Booth Tarkington
Newton Booth Tarkington ( 29/07/1869 - 19/05/1946 ) tir amerikaf suterotik is wenyaxik.
Inafa gadava tir Englava. Bak 1919 gu Pulitzer Suterotafo Poradro icde The Magnificent Ambersons berpot az bak 1922 icde Alice Adams zo gabler.
Booth Tarkington
29/07/1869, Indianapolis, Tanarasokeem
19/05/1946, Indianapolis, Tanarasokeem
Berpot, Wenya
Berpot :
- Growth
- The Turmoil (1915)
- The Magnificent Ambersons (1918)
- The Midlander (1924)
- Penrod
- Penrod (1914)
- Penrod and Sam (1916)
- Penrod Jashber (1929)
- Penrod. His Complete Story (1949)
- The Gentleman from Indiana (1899)
- Monsieur Beaucaire (1900)
- Old Grey Eagle (1901)
- Cherry (1901)
- The Beautiful Lady (1905)
- The Conquest of Canaan (1905)
- The Guest of Quesnay (1907)
- His Own People (1907)
- Beasley's Christmas Party (1909)
- The Flirt (1913)
- The Spring Concert (1916)
- Harlequin and Columbine (1921)
- Alice Adams (1921)
- Gentle Julia (1922)
- Women (1925)
- The Plutocrat (1927)
- Claire Ambler (1928)
- The World Does Move (1928)
- Mirthful Haven (1930)
- Mary's Neck (1932)
- Presenting Lily Mars (1933)
- Rumbin Galleries (1937)
- Little Orvie (1934)
- The Heritage of Hatcher (1941)
- The Fighting Littles (1941)
- Kate Fennigate (1943)
- Image of Josephine (1945)
- The Snow Piece (1947)
Berpotamak :
- The Two Vanrevels (1902)
- In the Arena: Stories of Political Life (1905)
- Seventeen (1916)
- Captain Schlotterwerz (1919)
- Looking Forward and Others (1926)
- Horse and Buggy Days (1936)
Wenyaxa :
- The Man from Home (1908)
- Colonel Satan, or A Night in the Life of Aaron Burr (1909)
- The Humble Servant (1910)
- The Beauty and the Jacobin. An Interlude of the French Revolution (1912)
- The Flirt (1913)
- The Gibson Upright (1919)
- Ramsey Mulholland (1919)
- The Country Cousins (1921)
- How Is Your Health? (1921)
- The Intimate Strangers (1921)
- Clarence (1921)
- The Ghost Story (1922)
- The Wren (1922)
Ezlak :
- Poe's Run and other poems (1904)