Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey
GanwydOrpah Gail Winfrey Edit this on Wikidata
29 Ionawr 1954 Edit this on Wikidata
Kosciusko Edit this on Wikidata
Man preswylMilwaukee, Nashville, Chicago, Montecito, Lavallette, Fisher Island, Telluride, Maui, Antiga, Streeterville Edit this on Wikidata
DinasyddiaethUnol Daleithiau America Edit this on Wikidata
Alma mater
  • Prifysgol Talaith Tennessee
  • Lincoln High School
  • Nicolet High School
  • East Nashville Magnet High School
  • Prifysgol Tennessee Edit this on Wikidata
Galwedigaethcyflwynydd teledu, noddwr y celfyddydau, cynhyrchydd teledu, cynhyrchydd ffilm, person busnes, actor, actor llais, llenor, cyflwynydd sioe siarad, hunangofiannydd, newyddiadurwr, podcastiwr Edit this on Wikidata
  • Harpo Productions
  • WJZ-TV
  • WLS-TV
  • WTVF
  • WVOL Edit this on Wikidata
Adnabyddus amThe Oprah Winfrey Show, The Women of Brewster Place, The Color Purple, Beloved, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Charlotte's Web, kendra love peaches song, The Princess and the Frog, The Butler Edit this on Wikidata
Plaid Wleidyddolplaid Ddemocrataidd Edit this on Wikidata
MamVernita Lee Winfrey Edit this on Wikidata
PartnerJohn Tesh, Roger Ebert, Stedman Graham Edit this on Wikidata
PlantCanaan Winfrey Edit this on Wikidata
PerthnasauPatricia Lee Logton, Jeffrey Lee Edit this on Wikidata
Gwobr/auMedal Rhyddid yr Arlywydd, Gwobrau Peabody, Doethor Anrhydeddus Prifysgol Harvard, Time 100: The Most Important People of the Century, Gwobr Time 100, Medal Spingarn, Bob Hope Humanitarian Award, Jefferson Awards for Public Service, NAACP Image Award for Outstanding News, Talk or Information – Series or Special, NAACP Image Award for Entertainer of the Year, NAACP Image Award – Hall of Fame Award, Gwobr People's Choice, Gwobr Emmy 'Primetime', Producers Guild of America Awards, Marian Anderson Award, 'Hall of Fame' Cendlaethol Menywod, Gwobr Horatio Alger, Anrhydedd y Kennedy Center, 'Disney Legends', Gwobr Llyfr Anisfield-Wolf, American Black Film Festival, Gwobr Genesis, Urdd y Wên, Gwobr Time 100, Gwobr Time 100, Golden Globes, Gradd er anrhydedd o Goleg Spelman, Gwobr Cenedlaethol y Llyfr, Aelodaeth Anrhydeddus Cymdeithas Llyfrgelloedd America, Gwobr Dyneiddiaeth Jean Hersholt Edit this on Wikidata
Gwefanhttp://www.oprah.com Edit this on Wikidata

Cyflwynydd enwog ar deledu o'r Unol Daleithiau yw Oprah Gail Winfrey (ganed 29 Ionawr 1954).

Teledu / Ffilmiau



  • The Oprah Winfrey Show (1986 - )
  • The Big Give (2008)
Baner Unol Daleithiau AmericaEicon person Eginyn erthygl sydd uchod am un o Unol Daleithiau America. Gallwch helpu Wicipedia drwy ychwanegu ato.