Sur Sudan
Sur Sudan
Parti di | East Africa, Afrika |
Fecha di fundashon òf kreashon | 9 yüli 2011 |
Nomber ofisial | la République du Soudan du Sud, Republic of South Sudan, جمهورية جنوب السودان, South Sudan, جنوب السودان |
Nòmber nativo | Republic of South Sudan, جمهورية جنوب السودان, South Sudan, جنوب السودان |
Nomber kòrtiku | 🇸🇸 |
Idioma ofisial | Ingles, Arabiko |
Himno | South Sudan Oyee! |
Kultura | culture of South Sudan |
Motto text | Justice, Liberty, Prosperity, Справедливост, свобода, просперитет, Justiça, Liberdade, Prosperidade, Cyfiawnder, Rhyddid, Ffyniant |
Kontinente | Afrika |
Pais | Sur Sudan |
Kapital | Juba |
Zona di tempu | UTC+02:00, Africa/Juba |
Koordinato geográfiko | 7°0′0″N 30°0′0″E |
Punto oriental | 4°37′52″N 35°56′56″E |
Punto nort | 12°14′11″N 32°43′54″E |
Punto zuid | 3°30′17″N 32°12′7″E |
Punto occidental | 9°0′54″N 23°26′52″E |
Punto mas altu | Kinyeti |
Punto mas hundo | White Nile |
Forma di gobierno | federal republic |
Office held by head of state | President of South Sudan |
Hefe di estado | Salva Kiir Mayardit |
Puesto okupá pa hefe di gobièrnu | President of South Sudan |
Kabes di gobièrnu | Salva Kiir Mayardit |
Órgano legislativo | National Legislature of South Sudan |
Banko sentral | Bank of South Sudan |
Moneda | South Sudanese pound |
Band'i chaffeur | banda drechi |
Hashtag | SoudanduSud |
Top-level Internet domain | .ss |
Bandera | flag of South Sudan |
Eskudo | Emblem of South Sudan |
Geografia | geography of South Sudan |
Karakterisá pa | not-free country |
Historia | history of South Sudan |
Separated from | Sudan |
Ekonomia di e tópiko | economy of South Sudan |
Demografia di e tópiko | demographics of South Sudan |
Mobile country code | 659 |
Country calling code | +211 |
Number di emergencia | 911 |
Maritime identification digits | 638 |
Simbolo Unicode | 🇸🇸 |
Kategoria pa mapa | Category:Maps of South Sudan |
Sur Sudan, ofisialmente Repúblika di Sur Sudan, ta un país sin frontera maritimo den Afrika. E ta komparti frontera ku Etiopia, Sudan, Republika Sentral Afrikano, Republika demokratika di Kongo, Uganda i Kenia. Su poblashon ta estimá na 10,913,164 hende na 2022. Juba ta su kapital i siudat mas grandi.