

Sǣhundas, ēac sceorte hundas, (on Nīwum Englisce hāteþ shark) sind hīw fisca mid fullum gristelbānhāme, swīðe scearpum līce, and hrōm scinne. Hīe habbaþ maniga rǣwa tōða. Heora cynn sind on micelnesse fram 17 hundtēontigoþmetera (se dweorglēohtsǣhund) oþ 12 metera (se hwælsǣhund, þe is se mǣsta fisc, and þe itt synderlīce lytele fiscas, earublæcfiscas, and flēotwihta þurh cambtēþ).

Manig cynn heora sind gecūþ for heora cræfte on huntoðe.