
Sceat of Hlōðere II Cyning

Mæringas oþðe Merewīowingas wæron se forma cynecynn on Francum þāra rīce wæs in Gallie. Þisses hūs heald rīce ofer Francum þrēo hund winter, and hiera frūma in þǣm rīce wæs in þǣm fifta gēarhunde.

Mæringa landrīce bewrēagon Gallia þæt eald Rēmisce underrīce mid ēac Raetie, Germania Superior and the Germanie sūþdæl. Þisses cynecynnes ealdfæder wæs Mæric oððe Merewīow (se hatte in bōcum 'Merovech') ac hiera weald on Gallwarum gestaðolde Mærices sunsunnu, Hloðwic I (se ricsode of ymbe 481 oð 511). Hloðwic geānede eall Gallialand under his rīce, and if his folc hatte þæt land nū Francland.

Æfter Hloðwices dēaþ wæs grim ingewinn and his rīce wæs bedǣled ac æfterwearde brōhtedon his ierfan Franclande eft ætgædre.

In Mæringa endmesta hund gēarum acwān se cyninges ealdorscipe ðe he bið gewūna cyning būton weald. In 752 gesettede Zacharias Pāpa Hildarice III þone cyning ūt of his cynedōme and in 754 gesmyriode Zachariases ierfa Stephne II Pāpa Pippen Scorten swa Francena Cyning, and he wæs se forma cyning þāra Carlinga cynecynn.