ژان دارک

Joan of Arc
Historiated initial depicting Joan of Arc from Archives Nationales, Paris, AE II 2490, allegedly dated to the second half of the 15th century but most likely art forgery by the Alsatian painter Georges Spetz (1844–1914) in the late 19th or early 20th centuries.[a]
Martyr and Holy Virgin
دوْغومJeanne d'Arc (modern French)
c. 1412
Domrémy, Duchy of Bar, Kingdom of France
اؤلوم30 May 1431 (probably aged 19)
  • Rouen, Normandy
  • (then under English rule)
حؤرمت سایانلار in
  • Roman Catholic Church
  • Anglican Communion[۲]
Beatified18 April 1909, Saint Peter's Basilica, Rome by Pope Pius X
تقدیس16 May 1920, Saint Peter's Basilica, Rome by Pope Benedict XV
مراسیم30 May
PatronageFrance; martyrs; captives; military personnel; people ridiculed for their piety; prisoners; soldiers, women who have served in the WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service); and Women's Army Corps
ژان دارک

ژان دارک (فرانسه‌جه: Jeanne d'Arc) (دوغوم ۶ ژانویهٔ ۱۴۱۲ - اؤلوم ۳۰ می ۱۴۳۱) فرانسه‌نین میلی قهرمانی و کاتولیک کیلیساسی‌نین قدیسه‌لریندن بیری دیر.


  1. ^ Contamine 2007, p. 199.
  2. ^ Holy Days. آرشیولنیب اصلی نۆسخه‌دن on 2018-12-25. یوْخلانیلیب2022-01-08.

پیش‌نمایش ارجاع‌ها

  1. ^ The historian Philippe Contamine writes "Reste la miniature conservée aux Archives nationales ... Cette miniature du XVe siècle, très soignée (l'étendard correspond exactement à la description que Jeanne d'Arc elle-même en donnera lors de son procès) ... Mais c'est précisément cette exactitude, et cette coïncidence, trop belle pour être vraie, qui éveillent — ou plutôt auraient dû éveiller — les soupçons, sans compter le fait que ni les spécialistes de l'armement ni les spécialistes de l'enluminure au XVe siècle n'y trouvent leur compte ... Il n'est pas impossible que cette miniature provienne de la collection que Georges Spetz avait constituée" ["There remains the miniature kept in the National Archives ... This miniature from the 15th century, very neat (the banner corresponds exactly to the description that Joan of Arc herself will give during her trial) ... But it is precisely this exactitude , and this coincidence, too good to be true, which arouses—or rather should have aroused – suspicion, not to mention the fact that neither specialists in armaments or specialists in illuminations of the 15th century find them unsatisfying. ...It is not impossible that this miniature comes from the collection of Georges Spetz."][۱]