
How to read a taxoboxWikipǣdia:How to read a taxobox
How to read a taxobox
Lafor, lēopard
Affricanisc lafor on Namibian
Affricanisc lafor on Namibian

Near Threatened (IUCN)
Cræftlicu endebyrdung
Rīce: Dēor
Stefn: Hrycgbāndēor
Flocc: Sycedēor
Hād: Flǣscetendu dēor
Cnēoris: Cattas
Cnōsl: Panðeras
Cynn: P. pardus

Lafor oþþe lēopard is catt, þe is læst on gemang þǣm fēowerum grēatum cattum þǣre cnōsle panðera; þā ōðre þrēo sind tigeras, lēon, and se Wīnlendisca panðer. Hīe wuniaþ mǣst on þǣre underran healfe Affrican, ac āne ēac wunodon hīe wide on þǣm sūðan and þǣm ēastan Asian. Gīet tōdæg ēac wuniaþ fēawe heora on þǣm Indīegum, Pakistane, Indialande, Dēprobane, sūþēasternum Asian, Malaisian, and Cīnan.

Se lafor hafaþ bemetendlīce sceorte sceancan, lang līc, and grēatne hēafodbān andefen ōðerra catta. Hē þynceþ gelīc þǣm Wīnlendiscan panðere, and hē is læssa and hwōnlīcra; ēac, his mearca sind læssan þonne þā þæs Winlendiscan panðeres, and gewunelīce nabbaþ prican on middele, þe tō wiðerwearde sōþlīce hafaþ se Wīnlendisca panðer prican onmiddan his mearcum. Ge laforas ge Wīnlendisce panðeras cunnon wesan oferdeorce.

Laforas lifiaþ swā gesundfullīce on wēstne for þȳ þe hīe geþwǣrlǣcaþ wel hwīla gōdes huntoðes, geþwǣrlǣcaþ missenlicra wīca, iernaþ swīðe swifte (nēan 58 þūsendmetera ǣlcre stunde), climbaþ trēow swīðe cræftige þā hwīle þe hīe beraþ ǣs, and hīe crēopaþ on stæle swīðe wel. Hīe etaþ nēan ǣnig dēor þe hīe cunnon fōn, and hīe wuniaþ on swīðe missenlīcum wīcum, ge on wēstnum ge on wealdum.