

ICC色彩特性文件(ICC Profile)是一组用来描述色彩输入、输出设备或者某种色彩空间的特性的数据集合,因由国际色彩联盟(ICC)主持制定其规范而得名。该类文件被广泛用于色彩管理,以实现让颜色在设备和文档之间保持一致,从而在目标设备上提供最佳的色彩表现、或者在其他设备上模拟文档在目标设备上的色彩表现。此类文件的扩展名通常为.icc或.icm。



ICC色彩特性文件通过定义目标设备或色彩空间相对于特性文件相关空间(Profile Connection Space,PCS,通常是CIELAB(L*a*b*)或者CIEXYZ)之间应该如何进行色彩转换来工作。色彩转换的具体方式在文件中以表格形式进行标记,未被标记的则通过插值或者其它参数来进行转换。

以从RGB色彩空间转换到CMYK色彩空间的过程为例。首先取得两者的ICC色彩色性文件。然后按照RGB的ICC文件中的定义将其RGB值转换至特性文件相关空间(Profile Connection Space,PCS)。当有需要时将PCS中的数值在L*a*b*和CIEXYZ之间变换(该变换过程已被正确定义)。最后将PCS中的数值转换成目标的C、M、Y、K四个数值。

在一个色彩特性文件中可以按照渲染目的(Rendering Intent)的不同来可以定义多个色彩转换方式。如Perceptual(按可感知度)、Relative colorimetric(按相对色度)、Saturation(按饱和度)、Absolute colorimetric(按绝对色度)等。在不同的色彩空间之间转换时可以在这些方式之间选择最合适的方式。

特性文件相关空间的参考光源是标准光源D50[1]的16位分数近似值。白点坐标是XYZ=(0.9642, 1.000, 0.8249)。当转换源和转换目标的白点不一致时,使用布拉福德变换(Bradford transform)进行色彩匹配(Chromatic adaptation)来确定白点。[1]





ICC色彩特性文件的规范目前正作为ISO 15076-1:2005[4][5]在被审议的过程中。目前已经被多种其他规范用作参考。下述的标准包括这些国际标准和业内的事实标准。


  • ISO/IEC 10918-1: Coding of still pictures - JPEG
  • ISO 12234-4: Photography - Electronic still-picture imaging – Part 4: Exchangeable image file format (Exif 2.2) (ISO TC42)
  • ISO 12639:2004 Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange — Taged Image File Format for Image Technology (TIFF/IT) (ISO TC130)
  • ISO/DIS 12647-1: Graphic Technology - Process control for the production of halftone color separations, proof and production prints – part 1: Parameters and measurement methods (Revision under way in ISO TC130)
  • ISO/DIS 12647-2: Graphic Technology – Process control for the production of halftone color separations, proof and production prints – part 2: Offset processes (Revision under way in ISO TC130)
  • ISO/CD 12647-3: Graphic technology - Process control for the production of half-tone color separations, proofs and production prints - Part 3: Coldset offset lithography on newsprint
  • ISO/CD 12647-3: Graphic technology — Process control for the production of half-tone color separations, proof and production prints — Part 4: Publication gravure printing
  • ISO/CD 12647-6: Graphic technology – Process control for the production of half-tone color separations, proof and production prints – Part 6: Flexographic printing
  • ISO/IEC 15948: Portable Network Graphics file format (jointly defined with W3C – see www.libpng.org/pub/png/spec/iso)
  • ISO/IEC15444: Coding of still pictures - JPEG2000 (ISO JTC 1/SC 2)
  • ISO 15930-1:2001 Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange — Use of PDF. Part 1: Complete exchange using CMYK data (PDF/X-1 and PDF/X-1a) (ISO TC130)
  • ISO 15930-3:2002 Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange — Use of PDF. Part 3: Complete exchange suitable for color managed workflows (PDF/X-3) (ISO TC130)
  • ISO 15930-4:2003 Graphic technology - Prepress digital data exchange using PDF - Part 4: Complete exchange of CMYK and spot color printing data using PDF 1.4 (PDF/X-1a)
  • ISO 15930-5:2003 Graphic technology - Prepress digital data exchange using PDF - Part 5: Partial exchange of printing data using PDF 1.4 (PDF/X-2)
  • ISO 15930-6:2003 Graphic technology - Prepress digital data exchange using PDF - Part 6: Complete exchange of printing data suitable for color-managed workflows using PDF 1.4 (PDF/X-3)
  • ISO 22028-1:2004 Photography and Graphic Technology – Extended color encodings for digital image storage, manipulation and interchange – Part 1: Architecture and requirements (ISO TC42)
  • ISO 12052 / NEMA PS3 醫療數位影像傳輸協定 (DICOM)


  • PICT标准规范(苹果公司发行的一种文件格式)
  • PostScript语言(Adobe公司发行的EPS文件格式)
  • PDF(Adobe公司创立的文件格式)
  • JDF(CIP4联合会发行的工作定义文件格式)
  • SVG(W3C发行的文件格式)
  • SWOP(用于CMYK印刷的规范,广泛用于北美)



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Specification ICC.1:2004-10 (Profile version页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Image technology colour management — Architecture, profile format, and data structure;
  2. ^ icc profiles download. [2011-06-13]. (原始内容存档于2012-09-06). 
  3. ^ Version 4 ICC Specification. [2011-06-13]. (原始内容存档于2008-09-13). 
  4. ^ ICC profile specification published as ISO 15076-1:2005. [2011-06-13]. (原始内容存档于2008-10-06). 
  5. ^ ISO 15076-1:2005. Image technology colour management–Architecture, profile format and data structure–Part 1: Based on ICC.1:2004-10页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
