叠盘角石属 化石时期:志留紀
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科学分类 | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 軟體動物門 Mollusca |
纲: | 頭足綱 Cephalopoda |
目: | †叠盘角石目 Discosorida |
科: | †叠盘角石科 Discosoridae |
属: | †叠盘角石属 Discosorus Hall, 1852 |
種 | |
Discosorus halli |
- Discosorus halli Foerste, 1924
- Discosorus infelix Billings, 1866
- ^ 1.0 1.1 Fossilworks: Discosorus. [2018-05-23] (英语).[失效連結]
- ^ Discoceras, p K360 in Vol K of the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology in the section on the Trocholitidae, pp K359-K362, in the Chapter on the Tarphycerida by Furnish and Glenister starting with page K343.
- Discosorus, pK336 in Vol K of the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology in the section on the Discosoridae, pp K335 -K338 in the Chapter on the Discosorida by Curt Teichert starting on page K320