Izifundazwe zase Ningizimu Sudan

INingizimu Sudan inezingxenye ezintathu kanye nezifundazwe eziyi-13.[1][2][3]

Izingxenye (zigqanyiswe ngemibala) kanye nezifundazwe zase Ningizimu Sudan      Bahr el Ghazal      Equatoria      Greater Upper Nile


  1. Bahr el Ghazal
  2. Equatoria
  3. Greater Upper Nile


  1. Northern Bahr el Ghazal
  2. Western Bahr el Ghazal
  3. Lakes
  4. Warrap
  5. Western Equatoria
  6. Central Equatoria
  7. Eastern Equatoria
  8. Jonglei
  9. Unity
  10. Upper Nile
  11. Abyei (isifundazwe esikhethekile)
  12. Pibor (isifundazwe esikhethekile)
  13. Ruweng (isifundazwe esikhethekile)



  1. "Peace in South Sudan after 6 years war". aljazeera.com. Kulandwe ngomhlaka 9 kuNhlolanja 2021.
  2. "South Sudan's Kiir appoints governors of 28 new states". Sudan Tribune. Kulandwe ngomhlaka 9 kuNhlolanja 2021.
  3. "South Sudanese President creates four more states – Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan". www.sudantribune.com. Archived from the original on 2017-09-18. Kulandwe ngomhlaka 9 kuNhlolanja 2021.