Prime Minister of Slovenia (2013–2014)
      2. Miro Cerar, Prime Minister of Slovenia (2014–现在)
  •  西班牙
  •  瑞典
    • Monarch – Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden (1973–现在)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Fredrik Reinfeldt, Prime Minister of Sweden (2006–2014)
      2. Stefan Löfven, Prime Minister of Sweden (2014–现在)
  •  瑞士
    • Council – Federal Council of Switzerland[lower-alpha 12]
      • Members – Doris Leuthard (2006–现在), Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf (2008–2015), Ueli Maurer (2009–现在), Didier Burkhalter (2009–现在; 国家元首 of Switzerland, 2014), Johann Schneider-Ammann (2010–现在), Simonetta Sommaruga (2010–现在), and Alain Berset (2012–现在)
  •  乌克兰
    • 国家元首 –
      1. Viktor Yanukovych, 国家元首 of Ukraine (2010–2014)
      2. Oleksandr Turchynov, Acting 国家元首 of Ukraine (2014)
      3. Petro Poroshenko, 国家元首 of Ukraine (2014–现在)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Mykola Azarov, Prime Minister of Ukraine (2010–2014)
      2. Serhiy Arbuzov, Acting Prime Minister of Ukraine (2014)
      3. Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister of Ukraine (2014)
      4. Volodymyr Groysman, Acting Prime Minister of Ukraine (2014)
      5. Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister of Ukraine (2014–2016)
    •  克里米亚 (mostly unrecognised, secessionist state; under Russian occupation)
      • the Autonomous Republic of Crimea declared independence on 17 March; annexed by the Russian Federation on 21 March
      • Head of State – Vladimir Konstantinov, Chairman of the Supreme Council of Crimea (2010–2014)
      • 政府首脑 –
        1. Anatolii Mohyliov, Prime Minister of Crimea (2011–2014)
        2. Sergey Aksyonov, Prime Minister of Crimea (2014)
  •  英國
    • Monarch – 伊莉莎伯二世英國女王 (1952–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – 大衛·卡梅倫英國首相 (2010–2016)
    •  曼岛 (Crown dependency of the United Kingdom)
      • Lieutenant-Governor – Adam Wood, Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man (2011–2016)
      • Chief Minister – Allan Bell, Chief Minister of the Isle of Man (2011–现在)
    •  根西岛 (Crown dependency of the United Kingdom)
      • Lieutenant-Governor – Peter Walker, Lieutenant Governor of Guernsey (2011–2015)
      • Chief Minister –
        1. Peter Harwood, Chief Minister of Guernsey (2012–2014)
        2. Jonathan Le Tocq, Chief Minister of Guernsey (2014–2016)
    •  泽西岛 (Crown dependency of the United Kingdom)
      • Lieutenant-Governor – Sir John McColl, Lieutenant Governor of Jersey (2011–现在)
      • Chief Minister – Ian Gorst, Chief Minister of Jersey (2011–现在)
    •  直布罗陀 (Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
      • Governor – Sir James Dutton, Governor of Gibraltar (2013–2015)
      • Chief Minister – Fabian Picardo, Chief Minister of Gibraltar (2011–现在)
  •   梵蒂冈
    • Monarch – Pope Francis, Sovereign of Vatican City (2013–现在)
    • Head of Government – Cardinal Giuseppe Bertello, 国家元首 of the Governorate of Vatican City (2011–现在)
    • Holy See (sui generis subject of public international law)
      • Secretary of State – Cardinal Pietro Parolin,[lower-alpha 13] Cardinal Secretary of State (2013–现在)


  •  Anguilla (Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
    • Governor – Christina Scott, Governor of Anguilla (2013–现在)
    • Chief Minister – Hubert Hughes, Chief Minister of Anguilla (2010–2015)
  •  Antigua and Barbuda
    • Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Antigua and Barbuda (1981–现在)
    • Governor-General –
      1. Dame Louise Lake-Tack, Governor-General of Antigua and Barbuda (2007–2014)
      2. Sir Rodney Williams, Governor-General of Antigua and Barbuda (2014–现在)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Baldwin Spencer, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda (2004–2014)
      2. Gaston Browne, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda (2014–现在)
  •  Aruba (constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
    • Governor – Fredis Refunjol, Governor of Aruba (2004–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Mike Eman, Prime Minister of Aruba (2009–现在)
  •  The Bahamas
    • Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of the Bahamas (1973–现在)
    • Governor-General –
      1. Sir Arthur Foulkes, Governor-General of the Bahamas (2010–2014)
      2. Dame Marguerite Pindling, Governor-General of the Bahamas (2014–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Perry Christie, Prime Minister of the Bahamas (2012–现在)
  •  Barbados
    • Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Barbados (1966–现在)
    • Governor-General – Sir Elliott Belgrave, Governor-General of Barbados (2012–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Freundel Stuart, Prime Minister of Barbados (2010–现在)
  •  Belize
    • Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Belize (1981–现在)
    • Governor-General – Sir Colville Young, Governor-General of Belize (1993–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Dean Barrow, Prime Minister of Belize (2008–现在)
  •  Bermuda (Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
    • Governor – George Fergusson, Governor of Bermuda (2012–现在)
    • Premier –
      1. Craig Cannonier, Premier of Bermuda (2012–2014)
      2. Michael Dunkley, Premier of Bermuda (2014–现在)
  •  英属维京群岛 (Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
    • Governor –
      1. William Boyd McCleary, Governor of the British Virgin Islands (2010–2014)
      2. V. Inez Archibald, Acting Governor of the British Virgin Islands (2014)
      3. John Duncan, Governor of the British Virgin Islands (2014–现在)
    • Premier – Orlando Smith, Premier of the British Virgin Islands (2011–现在)
  •  加拿大
    • Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada (1952–现在)
    • Governor-General – David Johnston, Governor General of Canada (2010–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada (2006–2015)
  •  开曼群岛 (Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
    • Governor – Helen Kilpatrick, Governor of the Cayman Islands (2013–现在)
    • Premier – Alden McLaughlin, Premier of the Cayman Islands (2013–现在)
  •  哥斯达黎加
    • 国家元首 –
      1. Laura Chinchilla, 国家元首 of Costa Rica (2010–2014)
      2. Luis Guillermo Solís, 国家元首 of Costa Rica (2014–现在)
  •  古巴
  •  Curaçao (constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
    • Governor – Lucille George-Wout, Governor of Curaçao (2013–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Ivar Asjes, Prime Minister of Curaçao (2013–2015)
  •  Dominica
    • 国家元首 – Charles Savarin, 国家元首 of Dominica (2013–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of Dominica (2004–现在)
  •  Dominican Republic
    • 国家元首 – Danilo Medina, 国家元首 of the Dominican Republic (2012–现在)
  •  El Salvador
    • 国家元首 –
      1. Mauricio Funes, 国家元首 of El Salvador (2009–2014)
      2. Salvador Sánchez Cerén, 国家元首 of El Salvador (2014–现在)
  •  Grenada
    • Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Grenada (1974–现在)
    • Governor-General – Dame Cécile La Grenade, Governor-General of Grenada (2013–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Keith Mitchell, Prime Minister of Grenada (2013–现在)
  •  Guatemala
    • 国家元首 – Otto Pérez Molina, 国家元首 of Guatemala (2012–2015)
  •  Haiti
    • 国家元首 – Michel Martelly, 国家元首 of Haiti (2011–2016)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Laurent Lamothe, Prime Minister of Haiti (2012–2014)
      2. Florence Duperval Guillaume, Acting Prime Minister of Haiti (2014–2015)
  •  Honduras
    • 国家元首 –
      1. Porfirio Lobo Sosa, 国家元首 of Honduras (2010–2014)
      2. Juan Orlando Hernández, 国家元首 of Honduras (2014–现在)
  •  牙买加
    • Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Jamaica (1962–现在)
    • Governor-General – Sir Patrick Allen, Governor-General of Jamaica (2009–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Portia Simpson-Miller, Prime Minister of Jamaica (2012–2016)
  •  墨西哥
    • 国家元首 – Enrique Peña Nieto, 国家元首 of Mexico (2012–现在)
  •  Montserrat (Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
    • Governor – Adrian Davis, Governor of Montserrat (2011–2015)
    • Premier –
      1. Reuben Meade, Premier of Montserrat (2009–2014)
      2. Donaldson Romeo, Premier of Montserrat (2014–现在)
  •  尼加拉瓜
    • 国家元首 – Daniel Ortega, 国家元首 of Nicaragua (2007–现在)
  •  巴拿马
    • 国家元首 –
      1. Ricardo Martinelli, 国家元首 of Panama (2009–2014)
      2. Juan Carlos Varela, 国家元首 of Panama (2014–现在)
  •   Saint Barthélemy (overseas collectivity of France)
    • Prefect – Philippe Chopin, Prefect of Saint Barthélemy (2011–2015)
    • Head of Government – Bruno Magras, 国家元首 of the Territorial Council of Saint Barthélemy (2007–现在)
  •  Saint Kitts and Nevis
    • Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Saint Kitts and Nevis (1983–现在)
    • Governor-General – Sir Edmund Lawrence, Governor-General of Saint Kitts and Nevis (2013–2015)
    • 政府首脑 – Denzil Douglas, Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis (1995–2015)
  •  圣卢西亚
    • Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Saint Lucia (1979–现在)
    • Governor-General – Dame Pearlette Louisy, Governor-General of Saint Lucia (1997–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Kenny Anthony, Prime Minister of Saint Lucia (2011–2016)
  •  法属圣马丁(overseas collectivity of France)
    • Prefect – Philippe Chopin, Prefect of Saint Martin (2011–2015)
    • Head of Government – Aline Hanson, 国家元首 of the Territorial Council of Saint Martin (2013–现在)
  •   Saint Pierre and Miquelon (overseas collectivity of France)
    • Prefect –
      1. Patrice Latron, Prefect of Saint Pierre and Miquelon (2011–2014)
      2. Jean-Christophe Bouvier, Prefect of Saint Pierre and Miquelon (2014–现在)
    • Head of Government – Stéphane Artano, 国家元首 of the Territorial Council of Saint Pierre and Miquelon (2006–现在)
  •  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    • Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1979–现在)
    • Governor-General – Sir Frederick Ballantyne, Governor-General of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (2002–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (2001–现在)
  •  Sint Maarten (constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
    • Governor – Eugene Holiday, Governor of Sint Maarten (2010–现在)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Sarah Wescot-Williams, Prime Minister of Sint Maarten (2010–2014)
      2. Marcel Gumbs, Prime Minister of Sint Maarten (2014–2015)
  •  Trinidad and Tobago
    • 国家元首 – Anthony Carmona, 国家元首 of Trinidad and Tobago (2013–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago (2010–2015)
  •  Turks and Caicos Islands (Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
    • Governor – Peter Beckingham, Governor of the Turks and Caicos Islands (2013–现在)
    • Premier – Rufus Ewing, Premier of the Turks and Caicos Islands (2012–现在)
  •  美国
    • 国家元首 – Barack Obama, 国家元首 of the United States (2009–现在)
    •  波多黎各 (Commonwealth of the United States)
      • Governor – Alejandro García Padilla, Governor of Puerto Rico (2013–现在)
    •  美属维京群岛 (insular area of the United States)
      • Governor – John de Jongh, Governor of the United States Virgin Islands (2007–2015)


  •  美屬薩摩亞 (unorganised, unincorporated territory of the 美国
  •  澳大利亚
  •  Fiji
  •   法屬玻里尼西亞法国海外自治領土)
    • High Commissioner – Lionel Beffre, High Commissioner of the Republic in French Polynesia (2013–2016)
    • 国家元首 –
      1. Gaston Flosse, 国家元首 of French Polynesia (2013–2014)
      2. Nuihau Laurey, Acting 国家元首 of French Polynesia (2014)
      3. Édouard Fritch, 国家元首 of French Polynesia (2014–现在)
  •  關島(insular area of the United States
    • Governor – Eddie Calvo, Governor of Guam (2011–现在)
  •  Kiribati
    • 国家元首 – Anote Tong, 国家元首 of Kiribati (2003–2016)
  •  Marshall Islands
    • 国家元首 – Christopher Loeak, 国家元首 of the Marshall Islands (2012–2016)
  •  Micronesia
    • 国家元首 – Manny Mori, 国家元首 of Micronesia (2007–2015)
  •   瑙鲁
    • 国家元首 – Baron Waqa, 国家元首 of Nauru (2013–现在)
  •   New Caledonia (sui generis collectivity of France
    • High Commissioner –
      1. Jean-Jacques Brot, High Commissioner of New Caledonia (2013–2014)
      2. Pascal Gauci, Acting High Commissioner of New Caledonia (2014)
      3. Vincent Bouvier, High Commissioner of New Caledonia (2014–2016)
    • Head of Government –
      1. Harold Martin, 国家元首 of the Government of New Caledonia (2011–2014)
      2. Cynthia Ligeard, 国家元首 of the Government of New Caledonia (2014–2015)
  •  新西兰
    • Monarch – 伊丽莎白二世, 女王 (1952–现在)
    • Governor-General – Sir Jerry Mateparae,總督 (2011–2016)
    • 政府首脑 – John Key, Prime Minister of New Zealand (2008–现在)
    •  Cook Islands (associated state of New Zealand)
      • Queen's Representative – Tom Marsters, Queen's Representative of the Cook Islands (2013–现在)
      • 政府首脑 – Henry Puna, Prime Minister of the Cook Islands (2010–现在)
    •  Niue (associated state of New Zealand)
      • Premier – Toke Talagi, Premier of Niue (2008–现在)
    •  Tokelau (dependent territory of New Zealand)
      • Administrator – Jonathan Kings, Administrator of Tokelau (2011–2015)
      • Head of Government –
        1. Salesio Lui, Head of Government of Tokelau (2013–2014)
        2. Kuresa Nasau, Head of Government of Tokelau (2014–2015)
  •  Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealth of the United States
    • Governor – Eloy Inos, Governor of the Northern Mariana Islands (2013–2015)
  •  帕劳
    • 国家元首 – Tommy Remengesau, 国家元首 of Palau (2013–现在)
  •  Papua New Guinea
    • Monarch – 伊丽莎白二世女王 (1975–现在)
    • Governor-General – Sir Michael Ogio, Governor-General of Papua New Guinea (2011–2018年)
    • 政府首脑 – 彼得·奧尼爾, 總理 (2011–2019)
  •  Pitcairn Islands (Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
    • Governor –
      1. Victoria Treadell, Governor of the Pitcairn Islands (2010–2014)
      2. Jonathan Sinclair, Governor of the Pitcairn Islands (2014–现在)
    • Mayor – Shawn Christian, Mayor of the Pitcairn Islands (2014–现在)
  •  Samoa
    • Head of State – Tufuga Efi, O le Ao o le Malo of Samoa (2007–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele Malielegaoi, Prime Minister of Samoa (1998–现在)
  •  所罗门群岛
    • Monarch – Elizabeth II女王(1978–现在)
    • Governor-General – Sir Frank Kabui, 總督 (2009–现在)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Gordon Darcy Lilo, 總理 (2011–2014)
      2. Manasseh Sogavare, 總理 (2014–现在)
  •  汤加
    • Monarch – Tupou VI, King of Tonga (2012–现在)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Sialeʻataongo Tuʻivakanō, Prime Minister of Tonga (2010–2014)
      2. ʻAkilisi Pōhiva, Prime Minister of Tonga (2014–现在)
  •  Tuvalu
    • Monarch – Elizabeth II, Queen of Tuvalu (1978–现在)
    • Governor-General – Sir Iakoba Italeli, Governor-General of Tuvalu (2010–现在)
    • 政府首脑 – Enele Sopoaga, Prime Minister of Tuvalu (2013–现在)
  •  Vanuatu
    • 国家元首 –
      1. Iolu Abil, 国家元首 of Vanuatu (2009–2014)
      2. Philip Boedoro, Acting 国家元首 of Vanuatu (2014)
      3. Baldwin Lonsdale, 国家元首 of Vanuatu (2014–现在)
    • 政府首脑 –
      1. Moana Carcasses Kalosil, Prime Minister of Vanuatu (2013–2014)
      2. Joe Natuman, Prime Minister of Vanuatu (2014–2015)
  •   Wallis and Futuna (overseas collectivity of France
    • Administrator – Michel Aubouin, Administrator Superior of Wallis and Futuna (2013–2015)
    • Head of Government –
      1. Petelo Hanisi, 国家元首 of the Territorial Assembly of Wallis and Futuna (2013–2014)
      2. Mikaele Kulimoetoke, 国家元首 of the Territorial Assembly of Wallis and Futuna (2014–现在)


