
جنوب السودان
Janūb as-Sūdān
Fana þæs Sūþsudanes Coat of Arms of Sūþsudan
(Fana) (Cassock of Geatwe)
Þēodlic cƿide: {national_motto}
Þēodlic antefn: {national_anthem}
Stede Sūþsudan
Hēafod Juba
Mǣste burg
Ambihtlica sprǣca Nīƿenglisc
Autonomous region
 - Getæl
 - Ƿæter (%)
{area} km² ([[List of countries by area|]])
 - [[Sƿā |]] est.
 - 2008 census
 - Þiccnes
7.5–9.7 million (2006, UNFPA)[1]
11,000,000–13,000,000 (Southern Sudan claim, 2009)[2] ([[Getalu lēodmearca be landware|]])
8,260,490 (disputed)[3]
{population_density}/km² ([[Getalu lēodmearca be landware þiccnesse|]])
 - Getæl
 - For ǣlcum hēafde
[[As of |]] estimate
([[List of countries by GDP (PPP)|]])
([[List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita|]])
Sceatt Sudanisc Pūnd (SDG)
 - Summor (DST)
Ēastaffrica Tīd (UTC+3)
{time_zone_DST} (UTC{utc_offset_DST})
Internet TLD .sd (sƿa Sudanes dǣl)
Sprecungrīm +249

Sūþsudan is a landfæst rīce on Ēasternum Affrice. His hēafodstōl is Juba. In Sūþsudanes landum is þæt micel fenn Sudd be naman, þæt ƿeorcþ sē Hƿīta Nīl. Hē is nīƿ rīce in Affrican, þe hiera selfdōm nōm fram Sudane on 9 Mǣdmōnþe, 2011.

Þis land hæfþ landgemæras ƿiþ Sudanƿarum be norþen, Sigelhƿarum be ēasten; Cenie, Ugandan, and Congolande be sūðen and Middelaffrica be ƿesten.

Ǣr ƿas þis land dæl þæs landrīces Sudan þærofen ƿealdod Bretþeod and Ǣgyptƿare ætgædre. Sudan þæt land ƿeard his agan rīce in 1956, ac blōdig ingeƿinn folgode Æfter þone Forma Sudaniscum Ingeƿinne, in 1972 ƿæs gestaðoled Sūþern Sudan Selfƿealdend Landrīce oð 1983. Oðer Sudanisc Ingeƿinn eftsōn begann and endede in þæm Eallymbgyrdende Friþ Ānnes of 2005. In þæm ilcan geare Sūþern Sudanes Leodƿeard staðold man. In leodceasnesse in þæm Æfterran Gēolan 2011, 99% þæs landes manna ceas bedælunge of Sudanes lāfe. Sūþsudan ƿeard frēorīce on 9 Mǣdmōnþe 2011.


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Land on Affrice

Algeria  • Angola  • Benin  • Botsƿana  • Burkina Faso  • Burundi  • Camerun  • Cead  • Cenia  • Cibuti  • Comorosrice  • Congoland  • Congoisce Cyneƿīse  • Elpendbānrīma  • Gabon  • Sēo Gambia  • Ghana  • Grēnenæs Īega  • Guinea  • Guinea-Bissau  • Guinea ðæs Emnihtes Circules‎  • Lesotho  • Liberia  • Libia  • Madagascar  • Malaƿi  • Mali  • Mauritania  • Mauritius  • Mosambice  • Middel Affricanisc Cyneƿīse  • Morocco  • Namibia  • Nigerland  • Nigeria  • Rƿanda  • Sambia  • Simbabƿe  • Sanctus Tomas and Principe  • Segscelliega  • Senegal  • Sierra Leone  • Sigelhearƿenaland  • Sōmalaland  • Sudan  • Sūðaffrica  • Sūþsudan  • Swasaland  • Tansania  • Togo  • Tunisia  • Uganda  • Ǣgypt  • Æriþrea