Norþerne Landscipe

Norþernan Landscipes Fana
Se Norþerne Landscipe in Australie


Se Norþernan Landscipe is landscipe in Australie. Hit is se middel dǣl þære norþerne healf þæs Australia-ƿorulddæl. Hit is hæð and ƿēsten mid grēatan būrlandum; ƿēst and scēap feldlæs.

Þæs landscipes heafodstōl is Darƿin, lytla burg be sǣs ecg be norþen.

Australisc rīce and landscipas
Rīce CƿēnelandFictoriaNīƿe SūþƿealasSūþaustralandTasmaniaǷesterne Australand
Landscipas Australisc Hēafodbyrig LandscipeIervis Byht LandscipeNorþerne Landscipe
Īega Ashmore and Cartier Īege • Australisc Antarctisc Landscipe • Coralsǣ Īege Landscipe • Cocos (oþþe Keeling) Īege • Gēol Īeg • Heard Īeg and McDonald Īege • Norþfolc Īeg
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