^McCarthy، Justin (٢٩ی ئەیلوولی ٢٠٠٦). The Armenian Rebellion at Van (بە ئینگلیزی). University of Utah Press. لاپەڕە ٨٢. ژپنک٩٧٨-٠-٨٧٤٨٠-٨٧٠-٤. In the late 1890s the government began to improve the security in the Van Province with mixed but real results. Soldiers were sent to defend Armenian villages from tribes. The Ottomans responded to tribal raids in southern Van Province by sending regular troops to Hakkâri Sancak to protect the Nestorians. They succeeded in keeping the area quiet, at least for the time being. Troops opposed incursions by Persian Kurds. They even used artillery to bombard the fortified villages of raiding tribes. In 1900 the government gained a victory when regular troops captured Şerif, the leader of the Shekifti subtribe of the Shikak Kurds and long-standing plague for both the government and the Armenians, in a bloody battle in the Albak region near Başkale.
^M. Kalman, Belge, tanık ve yaşayanlarıyla Ağrı Direnişi 1926–1930, Pêrî Yayınları, İstanbul, 1997, ISBN975-8245-01-5, p. 105.
^"Der Krieg am Ararat" (Telegramm unseres Korrespondenten) Berliner Tageblatt, October 3, 1930, "... die Türken in der Gegend von Zilan 220 Dörfer zerstört und 4500 Frauen und Greise massakriert."